So who would you cast for this?

So who would you cast for this?

Alden Ehrenreich as Carth
Garry Oldman as HK-47
Gal Gadot as Bastilla

Idris Elba as Revan

Let’s change Wonder Woman to a prime Replicant qt who can actually act

Gadot is wayyyyy hotter, hun

She's a bit too young imho. Bastilla should be around 30 something.

Sounds awful, so I guess you're probably right.

Bastila should be in her early 20s

Television show
>pitch it as what Disney can use to launch their streaming platform
>demand $200 million to make it
>Treat it as a 10 hour film
>Each episode takes place on a different planet (2 hour opening on Taris, 1 hour on Dantooine, Manaan, Kashyyk, Korriban, Tatooine, Leviathan, Rakata Prime and Star Forge)
>Remove Juhani because she doesn't add anything to the plot

Revan would have to be a no namer. I can't think of anyone who would do a job.

Jared Leto for Malek, based on what I saw of his performance in Bladerunner. He's got the crazy going for him, and he really gets in to his roles. He'd probably work hard for it.

Not sure about Bastila. Maybe Charlize Theron. She's a decent action babe.

Carth... hmm. Liam Hemsworth could pull off the look. I don't really know anything about him as an actor, though, I just googled male actors and his wiki pic looks like a good fit.

Canderous, maybe Ron Perlman.

Mission, well she would be in a lot of makeup, so anyone would probably do as long as she can act.

Jolee would have to be Morgan Freeman, or some other old black guy, and Morgan has that wise old man shit going for him.

Calo Nord, maybe Russel Crowe. Not really based on anything, other than he's old and grizzled looking, which is how I would imagine Calo to be, like Canderous.

Carth = Jason Bateman
Bastila =
Canderous = Ed Harris
HK = whoever voiced HK
Mission = That girl from It
Jolee =
Cat lady = Luv from BR2049

>>Remove Juhani because she doesn't add anything to the plot
They should add a lesbian arc between her and Mission to satisfy their requirement for agenda pushing.

perfect, fund it

Cast Hooch from Scrubs for Jolee

Bateman as Carth is actually genius... He might breath some humor or something into that lifeless husk.

Ed Harris is too serious, too lanky and not built enough to be Canderous. Not that I don't like him as an actor, he just doesn't fit how I would imagine Canderous to look. Canderous needs to have a humorous attitude about life and death, funny while not being funny.

>being this gay

>Jared Leto for Malek, based on what I saw of his performance in Bladerunner. He's got the crazy going for him, and he really gets in to his roles. He'd probably work hard for it.


It's weird both Emilia Clarke and Felicity Jones would have been good as Bastilla; as a self-righteous snob who falls for an alpha male.

You're right, I totally agree with what you didn't say.

Maybe you should have an opinion before being a faggot so people know why you're being a faggot.

i'd watch that

I would have said Ron Perlman as Canderous 2 decades ago but he's too old now.

Disney has acquired Hulu via their recent acquisition of Fox. They already have a streaming platform, it’s a matter of building it up.

I don't know about the others but I know that Malak should be Tom Hardy.

He could still do it. He's just meant to be portrayed as a grizzled war veteran with strong facial features, which Ron is known for. Age isn't really an issue in movies, as long as they look the part.

Nah Fassbender as Malak is the patrician choice

If anything, Fassbender is more of a Revan.

>tfw you don't want a Jew leading the Mandalorians

The thing about Leto is that he puts serious effort into his roles. Despite what you think about him as an actor, he tries hard to make the role work. Malek has a mask, so his face isn't even an issue. The voice, which would be modulated anyway, isn't much of an issue either. Leto can do crazy, that's pretty much all that matters.

nic cage as Zaalbar

You can't do a movie. the gender of Revan and the exile should always have depended on the imagination of the player.

You can do a mandalorian wars movie/tv show but Revan would have to be gender neutral and always wearing the mask.

a 30-something does't look like a kenrath pup when angry

>tfw you have seriously considered at one point McDreamy and McSteamy from Grey's Anatomy as Revan and Malak respectively

you are serious ? he was fucking garbage in BR 2049

How can you be so fucking wrong? Wow.

Revan, in canon, is a male, and he was already portrayed as such in TOR. The Exile was canonically female. Jesus.

Revan male, exile female, we've gone over this

based Revan
If they make a movie they should go for the funny dialogue options for Revan. You already have Carth and Canderous as the serious guys. It would be interesting to see the dark lord Revan as this goofy funny guy.

>exile is canonically female
While I agree with you....B-BUT MUH JEDI JESUS

Well, at least we established one thing here; you sound like a pretentious faggot, just like Leto. You'd think you'd be a fan.

Imagine having such an objectively incorrect opinion and stating it with the utmost confidence, as this user has so foolishly done.

>the gender of Revan and the exile should always have depended on the imagination of the player.
i mean, that's because kotor is a videogame. In a movie adaptation you could totally give him a gender and there would be nothing wrong with that

OH NONONO HAHAHAHA, sry anons I cant reply to you guys seriously

Where does this "Jared Leto is a bad actor" meme even come from? It's like you underage fags have never seen Requiem for a Dream. Leto's performance was the only thing holding that otherwise shitty movie together.

Probably Suicide Squad and all the weird shit he did off set, and then the movie bombed and yet it's somehow his fault that "they" decided to cut the movie to pieces and remove everything that would have made it a decent, maybe even good, movie.

because he is a notorious movie destroyer

The few scenes that Leto had in Suicide Squad were the only interesting parts of the movie.

You want her molasses-thick Israeli accent and static facial expressions in more blockbusters?

yeah, he's quite a big guy

Ron Perlman as Canderous

>generic looking fivehead Jewish capeshit star
>hotter than the prime Dutch goddess
Fuck off idiot

Will Ferrell as Canderous

>Gal Gadot as Bastilla
euthanize yourself

Fuck no.


Ana de Armas as Bastila. Me as Revan.

he is surprisingly masculine for a kike

Yes Disney now has a majority stake in Hulu, but don't expect them to do anything with it. They want to set up their own wholly-owned streaming service that shows exclusively their own products. They don't want to invest heavily into Hulu just so they get the right to share profits with other companies.

The entire point of acquiring Fox was to secure enough content to pad out a streaming service, everything else is a bonus.

Remove Carth because he’s fucking gay

She is overrated no thanks

unironically :

Bastilla = Daisy Ridley
Revan = Adam Driver

The military dude from Avatar as Canderous

Francesca Capaldi as Mission
Stephen Lang as Cancerous

you should seriously think about killing yourself as soon as possible

at least he has some kind of relevance to the plot and a decent storyline, i would remove Canderous and Johani, they're kinda useless

>removing Mandalore


It's not cannon. Disney undid it.

Wouldn't you rather see an original story? How about getting the band back together with a blues brother style chase and race about finding a temple of the Jedi, a trove of knowledge and history after the Jedi purge and the Empire collapsing it was lost on a forgotten moon.

Have fully fleshed out characters that actually bring something to the table besides their affirmative action quotas. Make them minorities I don't care, inclusion is good. But if you can describe a character with out mentioning their race or hair color would be a good start. There is so much they could do if they respected the lore as inspirational. Rather then an annoyance to be purged because it makes them no money.

>Arguing over the genders of non-canon characters
What did he mean by this?

The thread is about making a KOTOR film based of the games canon, which is MaleReven/FemaleExile, thus making the gender pairing canon in the DisneyWars.

The games never existed either, so what's the point of this thread then huh? If we're talking about it, we're talking about the canon it fucking set, so literally eat a dick.

They are Canon, ackshually. Lots of call backs in the new Disney stuff to the "legacy" stuff.

There's no arguing involved, it's just the way it is

Brendan Frasier as Trask

You cannot have a thread about fucking Kotor, talking about the fucking story, and not also discuss the actual canon the fucking game set, regardless if Disney got rid of it, despite the fact that if canon doesn't exist, then these fucking games don't exist.

You're being an absolute faggot. The game was released and it WAS canon in Star Wars lore. Just because some hypercunt says it isn't anymore doesn't change that.

Ryan Gosling - Revan
Malak - some giant white guy with a shaved head
Carth - Tom Hardy
Bastila - don't care
Mission - young black actress
HK - Patrick Stewart with some kind of vocal effects
Calo Nord - Tom Cruise
The Rancor on Taris - Jazz

>Ryan Gosling - Revan
Jesus Christ NO

Maybe I'm just one of those guys who thought that Revan should have been a woman and the exile a male okay. I'm just trying to make Kotor better, but if you want to stay in the past then be that way.

Mandalorian wars are referenced in both Clone Wars, and Rebels.

Kotor is Canon.

Your waifu has a dick. Deal with it.

Removing Juhani is a direct loss of furry neet bux

Rose as Bastilla

There is no canon, least of all internally. Your game is your own story and canon to itself. To the wider Star Wars story KotoR isn't canon. Little callbacks to some guy named Revan doesn't make KotoR canon, it just means there was some guy named Revan who existed in Star Wars.

Whatever Kuntleen says goes. That's how it is now. KotoR can be your head canon, but that's about it. Welcome to Disney's nu-Wars.

Zaalbar is still in, they can fap to his hairy ass

Revan: The Goose / Charlize Theron
Bastila: Alicia Vikander / Emily Blunt
Malak: Bane (for obvious reasons)
Carth: Any hollywood pretty boy that can act
Juhani and Mission: Any young actress who can act
Canderous: Ron Pearlman / Josh Brolin
Jolee: Morgan Freeman / Denzel Washington
HK-47: Andy Serkis
Zaalbar: Vin Diesel (for obvious reasons)
Calo Nord: Adam Driver

I know it's a meme-cast but it has potential.
I don't believe it can ever be adapted though.

I'm ok with that.

It just cannot work that way. The story is about Revan and Malek bro love and betrayal. Bastila is too important of a character and a clear indicator of a love interest. The pottery goes as far as being tempted by her to fall. It just doesn't work as a female, even if the option was there.

Fuck off, and then kill yourself.

No she doesn't actually.

It was stupid to for them to assign genders to Revan and the exile. The entire purpose of the games was that YOU the player gets to decide and not have your version made uncannon by an oligarch in Lucasarts.

Well now you know what thought did.

Also I'd like to see Henry Cavill as Revan, I have to say I like his charisma, I think he'd pull it off.

Tom Hardy
Keith David
Kate Beckinsale
Henry Cavill
Stephen Lang
Sky Ferreira
same voice actor from the game
Jared Leto

Get the fuck outta here, nerd.

God, fake fans are so fucking irritating.

That's from your perspective. I would argue that Bastilla was too cold and to much of a jedi to be relatable too.

Again, what the games fun was that you get to decide. It was stupid of lucasarts to make an official cannon regarding their genders.

You're wrong, and you suck. Deal with it.

Yeah I agree why don't you leave, fake fan!

>Jared Leto

just stop with the leto meme

Carth wasn't a pretty boy. He was more like a whiny soyboy faggot.

Alexandra Daddario as Bastila

Why didn't anyone reply to this thread when I made it a few days ago? :(

Real fans don't try to push their faggy, SJW agenda on something that was clearly explained by the creators.

You really have?

I picture Bastilla as a tiny young bitchy brunette with a nice butt but i can't find any actress like that.