What is Mr. Kurosawa's best film?

What is Mr. Kurosawa's best film?
Harder mode: rank the best to worst of his movies out of the ones you've seen.
Here's my list:
Yeah, I need to see more of him. Got High and Low DLed but that's it.

star wars

Always wondered which of his movies inspired it most. I'd guess Seven Samurai but I've not seen it.

Yojimbo for me, I feel like without this movie we would never have spaghetti westerns, and in turn some of the most important movies in cinema.

Yojimbo or Red Beard

worst is easily the one where some old guy gets scared of a bomb and wants to move his entire family to south america. What a goober

Yojimbo, Ikiru and Seven Samurai are top 3 imo.

Although I have a soft spot for Hidden Fortress cause it's fun


High and Low is extremely underrated. Probably my favorite Mifune performance.

Dersu Uzala
the rest are trash

that's kurosawa-sama to you, gaijin

High and Low is amazing as is the bad sleep well. Not a big fan of stray dogs. I have seen so many I can't possibly rate them... Ikiru still up there as best with Ran I agree with you OP. Redbeard is probably my current favorite.

Sorry, sensei. I'll do better

OP here sorry to go off topic but did Sup Forums get rid of the fucking option to type out two words to verify you're human? I turned off for me and I can't find it. I'm gonna be pissed if I'm not just a dumbass and they actually did that. Sick of clicking on fucking street signs

Yep, Jewgle were removing it in March or May anyway but Mook did it earlier

Daft fooking coonts.

Of the four I've seen I loved Seven Samurai and Yojimbo, didn't like Throne of Blood (2kabuki4me) and thought Rashomon was crazy overrated. Even at 90 minutes that story is really dragged out and blown out of proportion.

I had to clear my cookies over the weekend and now the site is making me do multiple captchas every other post after it had known I was cool and didn't ask all year

previous answers: edgelords
Seven Samurai is consistently voted one of the best films of all time, so I'm going to go with that one.
I also liked The Hidden Fortress, Ikiru and Dersu Uzala.
I didn't like Throne of Blood, Yojimbo or Rashomon as much, but they have a lot of fans too.

Star Wars has some obvious parallels to The Hidden Fortress, and I think Lucas has said that that was one of his inspirations.

Rashomon is mostly considered "seminal" for its storytelling gimmick (the same story told from multiple points of view). Other films had done something similar in a small way, but Rashomon went all in with it and never resolved which version was "correct".

ikiru, but ran is my favorite. dersu uzala and no regrets for our youth are vastly underrated too

honestly, kagemusha is kind of a shitshow, and i think a lot of his work is slightly overrated

To me the final story is the correct one just because it's the last one. Nothing about it seems ambiguous so much as lying about previous versions, and only the silent witness has the grounds to tell the "truth" since he has nothing to lose by doing so

But mostly it's the end scene that kills me. He acts like his entire world is shattered from witnessing two men fight and then one rapes a woman, so much so that only the sound of a crying baby can return his humanity. It's so absurd, and again totally out of proportion from what was previously a simple story about people telling lies to save themselves.

>Got High and Low DLed but that's it.
You're right, that is it.