What do you think?

what do you think?
Should they give him three more chances?

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stage 5: acceptance

What? Who doesn't want two more movies that subvert your expectations?


Yes. I want to see this cunt embarrass himself more and for this brand to finally die.

I think now that the dust has settled it's agreed upon that the only people who hated TLJ were buttblasted fanboys that couldn't handle Luke having an actual character arc and buttblasted /r/TheRedPill posters who couldn't handle women in their Star Wars.

>Johnson will be known as the "The Man who killed Star Wars"

>being this fucking mad

I have zero respect for this guy. It's one thing that he made a shitty movie (a forgivable sin) but his responses after the fact shows how much of a simpering and gross toady he is.

He deserves to be blacklisted, just like what happened with Michael Cimino.

When a franchise as big as SW is taken hostage by a fucking character in it, then it should die, and ll the toxic fandom with it.

Cimino was a fantastic filmmaker you no-taste pleb.

Its the worst possible scenario. It will certainly happen. Absolutely. Lets just have gay Jedi that renounce the force and have sex with trees and the dark side is the good side and the light side is evil because Yoda was a pedophile and women never make any mistakes professionally or personally. Gungans rule the galaxy using thier long tongues for oral sex of captures slave species. Medichlorians are actually Gungan Sperms living in us all. Jake reprises I
His role as a cloned anikin who renounces the force and becomes an exotic dancer on Jaba the Hutt VIII sale barge where he orally pleases the Hutt daily. Our heroes blow up three more huge impossible nevar again super weapons powered by Gumgan sex slaves and built entirely by ghosts of dead stormytroopers who come back to life after a zombie plauge awakens them from their sleep when the vampire people of Prevnar 5 infect The Last Sith with stolen bug people blood from the next galaxy over where it turns out is an exact duplicate of the original galaxy but everything is bizzaro world and backwards upside down and sideways and all the scenes that take place there will be done with puppets voiced and acted exclusively by prison inmates from the last surviving prisoners who lived on Alvatraz. It will make 20gabilkion dollars and when you leave the theater you are given a free pack of R2DR condoms that make your dick into a droid(TM).

If you weighed up Johnson vs Cimino you could literally argue the case for giving Johnson the death sentence.


Yes. I can't wait to watch them all bomb. I don't even care anymore.

You mean three. It's a trilogy, user.


Never heard of it but I can safely assume it's a shitty clickbait garbage site that makes a lot of terrible feminism articles and has no reason to exist other than to be another rock dragging the west to the bottom of the river.

Nah, the last one will be the ultimate subversion and follow standard story beats point for point.

I expect that behind the scenes he is being so, it’s just a question of if the suits want to include Kathleen or not

>Gungans rule the galaxy with their long tongues for oral sex
I want this in any new Star Wars movies anyway

I thought that story was 100% bullshit. Just another damage control article from a multi-billion dollar media conglomerate yelling at the customers.

>plebs who can't into HEaven's Gate

Rian's trilogy is going the same way as Joss' batgirl (though that would be significantly cheaper to make)

I'm not so sure.

Johnson killed a franchise, but Cimino destroyed an entire studio and the fallout from Heaven's Gate lead to this current system we have where producers have to breath down the necks of their directors 24/7 to make sure the movie doesn't become too creative or intriguing.

Wait what happened? Did he say something slightly un-PC on Twitter?

> no rants against capitalism


>It’s not that I have a personal problem with his film style, but can Star Wars sustain three more The Last Jedi debacles? The Last Jedi‘s billion-dollar box office win was driven in part by The Force Awakens as fans clambered to see what happened next. Thanks to word of mouth and fans’ reactions, the film dropped 69 percent in its second weekend. Furthermore, it didn’t land well in China and Jumanji pretty much took over during the holidays.

Nope, they seem to be pointing out the obvious.

He's defending mistakes made in the movie on twitter, the box office was disappointing given what was expected of it, and he doesn't seem that capable of doing an entire trilogy on his own if he's crumbling under pressure after TLJ.

I’m fucking stunned people are actually starting to call the spade the spade now

Let him destroy this bullshit while open-mouthed retards praise it for its porgs

Love how obvious the media control is. Disney didn't want Rian to have his trilogy from the second weekend dropoff, but they couldn't announce that right away or it would be giving up their narrative, and might hurt box office by confirming negative word of mouth. Now that a little time has passed they can start using their controlled outlets to ease people into the fact that Rian's trilogy isn't happening.

When the movie first came out it was easy to pretend it was doing pretty well all things considered, but after Jumanji topped the charts it's hard to defend TLJ.

Jumanji had about a $100 million for a budget, yet has taken in something like $800 million so far? It's plainly done massively better in terms of its budget to box office ratio in comparison to TLJ. Which means audiences wanting a family movie were going to Jumanji INSTEAD of TLJ and that the budget for TLJ is harder to justify to investors.

You have to castrate yourself and drink the kool-aid and then
Only when the comet is in a particular trajectory


I'm expecting nothing but awful star wars movies at this point, so subverting my expectations would actually be a good thing.


>Should they give him three more chances?

I hope they do, I would love for Disney to lose more money and to ridicule feminists even more.

Did an AI write this based off rejected Star Wars scripts?

oh no no no

>The most powerful company in the world is literally run by the most retarded humans in the world

Maybe we're just super-retarded then?


Posted on Wednesday, December 13th, 2017

considering how hard he's still shitposting and being a smug shit on twitter, i dont think anything has changed

>still being this fucking mad

I don't have words for this

>Johnson's trilogy takes place on not-Earth and is about the daily grind of a civil serviceman
>*subverts your expectations*

Ignoring the clusterfuck that is TLJ and Solo, this alone is grounds to fire Kennedy

I'm a different user you cuck, I'm laughing at you being such a dick-licker because you actually fucking replied to that bait, you gayboy, you tranny addict, you stupid fucking dipshit

more money than sense

Lot of the movie was her idea too. The Leia Poppins scene was HER idea. Disney needs to fire Kennedy, her executives and put someone in charge who GETS star wars.

As bad a VIII was it can be fixed. You just need three more movies to do it. I say if someone is gonna direct let it be Simon Pegg. He loves Star Wars, but hates the trilogy and he did the best Star Trek film.

>it can be fixed
it really cant
the next episode has nowhere to fucking go, it got railroaded into a complete predictable deadend
leia is still fucking alive for christs sake

"Ha ha ha.... Tooling! Oh my gosh they're really gonna like that scene! Right everyone?.... right?"

Then it is time...
For Star Wars to end.

It can. You just have to address the problems with the characters in real world situations. I think that if someone does it right IX can be the best Star Wars movie. It's just the chances of them actually sitting down and saying "Okay VIII was garbage and we need to fix this stuff" is basically zero.

>leia is still fucking alive for christs sake

She just dies off screen. You begin the movie with a funeral for her. Though I did see a thread somewhere about Stevie Nicks playing Leia. If that happens then IX is just gonna bomb. No one will go.

>the next episode has nowhere to fucking go, it got railroaded into a complete predictable deadend

It has anywhere to go. VIII ended with a blank slate. From there a writer/director can go anywhere they want.

However, most likely IX is gonna be unbearable. Which is why I'm not gonna go and watch it in the theater unless certain directors are put in charge.

Someone is delusional.

>three More movies of Looper-tier writing and direction

Let Star Wars die. Kill it if you have to.

He's our dark knight.

You're retarded. One of the best parts of Star Wars was always the villains and they fucked that up too. Snoke is dead, who even was he, so we've got Ginger Hitler and baby-face Kylo. Ginger Hitler will betray baby-face Kylo, baby-face Kylo will turn good and join Rey, and then they'll shoot Ginger Hitler and dab on his corpse.
The End
That's shitty, predictable, and Rian "Subvert your expectations" Johnson fucked up Star Wars beyond measure. I mean, if episode 7 was a trainwreck then you would still have 2 more episodes to fix it but there's only 1 deadend movie left for Disney to shit out

A new one!
Scott Mendelsoy has to be on Disney’s pay roll


He's more like one of the jewish globalist assassin sent to destroy western civilization.

I'm not even a tinfoil, this nigga was so on the nose about everything.

>scott mendelson
is this guy just a full time shitposter?

Of course. Disney doesn't care about Johnsons stories and ideas. All they want is a director who will do EXACTLY what they want him to do. No creative freedom, no personal touches, a director who will do exactly what the board wants them to do. And that is exactly what Rian offers.

If Johnson wasn't a fucking soyboy that wouldn't be too terrible of an idea.

>oh um btw Rian is fired



Don't call me retarded. I can see how the movies can be saved. You just need a few more movies to explain away all the retarded stuff.

God, I wish /ourguy/ Rob Cain would post more and BTFO Scott (((Mendelson))).

>it actually happened

>You just need a few more movies to explain away all the retarded stuff.
Movies they won't make.
1. They're going to stick to the 3 movies format set by the OT and PT.
2. Even if they wouldn't, VIII fell on its face and so will IX, along with Solo soon to come.

>Simon Pegg
Fuck no.
He's the biggest hypocrite. He made this massive song and dance about how shit the Phantom Menace was when it came out and then cameo'd in TFA and has praised it as the best star wars in however long and hasn't said jack shit about TLJ as far as I'm aware

well lets be honest, tfa is still the best movie out of the 3 out right now

>can be fixed.
How are they going to make Luke Skywalker less dead?

You know, I'm so used to having my expectations subverted, I would actually be shocked to have my expectations fulfilled. Johnson should give that a try next.

Force Ghost Character Redeption.

It will be such a ham-fisted apology to fans, the critics will hate the movie for putting the scene in there. Let's be honest, JJ doesn't have the brain power to unfuck this dumpster fire.

If Rian Johnson wants to be taken seriously as a feminist he will listen to the feedback of women and bow out of the trilogy

Did he say some non-SJW stuff? I think a Star Wars trilogy where he gets to control the story from start to finish might be worth watching?

How much did Abrams and Johnson collaborate with making TLJ?

He's friends with JJ. Why would he publicly blast a movie, bad or whatever, that was directed by a friend? At least that's what I read about it.

The villains are always a big part of any movie. That Rian shit the bed on that is just so amazing.

Then he even tries acting like giving no story to Snoke is fine?

You're probably right, but who knows?


but, that wouldn't subvert my expectations

Wow you are trying too hard to fit in

That's actually probably what will happen.

>is taken hostage by a fucking character in it

Well, it didn't take Kathleen Kennedy long to run Star Wars into the ground. Each subsequent movie is less good and makes less money than the last.

95% of us think Rian Johnson shat the bed on The Last Jedi.

If they even allow him ONE more Star Wars film, that will be the tipping point where they simply won't be profitable to make anymore.

I get that he likes subverting expectations, and subversion of expectations can really be a great thing but it has to:
A) Make sense within the framework of the story and past events.
B) Be just as cool if not cooler than what people were expecting.
C) They cannot break the lore (many events in TLJ broke the lore).

It can't be, "Remember all those really cool mysteries that had everyone speculating in the last film. HAHAHA! Fuck you! They go nowhere." This was basically his method of subversion.

I think the problem was people already figured out what JJ had planned for Episode 8, so rather than give us some of the cool shit that we had predicted, they gave us opted to give us nothing... and you can tell this asshat Rian thought that was a really clever thing to do.

Honestly, I would have been happy with ANY origin of Snoke rather than none. You can't have a new Emperor rise up from nothing and then not explain it. Maybe if this was just a standalone film that would be fine. When this is the 9th film, that's not okay, origins are very necessary. Same with the Knights of Ren.

And the ending seems to be a shitty compromise between two different writing teams. Team A wanted Luke to fight a singlehanded war as the rebels escaped, and had him die a martyr. Team B wanted to have Luke be a force projection and live to see the sequel. Instead, they took the worst parts of both diminishing the emotional impact of either. If they were going to kill him, having him die in battle would have a much stronger emotional impact.

I honestly thought you were trolling as nearly EVERYONE thought he shat the bed with TLJ.... but nope, it's legit, they're talking about giving this guy a trilogy.

Everyone I knew who saw TLJ thought it was bad with about half of them vowing to never again see Star Wars in theaters (I'm one of em).

If they give this retard three fucking movies, there's not gonna be anyone left still on board.

This is really a time for Lucasfilm Disney to own up to the fact that they botched a movie by putting a halfwit in charge and kick him to the curb like a wet sack of shit. Instead, they're so in denial about their bad choices that they're doubling down on them.

This is like Marvel Comics making every fucking hero a minority, woman, gay, or transgender; and then blaming the male teenagers for the fact that they aren't interested in buying that shit.

We see that Luke didn't die, he meditated so hard he became one with the force... temporarily, and then returned. Yes, Luke is THAT powerful with the force. Get ready for him to kick some major ass in IX!

Subverting expectations does not equal a good movie

The only way Disney could subvert my expectations at this point, is making a good movie.

This post subverted my expectations


if the next one under performs like TLJ he will be fired

thought we will wait till "Soylo the ranger"
maybe than the cancer reylo generasl will die out

user you do realize worse than the ideas, script and cast, the execution was awful by rian johnson and kathleen kennedy

>Luke having an actual character arc

Wasn't his whole existence in this movie sworn to avoiding all conflict with the war period? Some Character arc.

>a trilogy from a director who has this as a gf

Godamn Rian's face is so pleased with himself all the time. I want to slap the shit out of him.

>lost five planets with trillions of inocent people, an entire fleet, a hidden base full of weapons, ALL of their loyal fleet captains, at least 90% of their crew, and her leader only in one week
>FO only lost a bootleg death star, a Dreadnought, got some damage on their ships, and lost an old faggot so useless nobody even knew where he came from

They should reconsider this "saving what we love" bullshit.

I'm betting on him getting to make the first one and then 'leaving' to take a 'producer role' for the rest. If you catch my drift.