ITT: trilogies where 2 > 3 > 1

ITT: trilogies where 2 > 3 > 1

starting with pic related


Take your medication.

Nice bait.

shit b8

I'm gonna give you 1 = 2 but that's as far as I'll go.

This series is literally 1>2>3

What's the mural behind?

>2 > 3 > 1
>pic related


matrix is shit anyway it's dated as hell and needs a reboot

1 was a movie
2 was a tech demo
3 was a twisted SFM project

1 > The Matrix Revisited (all three) > 2 > Enter the Matrix > 3


Strangely enough.

Unironically the Star Wars prequels.


thinking otherwise is an indication of bad taste

I agree, 2>3>1

This has never happened. The 2nd movie is never the best it's either the 1st or 3rd


Good job proving his point

metal gear solid

Reloaded is not better than 1, but it's certainly not as bad as everyone pretends.

If 1 was the standard "Hero's Journey" than 2 is a decent attempt at what comes after which is fairly rare.

This scene in particular was kino, but brainlets don't understand it.

3 was kinda a mess but I still largely enjoyed it, i think the wachowski brothers(female) are interesting film makers who put interesting ideas in their movies, but normie audiences don't appreciate most of it.

Indiana Jones

But Attack of the Clones is by far the worst prequel by a huge margin. The Phantom Menice had some very solid parts and 3 was pretty good all around. 2 had almost nothing going for it, save for Christopher Lee.

>This scene in particular was kino, but brainlets don't understand it.
Overall I agree with your take on Reloaded, but I'm not as big on the architect scene. It was fine, but I wasn't huge on the whole "heh, nothin personnel but you lose Neo" aspect of it. Pic related was my favorite part of the movie by a lot.

i liked the third one more than the second

I agree, I enjoyed reloaded's attempt to greater contextualize The Matrix as more than just a simplistic prison for humanity. Having other, different conflicting interests makes for a more interesting world. The Matrix in the first film is frankly a bit boring, and needed other personalities to flesh it out a bit.


>ITT plebs think op is trolling

2 is a perfect sequel that follows the criteria, it's the first movie ramped up to 11. The third one is great because it tries to be different from the other two so you don't feel tired of the same old shtick.

They came out during the "war on terror" when people stopped freeing their mind, everyone who dislikes these movies is just hiveminding with the opinion that they suck.

Marathon all three in a row, preferably stoned, you'll appreciate the character development and the symbolism of the story.


>just watch the movies, preferably after slamming your head into the ground until concussed, and you'll see how brilliant they are

Low energy response

>everyone who dislikes these movies is just hiveminding with the opinion that they suck.
yeah, that's what's going on. it has nothing to do with revolutions being rotten with "we need an ending and we need it fast" syndrome

No you are just too millennial to pay attention to the dialogue and figure out the easy symbolism of it. It's nothing mind blowing but it's fitting to the story.

I've never actually seen any real concrete criticisms of the second and third movie, only that "they suck just because"

The dock battle scene in 3 was combat kino

>the wachowski brothers(female)
I kekd 2 hard

Exactly! All the secondary characters came together and all played a part. The cgi holds up for it's time better than the other 2 and all the star wars prequels combined.

I had to look through the wikipedia page for movie trilogies to come fin anything that fits. this is the closest I found

it's fitting to reloaded which was already fanfiction in the shadow of the matrix. the second two movies pretty severely break the end of the matrix

*to find
I dont have any excuses

The Bourne Trilogy

do you think the matrix sequels could be cut into one good movie?


Pick one

The Architect scene basically showed that Neo was himself a system of control by the machines along with the city of Zion. Neo, with the choice to save Trinity but risk destroying all of Zion/human race than save the small portion of it, showed that he has fully chosen free will.


a classic

>Neo was himself a system of control by the machines along with the city of Zion
this idea makes the first movie worse, it was the seed of shit from which the sequels grew.

Yes. There's too many scenes in the sequels that just repeat the same points that relate to the over-arching theme. Almost like the Wachowskis thought audiences were too dumb to get the idea, so they have several scenes repeating what other characters already said in another scene. You could cut down on most of that and probably have one whole solid movie.

>1 2 3
The Matrix

>2 3 1
Captain America

>2 1 3
The Godfather

>3 1 2
Iron Man

>3 1 2

Godfather is 1 > 2 > 3

capeshit is all the same to me

More like 1 >>>>>>>>> 2 >>>>>>>>> 3

Uncharted 3 is ass bro. Not even made by the main naughty dog studio, huge letdown.

but user, source filmmaker didn't exist yet

Still holds up great today imo, especially the sound

Unironically agree. Reloaded is one of the best action movies of the past twenty years.

first avenger is so much better than civil war though. civil war is trash and even though it's titled captain america it's more like an avengers movie