Why didn't he like real girls?

Why didn't he like real girls?

he's a fake fag

kek and trips


they're smelly and dirty

hooker wasn't real either

this is now a GET thread, here op check this 5

His virtual waifu told him everything he wanted to hear and he was genetically engineered to have autism like every other new model.

wow holy shit

I don't like real girls either.


Very cool


Nice but check my 7


get out

she wasn't?

>OP tries to have a serious discussion on the film board
>all the kids get distracted by "le epic doubles XD"

No wonder people just go to reddit. At least you can have an actual fucking discussion without getting derailed by dumb bullshit memes.

go back
replicant, not really "real"

Because he's a replicant and considered himself lower/too different from human to be with a human female intimately.

imagine being this mad, go back


Most impressive

>real girls
Android girls are real girls, you androidphobe.

their pussies dont taste like candy



he was a gay

dubs are gay


what the fuck

that is an abomination



This is what happens when you choose the wrong religion





Why is she so mean?

Ah yes
Sup Forums





>ywn have Mackenzie look you in the eye and smile at you like that
Just end it all ffs

Damn she really is pretty.


Call me a fag but, it gets boring and even sad fucking random whores after a while, a waifu is much better when youre a lonely fucker like him.



I would rather 'look-not-touch' a naked Ana de Armas every night than get physical with a man-jawed "real" girl

Plenty of joke answers here.

But the real answer is he loved Joi. When you're truly in love, you don't have eyes for other women.... well, okay, you may occasionally crank down to the thought of other women but you really only physically, mentally, and emotionally; want one person.

>You liked her.I could tell.

she wasn't a replicant. she sympathised and worked for them.

holy fuckball