Gets fucked up the ass

>Gets fucked up the ass
>Becomes liberal

give him purple hair and a glass of soy milk and you have perfected the Sup Forums troll

>decides to stop being a neo-nazi
>is automatically a liberal
this is your brain on Sup Forums

>you wanna act like a nigga boy we'll treat you like a nigga boy
*insert penis in ass
Help me hitler! Aaaarrrghhhh!

his big tuff guy tattoo sure helped that sweetie lol

>whole film is supposed to make you believe how hating niggers is wrong
>main character gets shot by a nigger at the end

He had it coming

yeah usually it's the other way around

Nazis love this film. Just stop watching before the end.

>stop watching before the part where some niglet shoots the kid

Just watch all the flashback scenes minus the prison ones

>anyone who isn't a skinhead is a liberal

>being disrespectful justifies murder

this is your brain on leftism

>brother gets wasted by a black kid
>becomes a neo-nazi again
The director’s original cut was kino. Hate breeds hate, and having LITERALLY one black friend does not a tolerant person make

>Becomes liberal
>Gets fucked up the ass
Fixed it for you

but I bet you have no problem with the one guy getting curb stomped huh?

Alright I laffed

>thief and vandal is meted out a swift end
No problems here

Well done

We've been over this.
The original KINO ending had Norton shaving his head, but he refused to do it like the difficult cuck he is.

Not him but those niggers had guns and would have killed Derrick, and likely his family. If Danny went to school with a gun in his backpack with the intent to shoot the nigger first, I wouldn't care.

Original ending would have made it a top ten movie of all time, imo.

And I bet if it was some old boomer's car who went out to confront the thieve's he would of probably been beaten beyond belief.

no but using lethal force on a home invader is more justifiable than wasting a youngster for being edgy

unironically kys yourselves Sup Forumsfags

Can't tell if troll or true retarded liberal

t. leftypol

hes just giving him an indian burn bro

>kill yourself yourselves

You first, nigger.

t. literal mouthbreathing retard

>a glass of soy milk

Just how far are we from Sup Forumstards claiming that vegetables are a leftist conspiracy?

Was the potential of Trump winning more meme-able than Trump actually winning? Like after he won the memes have been aimless and flaccid.

>acts like a nigger boy gets treated like a nigger boy
What did (((they))) mean by this

>he stole from me
>who cares if he's fleeing and is no longer a threat
>He deserves to die!

>Just how far are we from Sup Forumstards claiming that vegetables are a leftist conspiracy?

Wait, so you're saying its not a leftist conspiracy?

Nazi were clean, intelligent, sophisticated and manly they were true kino. Neo nazi are fat, ugly, retarded poor American white trash. Honestly I’m not a nazi but if you don’t like blacks just don’t associate with them.

Am I the only who's disturbed by the casualness of gay rape? Wouldn't fucking a man in the ass mark you for life in the eyes of other thugs?

Hahaha you got me

The film is about the circle of violence and how hard it is to break it though.

1. they soy meme has gone too far 2. meming trump into office was much more glorious than whats happened since he's been in office which is literal apocalpyse-tier.

so you're right on both points. Sup Forums is more of a shithole than africa. sage

I unironically believe thieves deserve to die on the spot, yes. America has a million social programs so people wouldn't need to resort to crime to survive. People who steal others property are just scumbags.

Not in prison if you're the giver.

i did not say he deserved to die i just said that killing someone for attempting to break into your home in the middle of the night is more justified than blasting a highschooler for smoking in the bathroom

It's a bit dated. If it was set in 2018, it'd be:
>Gets fucked up the ass
>Browses Sup Forums and troll Sup Forums

>you wanna act like a nigga boy we'll treat you like a nigga boy
I never got this part. Why did the brotherhood rape him? Were they gay?
They say it's power thing but why would you put penis into a nigger lover whom you disgust so much?

Do they rape niggers too?

>People who steal others property are just scumbags.

>America has a million social programs so people wouldn't need to resort to crime to survive.
This is the country that thinks handouts are immoral while the banks are bailed out continuously.

>defending the honor of soy

And yet a bunch of half retarded slavs made all those übermensch nazi fucks and they're women they're fucking bitches for decades you ever hear the one about the german politician who got gang raped by some russians then tossed out of the window like a ragdoll years later she married the man that would be germanys prime minister ( whos mother had also been raped by slavs during the occupation) ther germhuns aint shit bitch

What happens on the outside when word gets out that you fucked a man in the ass?

>Life hits you fast

xDDDD upboat

He should've thought twice about blowing smoke in his face
Actions have consequences, and you have to be ready to face them big or small. that's life

Yeah it would mark you ass a bad ass who robs men of their O rings

>while the banks are bailed out continuously.
But the banks paid their bailout money back. Do niggers/illegal spics do the same? I didn’t think so.

We're like WAY beyond Poe's Law aren't we?

What happens inside stays inside.

Not as hard as breaking into that asshole em i right

>Do niggers/illegal spics do the same?
There are no poor white people in America?

>be american
>blow smoke in someones face
>get shot

That's how you get AIDs.

mods kill this thread and all others like it pls. sage.

>Poe’s Law

In california prison systems im sure some peckerwoods have butt fucked some niggers before they were showing how they treat the enemy

Nope, white privilege cones in handy

Sure there are. Most of them find other ways to get by though.

Like Hilary said user women are the greatest victim of war.

And the message is in the end even if you change your ways your enemies never do and they will keep coming for you and your family.

Hahahaha nothing except a bunch of people talking behind your back about how much of a fag you are

You actually enjoy being in debt to kikes?

Wheres the fucking nuance though? If all it takes to okay murder to you is being disrespected in any way possible then your basically an animal with slight awareness. Saying "he had it coming" is not a fucking argument, that's savagery and a revenge seeking mindset.

Hahahahahahah no poor white people? Are you serious?

That's gay.

the question is whether the consequences were justified you ignoramus responding to blowing smoke with gun play is an embarrassing escalation typical of someone with low iq and poor impulse control if he felt so slighted he could have just settled it with his fists

That's what you get, bitch.

You'll get your ass kicked doing that

>Hahahahahahah no poor white people? Are you serious?

I was asking him the question you idiot.

You guys wanna here a funny prison rape story its 100 percent true

>be Eurofag
>shoot someone
>they blow smoke in your face for revenge

Clearly not in america, you get a bullet and if you survive you'll be paying americare for the next 50 years.

Also of course you'll be thrown in jail for hate crime.

The Russians wouldn't have accomplished anything during the war had their military not been built entirely by America's lend lease program. And if America hadn't gone to war with Japan, Russia would've been spit roasted by the Japs and the Krauts.

It is literally black culture thing where they look at sex as just another way to express social dominance that spreads to other prisoners, which is why prison rape is only a huge issue in Africa and America. In white countries obviously raping a man might not mean he's gay but it sure as fuck means you're gay and you'd be the one getting persecuted by the other prisoners.

Im from sacramento theirs alot of white trash around here

I think he meant that he was blowing smoke in the face of a kid who's clearly part of a gang. Low IQ/impulse control or not, that was a dumb thing to do.

>be Eurofag
>shoot someone
>bin that knife

Lol so in other words germcucks eternally btfo by based USA

And you'd go to jail for doing that to him in response, you may not like it but just blowing smoke in someones face even if he "disrepeks" you is not a proper escalation of the situation. This is why blacks live in such low trust societies, they escalate to violence over the pettiest of slights making it hard to form communities because they need to be founded on trust and reasonable actions.

This is what I mean, the elites or the """"elites"""" if you prefer, are watching you kill and maim each other while getting richer by the minute,

yeah then you read about how your local city used to be a nice safe place 50 years ago... and you read about who moved in and ruined it

reality is tough

You've obviously never been to prison id fuck you in the ass just to see that surprised look on your face no homo

No they were btfo by American Jewry

do they split the hispanics by the ones that look like ted cruz or not?

nazis did this ;)

Any man that would let another man disrespect him like that is not a man at all

So a Neonazi curbstomping a theif is justified but that same neonazi getting killed for it isn't? Are you literally fucking retarded?

Im mexican american and no none of my family are illiegal we're all american citizens the only problem we got out here is paying the bills m8 and getting laid

the original point is about justification and even in gangland killing a youngster over something trivial is bad form

it's not the same guy but his kid brother who never touched anybody

you fucking mexicans ruin the hispanic image for spanish people and hispanos

I hate the fact they built low income apartments down tge street from my house neighborhood used to be mostly mexican/white and a couple other races now theirs nothing but niggers in those apartments

i literally said he did not deserve to die do you know how to read? but derek was more justified relative to dannys killer

>I'm the realest nigga you every met
Said the guy over the internet. When the cops come to take you away for assault your going to go silently and obediently. If being a man to you just means beating people up when they say things that hurt your feelings then your not going to go far. And your always going to be taking it, someone above you in say your job can come down on you whenever they want and your not going to be in a position to do anything.