Our Cartoon President

Episode 1 of this drumpfkino was just released. Discuss.


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>mfw liberals think this is a documentary

trump is does and says funnier things every week than anything these hack writers could put out

Can't see it, probs for the best.
Quick rundown?




>Chuck Schumer New York/Progress scene
>Melania is /ourgirl/
>Ivanka is still hot

There are a few jokes that are really funny, but everything else is shit I could've come up with.

Every time.

my god it even rhymes

>Somebody please inform Jay-Z
>That because of my policies
>Black unemployment has just been reported

This show will make trump more popular.
They really are unable to fight him.

>Quick rundown?

I think it's the fact that there's no transition from scene to scene, it feels like a mess and is unorganized

This is just Lil Bush

Yep, they should have stuck to calling him Hitler. Now he's Homer Simpson.

This is retarded.

>comedy and politics

Well, no wonder it is retarded.

He just never stops winning. I might actually be tired of winning by 2024.

no it won't, because no one will watch it

Pretty much. Nobody likes big budget whining.


This. I can't see how putting someone in cartoon form won't make them more likable.



Thought the same thing. People think that Homer is stupid, but like him.
And not even THAT stupid because they see his moments and are able to feel for him and follow his adventures.
These people are emotionally stunted. They just don't get how people work.

>blocked in my country
Do these people even know how the internet even works? Why does region blocking even exist today.

His character design also doesn't reflect Trump but rather some 90's Animaniacs character, he's really giddy and smiling all the time, liberals don't see him like that...

How come there was no Obama cartoon that showed him and his family as the monkeys that they are?

Its like he satirized himself. Who would do this and think "Ah yes i am smart"
Only the retarded redditpolposters would go "YES OUR KING IS SHUTTING THIS NIGGER DOWN"

Scott Adams even pointed out this would likely happen. They start out calling him Hitler, but then since he doesn't do any Hitler like things they have to pull back a bit or else they look stupid.

So then they start saying he's just incompetent/stupid, but then he starts getting things like the fight against ISIS largely finished, the tax bill through, and the mandate ended.

Over the next year they'll end up transitioning to something like he's competent, but they don't like what he does.

Picking fights with celebs is what Trump has always done, brainlet. The fact that you're getting mad about it means it's working.

>3:12 into this
>Three white people on a couch, it's Fox and Friends
>One of them is brown/latino/whatever
And I thought the 56% meme was a joke.



It's more just Trump shitting on Jay Z for making stupid comments like how it doesn't matter if poor black people are able to get jobs/money.

if you were at a party Trump would be the funniest person out of all of these contrived snarky comedians.

look at how quick he clapped back with "you'd be in jail". Colbert would be in the shower replaying the debate the next morning when he'd come up with that.

Reminder to the monolingual troglodyte Americans ITT that Trump is an open source of mockery and contempt to the rest of the world.

No he's not, we love him

t. Ahmed Mohammed Mehmet

Wow as Jewish Swede this is really scary. From his tweet it sounds like being Jewish is something negative.


he was the symbol of the fire rooster and now he's the symbol of the earth dog?

It is.

oh no. the socialist trannies in the European Caliphate are making fun of us. How can I ever live with myself?

>being german
>cucking your own country this hard

>lil rump

Most of the world gets their stories on Trump from a handful of American outlets that despise him.

Hell in Japan's diet they had politicians openly stating that they shouldn't bother believing reports about Trump from the US because they're always so wrong.

You nazies will never win.

This is true! Everybody here laughs at him and thinks that he's dangerous and an embarrassment to the world.

are we still on namek?


>implying anyone who isnt a batshit insane liberal nutjob in Europe pays attention to Trump at all

t. ESL mutt

the 2016 election was like marathoning the frieza saga desu

>mfw proud native of Angrywhitemenistan

>Europeans always obsessed about America
>Never see any Americans obsessed about Europe

really makes a man think

>popular in dictatorship countries

There are two kinds of country in the world: those that use the metric system, and those that have been to the Moon.

why does everyone want to get into angrywhitemenistan if its so terrible?

When did Colbert become the liberal Glen Beck, the very thing he used to parody?


really makes your wrinkles crinkle

Indeed its a mystery why these eurocucks cant fuck off and worry about their own countries instead of trying to virtue seek using ours.

Not quite as terrifying and absurd as the real life Ronald Chunk

What did the britcucks mean by this? Imagine being this assblasted...

Why are Brits surprised Americans dont take them seriously? Have they forgotten where they are in the superpower totem pole?

Is that millionaire? They still have that show?

Reminder that the German political elite invited over a million of refugees into their country in a space of a couple of years, despite the vast majority of its citizens being against it
stay cucked

Every. Fucking. Time.

I know he is trolling but employment has been on a steady rise since 2012. I doubt his one year had much effect on that.

>Jewish Swede
thats funny Jews dont belong to any nation other than Israel

President DUMP is dead and buried. Wh*te 'people' had their chance to prove to us they deserve to be on our planet and they failed miserably.

Big difference between part time McJobs and full time positions. Obama admin loved to play up the jobs numbers but we all know they weren't full time.



>blocked in my country

It premise/writing looked promising, but I can't get over the shitty animation (which is weird, because I can enjoy South Park). It looks like cheap Flash animation, except I've seen Flash animation that looks better. Had to stop it early.
If they can fix how it looks, maybe it'd be more watchable.

wtf i hate drumpf now!

Reminder that the German political elite is run and owned by the US of A.


>being proud of the biggest fake news of all time

wtf this

What does it say?

I'm so happy the media is with us #resist!!!

The left is take losing their shit over this. Especially since it is true.

I'm a liberal faggot and most of the "No" things can clearly be left at the door. Who wrote this, Friedrich Engels?

I unironically don't see anything wrong with that ban list.

Um what? What he tweeted was factual. Bugger unemployment has only been tracked for the last 45 years and as of this month it's the lowest ever. That's why cnn and all the lefty plantation owners are losing their shit.

damn only if that was the black crime rate

It's a legal matter, not a technical one. Licences and shit.

I wonder how angry Jay-Z would be if someone tweeted at him saying "Jay-Z, Trump has done more for your community in 1 year than you've done in your entire career."

>What is President Donald Trump's most commonly-used nickname in the US:

Read the thread someone made a different link for us.

The thing is we don't care, in fact we would worry of the eurocucks loved him.

kinda like his presidency

when trump scooped not once but TWICE

Yeah I don't see anything on the no list that I disagree with. I want whitemanistan.

Blumpf, for sure, the full mil, here i come!


>drumpf is a german name
>drumpf isn't drumpf in german


Everybody just have a drumpf time

Well Trump was right in the tweet.