I need a new show to watch. What does Sup Forums think of Ray Donovan?

I need a new show to watch. What does Sup Forums think of Ray Donovan?

It's cool, but the latest season was almost unwatchable.

I think the Hollywood fixer thing was a cool premise but they haven't really done much with it. Instead it's mostly kinda boring family drama.

Liev Schreiber and Jon Voight are good, but the kids really drag the show down.

I'm nearly finished season 2. It's ok, but I hope it gets better.

pretty much this, I dont mind having some interesting character drama but they really drag it out and it isnt even executed that well. I think I dropped it around season 3 or something. I heard pic related was in the last season but I guess she doesnt do much. Maybe if she got her gazongas out I would pick it up again.

Liev Schrieber the child beater

fuck that pedophile communist kike

There isn't really a plot anymore. It's literally not about anything anymore

falters off a little bit around season 3. It wants to be a gangster show but it doesnt have any balls and way too much convenient plot armor and red shirts that get killed for faux drama. Half of the cast should have been killed 3 times over for the stuff they pull
last season get everything back on track and the next season might be cool, but the original premise changed as it went on

Pedo kike

Last season was bordering on unwatchable and atrocious. Flashbacks didn't work Abbey's story was dogshit and everything went nowhere. It's more a bad family drama then a cool fixer show

>Last season gets everything back on track

You're jokinf

>What does Sup Forums think of Ray Donovan?

Are you really asking that?

yep. it's an alright show. nothing special. could easily be better.

It’s alright, worth watching for Jon Voight


Holy shit. Rich people really can do anything they want and get away with it.

ray went back to being a fixer for hollywood, which he hadnt done for the past 3 seasons and was the whole premise of the show. He's been a wanna be james bond/tony sopranos hybrid
if they had stuck with the fixer plotlines it would have been fine. If he had partnered up with cochran it would have been better


I watch an episode every week with my Dad. The episodes are only like 40 or 50 minutes but they feel like a fucking eternity.

Wasted potential: the show

>Instead it's mostly kinda boring family drama

God damnit I fucking knew this. Out of curiosity I checked the wikipedia article, which mentions the RT ratings. 76% is okay but if the show focused solely on the fixer-aspect of his life, it would be somewhere near 90% if the show was worth watching.

The second I noticed the second mention on the actor list was a woman, I knew it. It would be another American TV-show with a premise that sounds good but focuses on family drama, always a dysfunctional family and especially a wife/ex-wife ruining things.

When will hollywood learn we do not want to see family drama. Sure it's cheap to produce but it's SHIT CONTENT.


This. No one cares about the family stuff.



Is his wife supposed to be attractive?

I don't understand why that young chad detective guy is so into her