Will he ever be surpassed?

Will he ever be surpassed?

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He does shit africans have to do BUT HE'S WHITE

i want him to bang my rocks together if you know what i mean

>implying blacks even do that

if africans progressed in the same rate as him they would have more than mud huts by now

Why don't you ask on
Or can they see through your Sup Forums mask?

if only he started doing something new...

i don't follow, explain

Why can't women understand this

In terms of being the best YouTube channel and the cutest YouTube personality? Nope

Why does he only upload like once a year?

dude is ripped

>Make a video over the course of a week
>Go back home to penthouse luxury apartment in my 13 million dollar car

wow he's so impressive


i want to pick his berries if you catch my drift

Why do you have rocks?

This guy is literally my little sister's first crush. She's obsessed.

he uses the money from youtube to buy more land to film shit on and better camera equipment. No need to be a jaded cunt, faggot

What kind of berries does he have?

>implying blacks don't immediately destroy their huts after huffing the gas out of the asshole of a buffalo.

It's like you don't even pay attention to how africans behave.


Climb Youtube kino incoming


Well, Sup Forums

musk strawberries

pics of your little sister?

I just want him to make swords and armour bro. Hell id start up a patreon for that

I like Mutahar

His new place has no metal deposits.
He will never do metal work.

Africans straight up have less clean water, quality dirt, and wood to work with than he does in a single shot of a river.

Who should i add to my /ytkino/ list?
Primitive channel
Historia Civilis
Baz Battles
Kings and Generals
Extra History
Click Spring

Well lads?


Let's put your nice taste on a tray

Thank you based survival manlet

>movie reviewer

steve1989 mreinfo
Forgotten Weapons

James Kingston

Numberphile and Pannenkoek if you like aspiekino

Does this mean we can have Lauren Southern threads or does that go against Sup Forums and it's liberal YouTube spam culture?

please fuck off
t.Sup Forums

The delray misfits

replace Sup Forums with Sup Forums and /fit/ with /r9k/

The most kino Youtube channel incoming, its kaptainkristian


yeah, can we have some daily shoah threads too?

eh pretentious analyses of childhood media are diamond dozen these days
I prefer NakeyJakey

Sup Forumseddit and Sup Forumsmblr are the enemy
/r9k/ is shit

I've never seen somebody btfo a thread so hard

But Sup Forums likes jews and Sup Forums hates them.

More like
>Will he ever sit on my face?

this gives me anxiety

Your understanding of time and historical records is bizarre.


Prison talk with big herc

Petro i might check out not much into /k/ although i own a beretta and deagle

Just seeing the preview gives me acrophobia

Thulean Perspective
Dillon The Hacker
Forgotten Roots
Some of Prim Tech's knockoffs

>Thulean Perspective
oy vey buy myfarog

Thanks will check it out pannen ramblings are hilarious

Wtf is this shit?

These are all cringe im sorry, not into these alt right shit. Although some of prim tech knockoffs are entertaining

>Just seeing the preview gives me acrophobia
His videos are kino though

He doesn’t care about that shit. He’s an Australian, he probably got into this shit because of Abos.


I'm a fan of this canadian dude's channel called My self reliance


built a cabin innawoods and is working on making it livable/sustainable. more enjoyable to watch than cave man shit.

Too bad Africans don't have internet to look up everything and then have a car to drive to their private property and play with mud and sticks for a couple hours then drive home to his modern 21st century domicile. I feel bad for the soyboys who get tricked into thinking this guys hobby is real survivalism. You wouldn't even last as long as the guy from alone in the wilderness. This guy and all his viewers would not be making second Rome any time soon put into the same conditions as the people he is trying to emulate. If this guy and 20 of his viewers were put on north sentinel Island it would be like cannibal holocaust.

whos this ugly nigger


>uses modern equipment

Forgot Bushcraft Bear famalam

Seems more like the alone in the wilderness