Muh washington monument

>Muh washington monument

You fucking faggots are completely missing the point of her character. She's meant to the edgy activist Darla character who tries to act smart and cool all the time. She not meant to be in the right, the scene was mainly to set up a joke with the clueless teacher anyway. She had like 7 lines in the movie and there's a reason why she doesn't have any friends or why Peter and Ned completely ignore her in the film. She's not meant to be cool or in the right or "woke", she plays the role of the edgy teenager who desperately tries to be different just to stand out and acts like a damm snowflake all the time. We are meant to see her as annoying and weird. Peter certainly does.

Which is accurate, how many of you didn't go though a similar phase in high school or encounter many teenagers who did the same thing? If she doesn't get swept under the bed due to the MJ backlash in the squeal, there's almost guaranteed to be a character arc where she gets smacked down by her LOL so Random and holier than thou attitude, matures and learns to be an actual normal person.

And the irony of this blows my mind.

>I'm not going to the washington monument because it's made by slaves
>I'm not going to see the movie because it's made by Jews and SJWs

People who bitch non-stop about her and the scene are just as bad as the character. Not to mention the amount of neckbeards rushing to google the washington monument for the first time ever to scream about how it wasn't actually build by slaves.

This movie really had a dearth of good characters.

Wasting your time. Only idiots don't get that it was a set up for a joke. The punchline was the teacher didn't want to get into that with her.

MJ just wants white cock but doesn't know how to get it

I liked her just fine. The whole cast was fine. Even Flash, although I kinda got the impression he was less of a bully and more had a gay crush on Peter and didn't know how to approach it.

Dat ass slap doe.

Peter, Bed and the vulture were awesome.

If you cannot see that this is all a setup so Peter can see how awesome she is and falls in love with her in the second movie, I don't know what to tell you.

there isnt' any proof of the washington monument being built by slaves. it is only inferred because it was built between two slave states, and many other DC buildings have proof of being built by slaves. The monument also was only half built by 1858 when they ran out of money. Then the second half wasn't done until the 1870s. when slavery was illegal.

edgy activists are always going after soft targets that won't get them any reprisals.

if you really cared about slavery. then you would be concerned about modern africa/middle east.

The fact the she spends most of her movie scenes messing with him and that look of longing she gives when he leaves is about as subtle as a sledgehammer.

Why don't you tell me why we should wait and watch another movie for the full developement of such a shitty secondary character.

Peter doesn't give a shit about her. He actually seemed kinda annoyed whenever they were interacting. Compare that to Liz, an actual upstanding person with good qualities that is actually popular and has tons of friends and has Peter lusting over her. It's actually a joke that she doesn't have any friends. If she was guy, she would be a neckbeard.

>Sup Forums
>understanding fiction
Good one. You're talking to the board that still thinks you're supposed to take Brian Griffin at face value.

If she were a guy they'd have her on watch as a potential school shooter.

When will this gender inequality stop? Both men AND women can be school shooters. STOP WITH THE PREJUDICE!

But what the fuck does any of that have to do with spider man?

Oh, I'm not defending this shitty MJ replacement. All I'm saying is that she IS the new MJ, and is destined to be Peter's love interest.

Maybe she's just afraid of heights and that was her excuse

Nothing. That is the whole point that these SJW cucks seem to miss: Social commentary does not belong everywhere.

That ship sailed. Liz is a senior and would be graduating soon anyway and once she got to college she'd become a cum rag like most college girls

>She not meant to be in the right,
Then why did the tour guide or security guy whatever he was at the Washington monument agree with her? I'm not American so don't really care, but people will believe that she was right.

Slaves building the Washington Monument is not an indicator of its value.
Movies directed by SJWs tend to be bad, however.

She was never meant to be his love interest. In the context of a socially progressive universe, the geeky hero does not end with the hot-as-fuck, socially vapid girl, but rather with the SJW, artistic uggo.

>If you cannot see that this is all a setup so Peter can see how awesome she is and falls in love with her in the second movie,
You mean so Michelle can see how awesome he is and falls in love with him in the second movie right?

It's about establishing and controlling a narrative. Something liberals love to do and it's how they get idiots on their side

It's a gag dude. Also he did a "meh" sort of sign. It's supposed to be awkward and funny not #woke

He didn't agree with her.

I'm not reading all of that you stupid nigger lover.

Twenty words or less

This has already been determined in the first movie:
- she is basically a stalker.
- goes to detention to hang out with him.
- sits near Peter and Ching Chong in the cafeteria, eavesdropping on their conversations.

It is very clear that she wants the ParkerDick

You do know that the current progressive trend now is to make the popular girl the kind one that everyone likes right? The mean girl thing isn't acceptable anymore because MUH BULLYING

I felt this was obvious from when she said 'im hoping to get some protesting time in', on the bus.

That's not what bugged me. Passing off incorrect historical information to paint a narrative that naive idiots will believe however, does.

No, dude. The current SJW narrative is that a fugly, feminazi, screeching banshee like Lena Dunham the ideal. And neither NuMJ nor NuLiz are really mean. Shit, no one in that school in Homecoming was really mean. Even the supposed bully was more a mild douchebag than a bully.

Reminds me of that "politics is everywhere so it's Sup Forums" that Sup Forumsacks say all the time. Horseshoe