Stormy Daniels blasts Rian Johnson

>Steaming pile of shit Last Jedi Go ahead and unfollow me. In case no one has noticed, I don't give a fuck. Its the worst movie ever made and Rian Johnson can drop dead.

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Who the fuck is this whore and why should i care what she says?

She seems like a very stable credible person

> you have starred in worse movies
Is he seriously slut-shaming right now?

I'd give her a affirmative nod, if you know what I mean

literally who

a whore that banged dr*mpf

she did sex with DRUMPF. there's no way he'll survive this one hehe

/our gal/
fuck Soy Wars

she fucked the president before he married Melina apparently, will appear on Kimmel to tell the cry baby all about Donalds huge dick after the stare of the union.

Any examples of her body of work?

I wanna buy her real doll

y is she of all ppl so angry?

>We live in a time where Porn Stars give better movie reviews than actual professional reviewers

Remy Lacroix hated TLJ too.

>I must defend Star Wars
wtf Dan

The difference is her movies are supposed to suck

I'm not sure if TLJ or porn is more evil. I am assuming she's a pornstar and not some Asylum actress.

Rian Johnsoy is a faggot

Literally who's?

Whoa even the president is getting sexually harassed?! Just how far does #metoo go?

She's a pot head. I just can't take drug addicts opinions seriously. Nevermind she's a prostitute.

She's probably a real fan of Star Wars and not a nu-male/Porg girls that only liked it because of muh cool geek culture.

your feels when fav actress doesn't like space milk

Remy Lacroix Goes Anal! (2013, Dir. Mike Adriano) unironically has more artistry behind it than The Last Jedi

>She’s a protistute
I thought she was married with a kid
I miss her

>when one has to trust Stormy Daniels more than Mark Kermode

Now I have to masturbate again.
Thanks user.

Mike Adriano is the most kino porn director working today, not even joking.

She's married, has a kid, and is pregnant with another.

Someone with a twatter should ask Larkin what she thinks of TLJ

Are there any porns with good stories?

Can this be a porn stars review the last Jedi thread now please?

Adriano is kino because his works don't rely on story or plot

>my pornfu retired when VR porn started booming
>only ONE VR video with Remy
It hurts.

Adriano is a kino pornographer because of his cinematography, he only shoots gonzo porn so there is no story. The way he frames shots, the lenses he uses to shoot, the post production filters, his porn has a distinct look that you can immediately recognize and it's great.

a pot head being called a drug addict, are you fucking retarded? alchohol is a drug, nicotine is a drug, you dipshit

>you have starred in worse movies

Sounds interesting, what's his best kino?

>Remy never did preggo porn
>Remy won't even cam while pregnant

This is what hurts the most for me. I don't have a VR headset (despite having a VR capable PC) so I've never tried VR porn.

Fucking BASED

Just like the makers of TLJ.

I use the Gopro VR player since it's free.
You control the camera with the mouse, so it's like an interactive POV video.

Plebs hate TLK, why is this news?

a made up porn actor, that the mainstream media made up a story to try and take down president Trump

His Perv City series is probably his signature work. There's lots of great stuff in that series.

imagine getting this mad over a movie
look it was dogshit, but why would you go on an autistic twitter rant about it

Cool, I'll have to check that out, thanks.

I also recommend using pornbay for VR videos.
It's a private tracker, but you don't need an invitation, so you just make a free account, and when you surpass your leeching limit, you make a new one.

>Sup Forums hates rian johnson despite the fact he's not only fucking over JJ, he's fucking over disney as a whole

What happened? Even if you like Star Wars you should want the ST to fail, otherwise you're just asking for more bland nostalgia-baiting normiefests like TFA. Has Sup Forums finally become so contrarian that it has looped back around and now adopts mainstream viewpoints?

Pot heads are drug addicts. You know what the first reaction an addict has? Denial. It's just a plant man, so is opium. Doesn't change a thing. Natural doesn't mean it's good for you.


Why don't you write a second review saying that you reconsidered it and the movie is mediocre, Mr. Kermode?

>implying we're going to love luke getting shit on

go away rian you fucking jew cunt

You don't have to like the movie to appreciate what it did. The ST was never going to be good. Stop being a fucking fanboy for 3 seconds and you'd realize this. If Rian didn't ruin Luke you know damn well JJ would have

Are pornsluts the only people in the industry that still remembers how to please an audience?

Or, you know, just seed.

holy shit

>download something in 30 minutes
>need to spend an entire week seeding to make that up

They don't mess around in Louisiana

If the ST movies were good, we’d like them. The fact that Rian made a movie so bad it might end the saga doesn’t mean I’m happy. I wish the movies were just good instead

Oh cus she's in porn. Shit shit shit neg. She's not hiding that fact.

Adriano sucks. Angles are so up close, you don't even see the chick most of the time, just a close up asshole. He fucks really slow and boring. He prematurely ejaculates in half his scenes. And when he does pop, he blows a load you'd need a microscope to see.

>t. soiboi who loved TLJ


that why i never watched anything other than the OT. but that's no reason to not shit on TLJ and its makers, except mark hamill

>tfw you discover VR cosplay porn
It is the future lads

>being THIS desperate

I really like his focus on the porn star's butthole desu. I am just as butthole obsessed as he is irl. I love seeing the butthole of girls I sleep with, it's like the dirtiest most secret part of them. Seeing a girl's butthole feels way more forbidden than seeing their breasts or vagina. Adriano is a deviant pervert who makes porn for other deviant perverts. I do agree about his loads being smaller than ideal though.

I didn't see it or tfa my local movie theater has a no singles policy. I just don't care about stuff like spoilers and will probably get around to watching it eventually. It's just kind of funny how angry people are about this film. That and I really liked brick

Twatter posts are not worthy of their own topic.

Of course, they know a good fucking when they see it. TLJ was thoroughly fucked but not in a good way that is for the enjoyment of the audience but for the director Rian Johnson.

what? who the fuck is that
she's right

Child complains someone broke his toy and wishes he die for it


more like raped his dog

No. Sup Forums dislikes TLJ so much they are actually comfortable siding with the majority.

> mfw (((their))) narrative and efforts start to become completely unwound as their useful goys go off reservation.

And anons said they were waiting for chaos... Just you wait

But TFA was good, though. Safe, but enjoyable. I don’t want Star Wars as a brand to die, I just don’t want shit movies.

He's very talented, though I wish he went easy on the anal stuff, that shit is gross and overplayed. I'd love to see him shooting Gianna Michaels... a man can dream.

Porn doesn’t pretend to be anything it’s not and doesn’t have a legion of shills telling you you’re dumb or racist for not liking it

Who do you prefer?

>if i attack you personally it somehow makes your opinion invalid.

Why do grown adults do this? You're just making yourself look like a sensitive child.

>But TFA was good, though. Safe, but enjoyable.

It was reheated bits of previous movies and by safe you mean forgettable, which is actually worse than a memorable stinker, as the prequels show.

I swear to god people will keep talking about TLJ for a long time, whereas I never hear anyone talking up TFA other than to say it was better than TLJ. Nothing really happened in it and nothing made sense, it's classic JJ.

He'll make an ending that is just more ripoff of previous movies and people will walk out saying he "redeemed" the trilogy and then a few months later nobody will say anything because again it'll just be forgettable crap.

Someone photoshop Rian Johnson crying while licking Stormy Daniels asshole.

she loved blade runner, do whatever you want with that info

How the hell is porn evil? What are you, a fucking Puritan?

Porn stars are somewhat based (and somewhat not, being simultaneously ego driven while in a career that destroys ones ego).

Often times their twitter's are hilarious, if not honest.

>Sasha Grey thinks women shouldn't have sex until they're married

I she wants to make me gay for BBC?

I'm just here to watch the franchise burn, user.

They take snippets from Jews in porn, and disregard the fact that modern pornography was largely innovated by non-Jew's, such as Hugh Hefner, and the fact that pornography has been a rampant part of society since the stone age.

Quads of truth

Porn definitely does have a legion of shills or at least addicts that want to get you hooked and bully you for rocking the boat.

wow, porn stars really are honest

>bully you for rocking the boat

They actually don't care. Just because you think them laughing at you is "bullying" doesn't actually make it true.

Is she trying to say erase?


It was dumb.

based porn stars