Why Is This Man About To Win An Oscar?

Why Did The Oscars Snub James Franco But Not Gary Oldman?

The folly is in thinking Hollywood could ever be anything but selective in its moral judgments.

On the same morning James Franco was stiffed by the Academy Awards, almost certainly over allegations of sexual misconduct, a man once accused of hitting his wife in the face with a telephone receiver was nominated for an Oscar for best actor, for which he was quickly reckoned the prohibitive favorite. If you want to believe the depth and sincerity of Hollywood’s commitment to #MeToo and #TimesUp, a question you have to ask yourself is this: Why was James Franco snubbed but not Gary Oldman?

Or, more broadly, why are some famous men experiencing career ramifications as a result of the #MeToo movement while others are not?

Franco, who won best actor awards at both the Golden Globes and Critics Choice Awards this month, seemed like a front-runner in this year’s Oscars race for his performance as Tommy Wiseau in “The Disaster Artist.”

But on Jan. 11, Franco’s alleged history became a part of his awards season narrative. In a report published by the Los Angeles Times, five women came forward with allegations that Franco had been a sexual tyrant while working with them as an acting teacher and mentor.

Franco has disputed these claims and others, but his Oscar snub seemed like a sign of a new age of accountability, when professional honors are withheld on the basis of allegations of misconduct.

Well, some honors. Occasionally withheld. And maybe only on the basis of certain kinds of misconduct.

Consider Gary Oldman, who was nominated for his portrayal of Winston Churchill in “Darkest Hour.” In 2001, Oldman’s then wife, Donya Fiorentino, filed papers in L.A. Superior Court alleging that Oldman had assaulted her with a telephone. Per the New York Daily News, she wrote:

As I picked up the phone to call the police, Gary put his hand on my neck and squeezed. I backed away, with the phone receiver in my hand. I tried to dial 911. Gary grabbed the phone receiver from my hand, and hit me in the face with the telephone receiver three or four times. Both of the children were crying.
Oldman denied the allegations, saying at the time that they were “replete with lies, innuendos and half-truths.” Police investigated the claims. No charges were ever filed.

Fuck off soycuck

Or consider Kobe Bryant, who secured an Oscar nomination for a short film called “Dear Basketball.” In 2003, Bryant was accused of raping an employee at a hotel in Edwards, Colorado. In the runup to the criminal trial, the woman, 19 years old, was made to walk the Sex Crime Accuser Stations of the Cross. The case was dropped, but the woman sued Bryant. They eventually settled out of court, and Bryant apologized to the accuser without admitting guilt.

Or consider Kirk Douglas, who earlier this month got the grand-old-lion treatment at the Golden Globes, when he introduced the nominees for best screenplay. Douglas is long rumored to have raped Natalie Wood when she was 16 years old.

How do we reconcile the approbation these men have received with the Academy turning its back on Franco? Is it simply a matter of paying your dues? Oldman and Douglas were famous long before they were accused of any sort of transgression against women. Has Franco simply not garnered enough respect or clout in the industry for us to turn a blind eye to the allegations?

Is it reputation? Is Franco’s alleged conduct held to be more offensive because of his self-branding as a sort of sexual maverick? Does Oldman, in a strange way, benefit from the expectations created by his illiberal politics, which will never put him in the position of being a hypocrite on the subject of gender?

Or is it just a question of timing? The fresher the allegations, the more likely we are to make an example of the alleged miscreant. Have men like Oldman or Johnny Depp or Casey Affleck, men who were accused of things long before #TimesUp, been “grandfathered” in, as it were? It seems reasonable to think that Oldman, had he found himself in the midst of a fresh round of allegations this awards season, might have also been snubbed.

To answer the question: because Gary Oldman is absolutely fucking based.

Man it would be a shame if huffington post got firebombed.

Not gonna lie, former Oldman supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Gary crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this man get the Oscars

If time were truly up, these questions would be irrelevant. It isn’t, and they’re not, and right-wing commentators want to see the asymmetries in Hollywood’s response as evidence of a disqualifying hypocrisy. But the larger folly is in thinking Hollywood could ever be anything but short-memoried, selective and situational in its moral judgments when the star-making and -breaking machinery around it — the media and the courts, among other institutions — operate in the same way.

Gary Oldman is an Oscars favorite because whatever happened in 2001 left no mark on his record, legal or otherwise. Hollywood wasn’t going to make an example of someone whose example was scarcely even known.

Kobe Bryant got an Oscar nomination because the dark parts of his past had long ago been boxed out of the public narrative about him. Hollywood wasn’t going to cut against a consensus about Kobe it had no role in creating.

Kobe did nothing wrong.

There are many Francos and many Oldmans across the country. They are not all glamorous movie star actors, but they are all men who have used their power and professional reputations as currency for getting away with “it,” however heinous or relatively harmless “it” may be. These Francos and Oldmans are tenured professors, CEOs, restaurant owners, construction site supervisors, retail store managers. And like Franco and like Oldman, these men have faced consequences for their actions arbitrarily, unpredictably, and with varying degrees of severity.

Maybe “Why Franco and not Oldman?” is the wrong question. Maybe asking Hollywood alone to smooth out these contradictions, to adjudicate solely by way of an awards ballot the cases that neither the courts nor the media were eager to take on in the first place, is a pointless endeavor.

Maybe a better question is whether Hollywood is really snubbing Franco at all. As of Jan. 18, he has 14 movie projects in various stages of development, films that he is starring in, producing, directing. Losing an Oscar is one thing. Losing a lucrative career in Hollywood is quite another.

>In the runup to the criminal trial, the woman, 19 years old, was made to walk the Sex Crime Accuser Stations of the Cross.
What the actual fuck is that supposed to mean?

What possible fucking reason does anyone have to give a fuck who gets an award for any of this shit?

There is none. There is no fucking reason in the world why any of you should even be aware of these pointless industry awards.

Every industry hands out awards. They mean nothing to anyone but the people receiving them. Every other industry on earth has the good fucking sense not to televise themselves giving awards to each other. But this shit? No this shit is SO IMPORTANT to life on earth that everyone everywhere should tune in and watch as the TV & Movie business gives itself awards, and then, get online and write impassioned arguments about why you agree or disagree and oh the injustice omg

I can't even imagine the sad sacks of shit that actually watch this shit and give a fuck about it. Have some fucking self respect, jesus christ.

And yet you're still going to watch it like the rest of us, cuck.

>Oldman supporter here.
Oh? How did you support him? Did he live in your guest room while he was trying to find work? Did you pay his heat bill to keep him and his family warm through the winter?

Fuckin retards, all of you.

No, he won't, no I won't.

I sat through it once, in 1992. Not likely, but nice try going on the offensive ya hapless twat.

>Police investigated the claims
>No charges were ever filed.

someone arrest this man, he's done literally nothing!

What makes you think that Franco deserves an award for the disaster artist?

Oscar shitposting is the best night of the year on Sup Forums. You're missing out.

Most adults do not have time to follow all this and possible are not aware of any of this.

Nobody watches the Oscars, you idiot. Most people do something else while refreshing Google to see who wins best picture, best actor and best director.

Not gonna lie

I'd probably kill myself if I had to watch more hollywood self-congratulatory bullshit after sitting through 10 mintues of the BAFTAS

Women are children in adult bodies. That's why it's women and children first when the ship is sinking.

>Franco needs to ask himself "Does today look like it's white boy day?"

>These Francos and Oldmans are tenured professors, CEOs, restaurant owners, construction site supervisors, retail store managers
They are desperate to push that Hollywood sleaze is everywhere, as if everywhere is as bad as that cesspit. I can see CEOs but retail store managers? We are supposed to think they are using their power as assistant manager at Dollar Tree to rape potential employees?

How mature.

Anyone have the name of who wrote the article?

>You want that extra shift, sweetie? That's a cool $40.

*unzips khakis*

>one accusation of abuse by ex wife who hates him
>police looked into it and nothing happend

>multiple accusations by multiple women
>Franco even admits he fucked up

wow so similar much resemblance

His Drexl character was phenomenal. That shit he pulls with the lampshade was fucking poetry. What an actor.



You're reaching, guy. Her twitter bio says she's born in Ghana.

Not gonna lie, former 93856899 supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching 93856899 crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this man get the Captchas

Back then, people had the sense to question the validity of the accuer’s story. Imagine the shame and humiliation she went through when holes were poked through her narrative.

Now we accept them all at face value no matter how implausible it sounds.

If anything retail store managers are probably more likely to harass their employees. Picture some 40 year old loser who’s been stuck managing a Cinnabon for a decade, he’s definitely not going anywhere and all around him are the faces of young kids, often pretty girls, who have more talent and potential than he will ever have. In my experience that easily makes your average joe into an asshole. Imagine if that manager was also sexually repressed and suddenly stopped giving a fuck?

I was being ironic my friend

More of the author's articles. What really grinds my gears is her article is the #1 google search result now for "Gary Oldman" what the fuck.

>Imagine if that manager was also sexually repressed and suddenly stopped giving a fuck?
Yeah... imagine what he could do with all that power.

>underage redditor detected
Can't you leave social media alone, you are one pathetic faggot, consider suicide.

>Spike lee is free to be mediocre.

LOL. He sure has been since Son of Sam.

>provoking pieces of writing by people of collor

lemme guess. whitey something, woe is me, need mo money fo dem programs, slavery,


>huffington post is social media
wew lad

It means that questioning an accusation as serious as rape is morally wrong in their eyes.