Are we supposed to relate to Rey? How do you relate to a girl that never knew her parents...

Are we supposed to relate to Rey? How do you relate to a girl that never knew her parents, lived all her life in a desert, had to beat up thugs for a living, has no friends, can do magic and has a British accent?
I mean even if you are a woman, how do women relate to her character?

That's a stupid argument. Relating to a character means "being able to understand and sympathize with the choices they make", not "being as superficially similar as possible to the audience".

Rey is clearly not for the audience to relate to. She’s a representation of how Kathleen Kennedy and her other culture warrior goons see themselves in the world. These movies are basically middle-aged woman fanfiction like Fifty Shades, but only about power instead of sex.

She is a mary sue. No one can relate to that

>Are we supposed to relate to Rey?
Yes, by not being racist sexist transphobic pigs.

No, because the person who wrote her is a legit psychopath and can't empathise with others.


Your benis is supposed to relate to her pusy.

>tfw no life size rey fuckdoll

as a director, how would you describe rey's personality to someone who is trying to act as her?

>try to be respectful, but also rude
>you're very impatient, but you understsand the importance of waiting
>she's very rash, but your a clever thinker
>she's scared of the new universe around her, but she is very brave

>lived all her life in a desert, had to beat up thugs for a living, has no friends, can do magic and has a British accent

The only characters in Star Wars I unironically relate to are Luke and Rey.

This, I’d relate to her by gently fucking her in the spooning position, kissing her neck and roaming her toned tummy and dfc with both hands no homo

Not really. You are supposed to automatically feel sorry for her plight, simply be dent of her being female. Actually relating to her would mean you need to get to know her, but you aren't expected to get to know her. You aren't expected to get to know anyone in these flicks. I say "flick" because that is all 7 and 8 are. They are just generic modern action flicks, that don't worry about whether they are building a quality narrative, and henge everything on special effects and constant movement energy.

You just hate women don't you!

Well maaaaybe I wouldn't hate women if they would have sex with me for once!

I always thought that the minorities were just complaining when they said they couldnt relate to white male protagonists. I cant relate to american movies anymore now that they insist on female and minoirity leads.

Fuck hollywood.

Maybe if you left your mom's basement... or at least showered! They'd have sex with you!

I could relate to black characters until a girl I was almost certain I could have a thing with started dating a black dude.

>making any effort for a roastie
>putting the vagina on a pedestal

>How do you relate to a girl that never knew her parents, lived all her life in a desert, had to beat up thugs for a living, has no friends, can do magic and has a British accent?
a nigger would be the closest

Self hating nigger lmao.

You've got it all wrong. You don't have to relate to her, she just has to have a compelling story so you root for her. Female protags never stopped me from enjoying Alien or Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I can't enjoy awful, tension free, tumblr fanfic tier garbage and it's not because Rey is a woman.

I have no issue with good minority characters, like Winston.
Rey is just horrible in every regard.

kek, no I'm white, I think

I enjoy movies less when I cant relate to the female or non white lead. If the movie is really great I might enjoy it anyway. The minorities must have been right all this time. I dont bother with hollywood anymore.

Who's Winston?

How do women relate to Bella Swan? How do men relate to the Terminator? Rey isn't supposed to be relatable like Luke was, Rey is about female power and wish fulfillment. She spends her days teaching lessons to old men, flirting with supernatural bad boy Kylo and being loved by everyone.

>I think.

Who relates to the Terminator? I related to Kyle Reese and John Connor.

So what you are saying is the character was made with young women in mind and not young men.


I'd have to agree with this user

>how do women relate to her character?
girls just relate, soccer moms the real focus group dont give a shit either.

This guy.
Regardless of the colour of your skin, you can empathise with him because he feels like a real character you'd meet in every day life, or might even embody something in your own.

Contrast with Rey, who absolutely nobody can identify with, because she's simply not an actual person.

Nobody relates to the terminator, but plenty of people enjoy projecting themselves into his character. Do kids on the playground pretend to be John Connor or did they pretend to be the Terminator?

>How do men relate to the Terminator?
I can't be the only dude who daydreams about being a killing machine.

I day dreamed about fighting the terminator.

Yes, obviously.

Could they have gone away with making Rey flawed and having her making mistakes (and learning from them)? I feel like in the current political climate they couldn't have made a female character flawed in any way, they would have got so much hate for that. People would say they are implying a woman is not as capable as a man.

I feel like most anons would have little trouble relating to a waste of space with no personality.

That's a good point. Well at least it works if you think of these movies as children's movies and that's the case with Star Wars.
Oh yeah I completely forgot. Yeah he was the most relatable character in the movie for me. Or at least the one I could self insert to more easily.

You're not, but that's not 'relating to the character', it's power fantasy. Rey isn't relatable, she's a female power fantasy.

she's the dream embodiment of who those cunts on the lucasfilm story group wish they were

>How do women relate to Bella Swan?
She was written from the bottom up to be a blank slate for women to self insert into.
Hilariously that was a completely unintentional part of Meyer's shitty writing.

this is it

Sometimes (or dare I say usually?) the characters with the least personality traits and the ones that show less emotion are the most relatable.
The least you know what they are thinking the more you can self insert and imagine they are thinking the same as you.