Wish me luck

Gunna be cutting the cord on cable after having been a solid customer for 19 years. Anyone got any cable-cutting stories of their own as well as some movies and shows they'd like to recommend? (On Netflix, Hulu and Prime, since those are the services I'm starting out with)

It's not that complicated.

Cable is unironically better than Netflix these days

Get YouTube red.

Best $10 you'll ever spend

Oh fuck off

yesmovies.to is netflix but better and free

Nobody fucking cares, cut a major artery while you're at it.

You could have done it 5 years ago. Just pirate everything. There's no excuse to be paying for content.

Which one do you recommend?

What are the easiest-to-get-used-to pirating sites?

What's the tv consensus on best streaming service?

(Hulu vs. Netflix vs. Amazon Prime Video)

do not cut that power cord with scissors, OP, if you're looking for your cable it's a black coax and the end is NOT plugged into an electrical outlet. Geeez.

I have YouTube TV and it's pretty good.


or you could just spend 10bux on a usenet account and download anything you want

what kind of retard would have a cable subscription past the 90s?

Piracy and Plex

>100 mb/s internet is $90
>100 mb/s internet with 70 HD channels and HBO is $80
>everything on Netflix and Hulu is shit

I almost never watch television live, but I have no reason to cancel it.

Amazon is usually on point when it comes to movies, Hulu for current shit, Netflix is fucking up.

Pornhub premium

Netflix DVD is still a thing and a damn good deal for the huge library. Their streaming library is becoming garbage

FilmStruck has great classic movies with Criterion

What cable company are YOU signed up with?

Cable is also $200/month more than Nutflex

I have Filmstruck, and the catalog isn't really where I'd like it to be, but I still have over 100 movies on my watchlist. I'm hoping by the time I get through them, there will be a lot more Criterion releases available.

There are people who don't just pirate everything? I have netflix because I got it for my mom who barely uses it, but still end up pirating tons of shit anyway. I haven't had cable in 7 years.

No... I've already watched all the pornography. All of it.

Comcast. The first year I had that package it was $50, then it went up to $80 in the second year. At the start of the third year it was $100, but I called and complained and they put me back at the $80 price. Most people who pay outrageous amounts for cable either have sports packages, or stupid add ons that aren't required.

All live sports are free, all films ever are free, all tv shows ever are free. Are millennials stupid?

I sure hope not.

Do you seed?

I haven't owned a cable subscription in 6 years and I cut off my internet 2 years ago. I still have internet of my phone or at my office. It's honestly the most liberating and productive thing one could do. You're no longer wasting a ridiculous amount of time watching bullshit.

Amen, brother!

Internet is for cucks anyway

Confirmed phoneposter

>years too late
>replacing one shitty service with another

What sort of dumb piece of shit has anything more than an internet connection and a htpc to store/play what you download

I got rid of dish 5 years ago. I just use mega now. I haven't missed a show.