Can someone pls explain to me the whole hyperspace tracking thing and why they had to actually get inside the Supremacy...

Can someone pls explain to me the whole hyperspace tracking thing and why they had to actually get inside the Supremacy to disable it? Because Finn or Rose said something about how if they destroyed the Supremacy the First Order could just keep tracking them from other ships?
Also what's the deal with that if Holdo basically destroyed the Supremacy anyway? I thought they said specifically that this wouldn't work? That destroying the Supremacy was useless?

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No because Rian Johnson made it up and it's retarded. He never explained anything.

I've seen a lot of capeshit and kiddie adventure movies, and this is by far the worse macguffin I have ever seen.

>just turn your brain off

>nitpicking over a piece of shit
even monkeys wouldn't stoop so low

The only thing more retarded than the tracking was Finn and Rose doing the cliched realization thing like it was a Scooby Doo episode or something.

Didn't Rose and Finn discuss it in that scene where they speak really fast? I didn't get why they had to actually get inside the Supremacy to disable it and I remember a line where they specifically say that destroying the Supremacy is useless. But maybe I'm mistaken.
I'm not nitpicking, wtf, I'm just trying to understand the plot. If you want to call me stupid for that please include your explanation to what I wrote above.

Because the main characters hypothesized that it worked that way before going over. Probably deserved some more palpable evidence for the audience, but there it is.

> said something about how if they destroyed the Supremacy the First Order could just keep tracking them from other ships?

Because she said that the way the technology works is that they can only track them with one ship at a time, so if they fool the main ship tracking them they could get away because no other ship would be tracking them

It could be written in a less convoluted manner but it's not this movie's biggest problem

just dont think about it ayyy lmao

Ah okay, got it now, thanks a lot!

So now that that Super-Ultra-Mega Star Destroyer was destroyed in VIII doesn't that just means that the next time we see Kylo/Hux they'll be cruising around in their new Ultramega-Giga Star Destroyer that will dwarf the previous one? How are the rebellion even showing up on these guy's threat board?

It wouldve been so fucking easy to just make the first order ship had a tractor beam that prevented them from leaving and then they would go find the code breaker to disable it

Then Holdo's plan wasn't a good idea since any remaining Stardestroyer can still track them if they leave the salt planet. Unless the hyperspace crash destroyed them all but the movie seemed to show that not all of them were destroyed.

I know right?
Their last "death star" was a literal planet with a giant volcano laser on one side of it. How can you possibly top that?

Next movie they're going to be flying around in a Dyson Sphere with a sun in the middle of it.

Aparently it was smaller than our moon

>Give leia a wristwatch claimed to be designed specifically for the purpose of making it easy for Rey to track her down.
>Not even for a moment do the characters question the wristwatch when they decide the ship is being tracked.
>Invent some different convoluted method for the ship to be tracked.
>Have to later invent some new rules for it to keep plan from being obviously invalid.

Unrelated, but I was thinking about Dyson Spheres in the shower yesterday, and wouldn't they be a bad idea since it's still going to draw in asteroids and stuff that will just collide with the sphere instead of the star? It would seem like an easy fix when you get access to that much power, but there's never been any kind of anti-asteroid system shown in SW apart from Vader's star destroyer just shooting them with their lasers.

>I was thinking about Dyson Spheres in the shower yesterday
user, are you me?

I feel like if you had the capability to build a structure encasing a star you could probably build it strong enough to withstand asteroid strikes.

Also, any books/movies about super advanced sci fi civilizations with technology like dyson spheres and enormous superstructures?

Its a shame we didnt get to see even ring worlds in star wars
Neimodia had one in the concept art and another one in scarif with shouldve been kuat dammit

The hyperspace tracker was teased in Rogue One as one of the projects the Empire was working on. Its plans were on Scarif, but it seems enough of them were salvaged from elsewhere for the First Order to complete the project.

The culture I believe, I didnt read it


Well, let's say the dyson sphere is made up of many smaller solar panels in a grid.

Theoretically you could calculate the trajectory of any incoming asteroids and open up the panels in that area to let the asteroid freely pass through.

Or better yet, since the Dyson Sphere is made to absorb 100% of the energy from a sun, just use a fraction of that energy and direct it in a laser to vaporize the asteroid before it hits you.

Its a dumb concept anyway, there are bilions of ships jumping to hyperspace every second in the star wars galaxy

Whats the point of dyson spheres? If you have the material to build so much just make a billion ships and colonize the whole galaxy

>Dyson Spheres
If someone were to build one, it would have an internal surface area greater than 551513792.547 Earths put together. How would any civilization ever find enough people to live in it? Supply and demand dictates that the land would be virtually worthless, making the construction into a losing venture.

are you fucking kidding me? theyre mega bad star destroyer is called the Supremacy? could they be any more obvious? fucking retards. that’s just shut writing, regardless of politics, “Heres how Finn and Rey can still btfo white supremacists neo nazis even with blumpf in office”

It would make sense in the distant future when the universe is dying, that you would want to utilize maximum efficiency of every bit of energy that's left.

JJ here, gonna steal that one, how do you want me to credit you in episode 9?

Where would you even get the material?

The plan was to get to the salt planet and call for backup.

>how do you want me to credit you in episode 9?
Just say special thanks to god for making this universe possible

The next few star systems over, depending on how thick it needs to be.

The Hyperspace tracker allows the First Order to follow the Resistance through Hyperspace directly without having a tracker hidden aboard the Resistance ship.
The new technology interferes with itself if multiple trackers are turned on at the same time. Lucky cooncidence
Finn and Rose guess correctly that the tracker that's currently operational is located aboard Snoke's flagship. Lucky guess.
Entering the Supremacy and turning the tracker off gives the Resistance a 6 minute time window to escape into Hyperspace and to basically everywhere without the First Order being able to follow them.
Destroying the Supremacy wouldn't work because they actually have a tracker on every Star Destroyer, they just can't activate the backup units while the main one is operational.
Destroying the Supremacy does work in the end because 1) the fleet had reached their destination anyway and had been found put by the FO and 2) Holdo pretty much sliced through every Star Destroyer.

No one came, wich honestly, whats the probability that literally no one came out of the quadrilions of inhabitants?
Why are they even fighting, the people seem to love the fo

Dude, you would need bilions of them, you dont seem to grasp the scale of a dyson sphere

Fuck you scooby doo is kino

>the bad guys ship is literally named "the Supremacy"

The idea was to disable it and jump without them knowing it was disabled, thus ensuring they couldn't be followed. If they destroyed it, then a different ship would start. The entire plan was to catch them off gaurd and jump away before they even knew their tracker wasn't working.

Seems like we've been subject to an unreliable narrator all this time and nobody actually cares for neither the Resistance nor the FO. They are tiny factions that wage a war that for the galaxy ended 30 years ago. Sure, the FO blew up the capital worlds of the Republic. But apart from that, its a teeny tiny struggle between LARPers and zealots.

And now you know why it's only named in additional material. It's just Snoke's ship in the film, but you can tell Pablo Hidalgo named it purposefully.

It was a crap plan to begin with. Even at hyperspeed, it should take significant time to move between distant ends of the galaxy. Also a flaw in their casino detour.

Remember how finn could watch notcoruscant blew up? Theres no sense of scale and epic, for disney only the planets that we see exist, its all hapening during a week in the same system

Downstreamers from the manifold series are the most powerful sci-fi race to have ever been conceived (along with the time lords from doctor who)

Abrams pulled the same shit in Star Trek.

I feel so stupid for not understanding that part of the plot but I guess I can blame it on how my native language is not English.

Of the hundreda of people working in disney wars, no one even thought of making takodana a planet on the same hosnian system even though Finn saw its destruction

Why didn’t call for back up while being chased?

The Rebels in Star Wars have always been composed out of different leaders from various planets, they're ultimately acting out of self interest for their respective worlds. It seemed like a hopeless situation and no one wanted to throw their forces into the meat grinder.

It was a good plan because the FO was supposed to assume they had killed everyone off after they destroyed the capital ship. It just happened they were sold out and the plan was revealed.

It's not your fault. The movie was just garbage.

Is there any reason why they can only use one ship to use the tracker at a time? I mean I know it's something you just have to accept the way it is because "it is that way, period". But I still feel like it was too forced or contrived. I try to compare it to maybe those computer programs that only let you run them once or they show a pop up that says "you are already running this program". Did they explain this in the movie and maybe I missed it?

No part of what you said makes it a good plan in any way. Any potential help remains prohibitively distant.

The idea is stupid, it implies they had the tech to detect trillions of ships entering and leaving hyperspace and somehow guess wich one is the one that they are following

A dyson sphere has truly monstrous surface area that could be used for producing gargantuan quantities of food, housing trillions of people, and most importantly it acts as a massive power harvester which can draw basically however much energy you need to complete other megaprojects. You can use Nicoll Dyson beams to propel colony ships into deep space so they only need the propellant to decelerate. You could also build a Schadov Thruster which is basically a dyson hemisphere that uses it's host star for propulsion, the weight of the structure drags the star along with it while the structure itself acts as a supersized thrust bell to direct the star's emissions. This would allow you to bring your star with you to wherever you need it to go.

Wait, I thought those were all moons..?

But it takes them out of the line of fire and assumed defeated, while they can recoup on a base. How is that a bad idea?

Bonus points if they call it the Star Eater

The rebels in Star Wars are like SJWs in real life.
They keep their mouths shut until they're sure that they outnumber the enemy, and then they riot.

It was as forced as you perceive. At some point the writers realized they wrote themselves into another corner, and invented a new rule to escape it. They thought the audience would be cool with the idea that the First Order just had stupid operational policies, while still somehow beating the Rebellion consistently.

What about an user engine wich is a semi user sphere powered by the whole galaxy?

You don't live in a Dyson sphere, retard, you use it to collect every available iota of energy from a star. There would be no way to keep people tethered to the ground in a dyson sphere unless we somehow figure out artificial gravity. A ringworld would be much more practical for that purpose.

Someday you'll feed on a womprat

>Starkiller Base is biggest Death Star ever built into a planet
>Snoke's ship is miles and miles in length being biggest ship ever
I am tired of Disney's "Make everything
Larger" approach.

dyson swarms etc are meant to be lived in, when they are commonly discussed

Could be moons, habitational spheres or other planets, the fact is that the disney galaxy is smaller than our solar system

And it all came out of nowhere

>There would be no way to keep people tethered to the ground in a dyson sphere

I'm pretty sure if there was a planet orbiting a sun in a dyson sphere, that planet would still have gravity.

Maybe it sends out waves that would phase cancel if more than one ship was doing it.

That's all people know how to do when making sequels anymore.

>raise the stakes
>raise the stakes
>raise the stakes

That's why there are no good movie trilogies anymore. Because by the time you get to movie #3 in a trilogy, it goes from

>save your friend who's in trouble
>save the universe from annihilation

Abrams pulled the same shit in Star Trek.

I guess it depends on if you could harvest enough worlds to create a Dyson Swarm large enough to encompass a galaxy. It might be easier to just use Shkadov Thrusting spheres to tear a big chunk of the galaxy's stars away and start your own mobile star cluster.

the Star Eater is a really cool name in all honesty

Did you notice that Holdo destroys it by smashing through its right wing?

I hope that was intentional because it's kinda clever.

How did Del Toro sell out the Resistance's escape plan
Why did he know that
Did that just come up in casual conversation on the flight over or what

You already know the reason destroying the Supremacy was useless is in the sequel they will just build a bigger one.

Poe called in and told Finn and Rose what Holdo was about to launch the shuttles
Why the First Order wasn’t just running the decloaking scan in the first place is beyond me, though

The staffing in the Star Destroyers must be incredible sparse. Hours walking the hall without meeting another person. There just can't be enough jobs to kep the thing filled with personnel. The thing would have to be pedal powered to justify the size.

One or two evil force users on the ship that can sense them.
A steady stream of escaping rebels trying to rejoin the others.
Someone on the destroyer happened to look out a window.

>Next movie they're going to be flying around in a Dyson Sphere with a sun in the middle of it.
In TFA the Starkiller base already sucked a sun dry with a straw
Funny after they destroyed the base the sun is back again

>Funny after they destroyed the base the sun is back again
That reminds me of Spaceballs when they reverse that thing that sucked the air out of the planet and the trees fall back into place.

>The original script called for Holdo to betray the escaping Rebels and give her ship over to the First Order.
>Having her turn the ship around and sacrifice herself was a last minute change.
Given her behavior during the flick, which version of events makes more sense?

If she didn't have pink hair, the betrayal. With pink hair I could only think of her character as an impulsive SJW crazy that would do whatever it takes to fight Trump (the First Order) so her kamikaze attack was very in-character. Not that I think a real SJW would commit suicide for their cause though.

The old EU had the same power creep issue. It's funny how they shit on the old EU then immediately do the exact same things that made it shit.

>>The original script called for Holdo to betray the escaping Rebels and give her ship over to the First Order.
From a ridiculous hero to a ridiculous villain
If she wants to turn why doesn't she do it earlier

Rose and Finn's plan was to disable the tracker just long enough for the Resistance to hyperspace jump and get away. The whole point was for them not to realize the tracker was disabled. If they realized that, they would start tracking from another ship. Thus they couldn't just blow up the Supremacy.

Don't ask why the time between the tracker's destruction and the start of the new track wasn't enough time to get away unnoticed.

And then it became as small as the starkiller base wich is smaller than our moon
It really didnt other than the sun crusher wich made stars turn supernovas, it didnt absorved them

She tried to put an end to the pilot that just engineered a win against the FO. She hatched a plan to put all the rebels into unarmed ships, and hid that plan. She's really too destructive to be doing this by accident.

Perfect, thanks

>Can sneak in and out of any destroyer on a whim.
>Don't just plant bombs on them all.

can you neckbeard retarded fucks stop shilling your manchild pew pew space garbage ?
you all claim it sucked but you won't shut up about the shit buy your toys and eat your popcorn and watch it don't bother us

>Fincher made Alien 3, going back to a single alien with piss-poor weapons
>still gets shitted on as a terrible movie because the CGI tech was bad
That movie is likely my single largest unpopular opinion.

Alien 3 sucked because the studio wouldn't leave Fincher alone.

The theatrical release is trash. Watch the Assembly Cut. It's great.

>it suddenly occurs to me Finn and Rey could have blow up Supremacy
>they could infiltrate the shields of any FO big ass useless ship and plant whatever they want on wherever they want
>they could jump away from Resistance ship, cross half of the galaxy, wreck a city, find a hacker, then jump back, all the while the FO is still chasing Resistance.
If this happens in a car chase such as the one in Fury Road people would have lost any sense of urgency or speed of the chase...

>Hours walking the hall without meeting another person.
I now want a horror movie to be set on a Star Destroyer and starring Storm Troopers.

By the power of those digits I hope it happens.
Stardestroyers are pretty comfy, I loved the levels inside Stardestroyers in the Jedi Knight games.

>I now want a horror movie to be set on a Star Destroyer and starring Storm Troopers.

Like Dead Space or Alien Isolation?

But I thought sacrifice runs were bad. What about not dying for things. Isn't that why Rose rammed Finn?

Well those two characters had very different mindsets. Everyone in the Resistance seems to do whatever they want, it's chaotic.