What makes him so good?

What makes him so good?

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>Late Night Talk Show Host #35

He wrote a few lines in a team of writers responsible for a couple of good old episodes of The Simpsons

he was good on late night.
Then he lost Max, Joel, and all his good writers.

his willingness to go to any lengths to show his love of other cultures and peoples.

why does he have low viewership then?

like 3 original writers are still there. he still has good skits anyway. no one here watches him frequently enough to know that though.


Fucking this..only redeeming character is Jordan Schlansky

culture war aint a business
conan is mainly a lefty propagandist these days

>ike 3 original writers are still there

which ones? can't blame people with that much talent for going elsewhere

only guy he still has whose been around a long time is the little hispanic guy?

Colbert is literally #1. this comment is completely retarded.

>Louis C.K.
>Bob Odenkirk
>little hispanic guy
You mean Robert Smigel aka Triumph The Insult Comic Dog?

Define “good”.

Old Conan was pretty based, I don't know about new Conan though, haven't watched him for years.

He's at least better than all the other hosts in my opinion.

oh not that far back I guess. this wasn't his peak anyway. his peak was in the late 90s/early 2000s with Brian Stack + Brian McCann.

the ones I meant are Dan Cronin, Mike Sweeney and Jose Arroyo. Jose (the creepy bespectacled hispanic pedo lookalike) is underrated. the fat guy Andres Dubouchet is clearly the best writer/character actor in his current show.


no, he's not hispanic and left conan's staff a long time ago, makes too much working with sandler

first guy standing on the left, jose

1. He doesn't make regular monologues and cry on camera like Kimmel
2. He doesn't bring his children on his show and use them as political tools to hammer home his political message like Kimmel
3. He doesn't come off as an incredibly fake person like Fallon
4. He doesn't force unbearable fake laughter like Fallon
5. He isn't afraid to touch animals when he as an animal expert on, Kimmel and Fallon are afraid of animals or think it's funny to act terrified, Conan just pets them and enjoys them
6. He doesn't dedicated literally every single episode of his show to Trump like Colbert
7. He doesn't virtue signal like Colbert or John Oliver
8. He doesn't have a highly punchable and ugly face like John Oliver

You might not have realized all this, but your brain did. This is why Conan is /ourguy/. We know what his political beliefs are. But he's not a obnoxious prick about it, constantly shoving it down our throats.

Being funny. Unlike Jimmy Kimmel


It's that degree from Harvard Driving School.

Why do TBS shills keep posting about this Mick faggot?

then why all the propaganda "features" he makes?

>He doesn't virtue signal

They seem like his actual own believes and not just soulless shilling. In a lot of them he is just helping people, even if it is in his own way.

He's the only late night host that's funny off-script

I guess by textbook definition he is virtue signalling with the Haiti thing. But what I can respect about him is that he actually puts his money where his mouth is and he went to Haiti to film a special. And Haiti is a shit hole, make no mistake, but I was very entertained by Conans special

But it's not his money, it's TBS's.

>dissing Conan Without Borders

i noticed a BIG change when he got invited to the white house celebrity dinners during obama
he became a lefty authoritarian, see how he railed against tv hosts who criticized obama then (and now he does the same with trump)

Not his money, not representative of Haiti

You want real integrity, watch this


Louis' dick cut off by the photo angle. Too bad

Conan in the late 90's early 2000's at 1230 was the best late night show by far. Way better than peak Letterman

he did the same with cuba, and mexico

And? Kimmel isn't going to Africa, Colbert isn't, John Oliver isn't. All they do is talk a whole bunch of shit and never put their money where their mouth is. Conan, whether it's his money or not, actually went to Haiti and put on a quality entertaining show. We will just continue to hear Colbert, John Oliver and Kimmel virtue signal but never do anything about it.

Why are they all blue? Low-key shilling?

>he became a lefty authoritarian

You really have no idea what that even means

Late 90s/early 2000s Conan was the funniest shit on television. He was still funny after, but lost his edge over the years. The whole thing where he stayed at a resort in Haiti to prove it's not a shithole was just below his standards. It's something I'd expect Colbert to do.


he was trying to show compassion and build bridges across divides with first-hand knowledge of the situation. things you obviously have no knowledge of.

>his peak was in the late 90s/early 2000s with Brian Stack + Brian McCann.
Amen. Those two don't get the praise they deserve.

no he was trying to virtue signal with lefty propaganda

>[autistic screeching]

Guess what, when your "comedy" show is starts parroting establishment policy and agenda, you become a bit of a authoritarian.

Its funny how you hear liberals take about "state owned media" in Russia being bad but every single "comedy" talk show in america is no different.

I only watch his Norm interviews. He used to let him talk and only called him out every now and then. Now hes insufferable and interupts all the time.

>Andy Richter the swedish german

are you going to deny it happened on multiple times, or are you going to deny that claiming federal gob (as long as he agrees with it) is above criticism from "unvetted" crowd is an authoritarian thing to say?

I really don't understand why people care so much about the Haiti thing.

no you're just trying to spread right wing pro-trump propaganda.

norm is a minefield of a guest on modern days
host need to keep a tigth leash on him

>And which of these buttons calls your parents to pick you up?

Can it ever be topped?

>he was trying to show compassion and build bridges across divides with first-hand knowledge of the situation. things you obviously have no knowledge of.

how is denying problems exist a "show of compassion"?
how is showing an extremely staged view of a bad place "building bridges"?

what part of his special denied problems exist? did you even watch the episode?

>how is showing an extremely staged view of a bad place
oh so now you admit he actually showed bad places. staged my ass. he was a celebrity and people knew he was coming.

the point was showing it wasn't all bad. stop being such a trump cuck.

>tv man make fun of my politics me no like tv man now wahhh

Because it's denying objective reality. Haiti IS in fact a shithole.

Nothing, he's pure cancer. As are the rest of the cucks in his genre.

hati's HDI (human development index) is nearly bottom OF THE ENTIRE WORLD

i live on a country that is around 80th place and it is a fucking shithole where 10% of all crimes reported are ever solved. the only reason i dont leave is my family. haiti is even worse

please NEVER comment again on things you dont understand

... because of its history of poverty and political strife, of which colonialism plays an integral part, the context of which Conan literally explains in his intro: youtube.com/watch?v=hn4mxYDmWgo

actually watch the show before you get so triggered next time.

>special western white snowflakes not virtue signalling by defending shithole nations like Haiti
That's not going to happen, dude.

so many white people, how disgusting

exact same condition apply to nearly the rest of american countries and they rarely dip below 60 hdi
there is something specially shitty in haiti that you cant paint as just "oppression"

I can identify a couple of jews in that picture.

hey, that's Starburns

>frat boy

The Spock look alike flipping off those Star Wars goons.
