Whatever the current banner is atop Sup Forums for you right now gets a cartoon made of it in America, how do you react?

Whatever the current banner is atop Sup Forums for you right now gets a cartoon made of it in America, how do you react?

Angry disgruntled Yotsuba?

I'd watch it.

I don't know what this is.

Glad to see it come back to these shores.

It'd be like the link cartoon that was already made but the triforce would be like this


I'm okay with this.

Looks like something to bait Sup Forums and /mlp/

I can dig it.

I'm not oldfag enough to understand this one.

I dont care.

Sup Forums has the best banners of any website though.

I don't think Nedroid could work in a serialized cartoon, it would have to have a super sporadic schedule based on when a good joke pops up

Obviously you build up a whole season then release it regularly. Or just do some kind of webcartoon where you're allowed to be both shorter and more irregular in release.

That's Jin Sayatomi

Sup Forums died. A lot. Not much to get really.

You are now aware the
>dot net fo'shizzle
banner with the swastika got removed.

attack on shit anime already exists though

I got Rin and Stimpy. Though it was an /aco/ banner so I guess it will be R rated.


I dont know who this is, at first thought it was Spike from Cowboy Bebop but closer look is its someone else.

Like a cartoon/anime Jack Sparrow

oh yeah

That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die.

Never forgetti

this one is gone?
I never noticed

Eh it's more like

>That which lives with his mom can't afford to pay for the servers.

Samurai Champloo. Watch it.

Oh, I watched it along time ago, but yeah I see its Mugen

Hoo boy