The hardest thing to do in the game is worth 10 points

>the hardest thing to do in the game is worth 10 points
>the easiest thing to do in the game is worth 150 pounts

Other urls found in this thread:

Are any popular sports invented by women?

>a thing that happens a dozen times per game is the hardest thing
>finding a tiny gold ball explicitly stated to be nearly invisible on the field is the easiest
ok buckaroonie

So why does the rest of the game exist?
Why not have 2 seekers and 2 snitches?
Or alternately, 40 seekers and 40 snitches and whoever catches the most wins?

Because reasons.

Its basically 2 games at once and an entire team thats pointless whenever harry potter is on the field.

In reality the field players would hate the seekers and probably just sabotage them together then proceed to play their traditional ball-game.


the hardest game is saying that this isn't most exciting franchise in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been distinguishable from the others. Aside from the incredible imagery, another one of the series’ consistencies has been its saturation of excitement and effective use of special effects, all to make nonmagic magical, to make inertia seem actiony.

Perhaps the die wasn't cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would always be a work of art that meant everything to everybody? Not just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be pro-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the pro-James Bond series in its inclusion of wonder, beauty and excitement. Everyone wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they still do.

>the books were even better though


The writing is awesome; the book was terrific. As I read, I noticed that every time a character stretched his legs, the author wrote instead that the character "went for a walk."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope one time. I was elated. Rowling's mind is so governed by the rejection of cliches and dead metaphors that she has a lush style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will not go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, not trained to read Stephen King.

How many soy points do you get for pretending this is good?

And what the fuck was Gryffindor thinking starting a first year as a seeker? that's like a college team starting a freshman as a QB.


Quidditch would actually be really cool if beating up the pansy-ass rick kid seeker was a regular part of each game.

Well it lead to this:

>women in charge of making sports

But the game ends only when someone finds the snitch right?

There was a pretty good explanation I read on this. The rules were made when brooms weren't nearly as amazing as they are now.

Is this pasta?

>that's like a college team starting a freshman as a QB

even worse, because even freshman college players have a decade plus of playing the game in early childhood and middle school leagues

11 year old seekers will be lucky to have ever touched a broom and that's if they grew up in a wizarding household

Weren't there games that went on for days, weeks, and in some cases, months?

I think the point difference was ridiculous, but that was kind of the point, wasn't it? Everything in the wizarding world was supposed to be ridiculous. That's why their money was strange as well. 29 Knuts to the Sickle and 17 Sickles to the Galleon was just goofy. In other words, it's a joke.

>That's why their money was strange as well. 29 Knuts to the Sickle and 17 Sickles to the Galleon was just goofy. In other words, it's a joke.
It's time to end decimalisation, I NEED MY GUINEAS

Then why not, I dunno m8, change the fucking rules?

oh so its commentary on sports and rules I get it

Honestly, just get over it

What's the magic equivalent of Amerishoots?


>this is how women deal with criticism

>J. K. Rowling first developed Quidditch after a fight with her boyfriend at the time in a small hotel in Manchester. Some of the game's elements, such as the Golden Snitch being worth a disproportionate amount of points, were due to her state of mind at the time, as she felt these elements would be frustrating to men

an easy fix would be to have a set score limit like I don't know, every other sport in existence. The seeker is like the only player that matters, I bet everyone else gets mad at all the witch puss they get.

A good children's writer, like Lewis Carroll or Roald Dahl, writes stories where everything is ridiculous but still makes sense in the context of the universe. A shit children's writer like Rowling writes stories where everything is ridiculous for no goddamn reason.

6/10 on the lead-in

Yes, yes. Well done Slytherin well done Slytherin. HOWEVER


>ywn play quidditch with harry potter and his friends

>ywn beat the shit out of faggot Harry and chill with the Slytherins in their comfy DnD dorm

>ywn get captured by bellatrix and used as a sex slave

a frosh just beat a frosh in the title game matey boi

>even talking about this blatantly pay to win game where having a more expensive and faster broom grants you an advantage over others

harry shitter is for fags

shit intro brah

>hating people because they have money
How's the trailer park this time of year, Cletus?

is there an instance in the movies where quidditch is played and Harry doesn't win the game by catching the golden snitch?
Wouldn't it make a lot more sense to have everybody except the goalie go for the snitch?
How come there is nothing in place to prevent literally anybody in the stands from using magic to influence the game? How can the game have any integrity?

Perhaps women should be the seekers, as they are only 1/15 of a man's worth

keep btfoing HP fangirls and their soyboy slaves



Lmao haven't seen the subversion version yet

Meanwhile, in real football:
>A player is in an offside position if they are in the opposing team's half of the field and is also "nearer to the opponents' goal line than both the ball and the second-last opponent."

This is considered a foul rather than a tactical advantage.


Harry potter wasn't for kids.

It was for retarded kids.

Don't try to understand it unless you are retarded.

The problem is that it expects us to believe that this takes place in the same world as ours, as opposed to like user was saying about Lewis Carroll's wonderland.

thank you, based dullard poster.

expecting a retard like jkr to understand the offside rule

How are you supposed to all remember that while playing?


>"infuriates" men in particular
No shit. Women don't know how sports work so it'd never bother them.

user, you got tricked.


Time to fire that commentary back up.

Do yuros unironically follow rules like this? No wonder they're so used to losing wars

you're not right but the game is really badly thought out and shouldn't be anywhere as much discussed as it is.

it's a bad game from a children's book written by someone who probably doesn't give a single shit about sports and just looked for another opportunity to make the MC the hero.

You all are plebs. Also note that catching the snitch ends the game. This means you can strategically catch it at some points to ensure victory. It's actually an interesting mechanic. Where Rowling went wrong is making the snitch weighted so much and goals so little. Make goals 20 or the snitch 50 and you have a decently balanced game.

>This means you can strategically catch it at some points to ensure victory. I
given the absurd amount of points you get, that's every point of time

it should just end the game and do nothing more, then it would be perfect

>I stopped after I had marked the envelope only one time
Tip top Kek

I agree the points are messed up. I said that in my post. I just think the mechanic is interesting. Having it simply end the game is good, but it having a point value as well makes for closer calls and more dynamic play IMO.

The decision tree grows in the "catch or don't catch" the snitch.


>The decision tree grows in the "catch or don't catch" the snitch.
it could also lead to just directly trying to stop the other seeker from getting it when your team is way behind.

wouldve made for a much more interesting game with a very subtle change but of course "muh big number" was more important

Yeah, Rowling sucks at worldbuilding to a large degree although everyone likes to pretend otherwise.

Gryffindor - Brave, Courageous
Ravenclaw - Smart, Witty
Slytherin - EVIL
Hufflepuff - Nothing


She always tries to fix her mistakes, but the story itself doesn't lie.

>one Wizarding school in all of the UK.


Am I the only one that thinks Harry potter is accurately praised?

Looked down upon by serous literary people
Published worldwide because it's whimsical andEngland is a magical place
Commercially successful, but not Tauren seriously

Even Mrs Rowling lives up to a very basic stereotype of the time: active on social media, mainstream political positions, overly emotional reactions

Everything about the Harry Potter universe in reality and fiction is perfectly moderated for mass appeal. Not to mention the unappreciated application of tepid reading level language.

*taken not Tauren

It is what it is, but what it is is overrated.

After I took up reading Japanese light novels a couple years ago, I'd say Harry Potter is mediocre even for trashy reading.

Mostly because the main character doesn't do much. Instead of being the person helping to drive the story forward, he's just along for the ride. Rowling was mostly good at including settings and varying 'things' of vaguely magical seeming nature, making the stories more like a theme park rides.


What the fuck are you on about? Last war America won was the fucking independence war and that because we let you.

The problem is that the game was designed so Harry could be the lone, key player. Malfoy could also be the key player on the other team, so they could compete. Of course, the game makes no sense in-universe. They claim games have gone as long as four weeks because seekers can't find the snitch. This game needs a timer, with the seeker and the snitch removed. It even says in that quidditch history book that it used to be played that way, and the snitch was just a later addition originally added as a contest.

You mean like the 2 teams in the championship game this year?

That's what I had in mind, I can see why it appeals to a wide audience. You experience the world, very little characterization is actually a bonus for mass international appeal.

Harry carries out a lot of plans he makes.

>this is how a female deals with criticism

actually pathetic.

>they are only 1/15 of a man's worth

They are utterly worthless you soy-eating fuck.

You assume it's the easiest just because Harry was a gold seeker. It's literally needle in a hay stack.

>Civil War
Confederates soundly defeated
>Spanish-American War
Spaniards soundly defeated
>Vietnam War
Viet Cong forced to sign a treaty
>Mexican-American War
Mexicans soundly defeated
>Iraq War
Saddam and his government defeated
>War in Afghanistan
Taliban BTFO

Also, Brits lost the American Revolution because of the frogs.

I always read this till the very end.
Subpar intro though, work on that based poster

>Harry was a gold seeker
Do Jews make better seekers?

>Do Jews make better seekers?

They're bad athletes, but they're good at chasing gold...

...that's a toughie.

America has unironically never been defeated militarily in a war


>each team has three regular players and one keeper
>each team also has two players whose job is to send the opponents to the hospital
>each team also has one guy who plays some kind of hide and seek unrelated to the rest of the game

>pretending to be retarded

>Vietnam was a tactical retreat

>what is strategic vs tactical