It's another CGI monster abomination

>“No, I don’t know whether they’re all afraid to come and meet me– no, no they weren’t, really. Because it’s imaginary, you do it with green screen… That was another challenge, you could say, yeah. But it was quite fun. And they’re very encouraging in what you do, suggesting ‘Over here, look over there, imagine that, do this here, they’re coming at you now.'”

>“I’m sorry I’m not in costume. I didn’t even have a costume when I was doing it. It’s all done in motion capture. So… they stick a helmet on your head, they put two cameras around, and they capture all your expressions, facial expressions. So basically, they’re going to concoct some kind of construction and they will use my facial expressions – eyes, mouth, voice – they’ll turn into this murderous, avenging Steppenwolf from the planet Apokolips, apparently. Who’s bent on Hell on Earth.”

Other urls found in this thread:

this is not funny. I'm not entertained. Amuse me better, slave!

I look at him, and I just hear


This looks awful, but WW was tolerable so I'm willing to hold out till the crap gets flushed out of the DCEU system.
>Steppenwolf will not be a Heavy Metal Viking with "Born to be Wild" as his theme song.

What exactly do you want? The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of DCs enemies for their team up films need CGI to even exist. You can get away with humans and costumes in solo films, like MoS or Batman, but Steppenwolf is a dark god of an alien world. Or shall we just dress up Galadriel as a goth and call it a day?

It's also a strawman, unless you mean it as broad critisicm. From Hulk, to Ultron, to Ares, there are mostly/all CGI character all across capeshit these days. Have you gone back to watch Avengers 1 recently?

This is what Steppenwolf looks like you fucking casual. The whole appeal of the new gods is that they can get away with looking ridiculous, you want Granny Goodness to be a cloud monster?

What's a bayformer doing here?

>The whole appeal of the new gods is that they can get away with looking ridiculous

Uh...not that guy, but speak for yourself, mate. That is absolutely not the whole appeal of the New Gods for most people.

not muh

Maybe ridiculous is the wrong word, but they are basically Kirby unchained. They are weird and wonderful, they have silly gimmicks but can murder entire planets with them.


That's even worse, Steppenwolf is supposed to be the last of the Old Gods, Darkseid's Uncle. Hes supposed to be a Viking.

Steppenwolf isn't an Old God, the Old Gods are dead.

BTW I'm talking about Kirby's Fourth World here so don't cite some Johns diarrhea as an argument

Sorry my lore is isn't quite up to snuff on this, I thought a few survived and thats where Apocalypse and New Genesis came from. Still they don't look like aliens.

This bodes well for Ironside as Darkseid.

Your theory makes as much sense as what Kirby wrote. He never really explains what Old Gods are or the specific history. He kind of made it up as he went.

As I understand it they were supposed to be Marvels Asgardians and Olympians. See guy with winged helmet and hammer here . Wonder Woman actually kind of sets it up because they talk about the death of the gods.

That actually looks pretty good

This is what Steppenwolf as Jack Kirby drew him you casual.

>it's the Rainbow Patrol

I dont know if you have the right to call that user a casual when the pic is of New 52 Steppenwolf. I miss the ridiculous green elf hat

The point is neither version looks nothing like the movies monstrosity.

Why does he look like a weird alien? The New Gods were basically human looking

Kirby had no consistency, sometimes he wouldn't even flip the page back to the beginning of the comic he was currently drawing.

That image in OP is literally pulled straight from the end of BvS you dumb fuck.
How gullible are you? We have no idea what he looks like in JL

Neither of the looks are good user. The real problem is no one gives a fuck about Steppenwolf and the fact that hes the villain for Justice League is downright asinine. If we're doing New Gods, just go straight to Darkseid. Not only that, but there are half a dozen better choices for a JL movie villain

Like Darkseid and Kalibak, right?

The first Bendis.

Rooney, the more you post the more I hate you. Fuck off.

That's true. I always figured that Kryptonian holograms would be more trouble than they are worth. Kryptonians may be able to see more colors but we the viewers only see liquid metal

DC does it again

My favorite pat of Kirby's non-consistency is that Kalibak was standing on a roof for more than half of the original Fourth World run.

Kalibak look like a troll and Darkseid looks like a rock man, both having primarily human traits and the weird elongated face that sculpt has. The New Gods basically looked for the most part human user. Watch The Furies be ugly ass harpies

I could sit here for the rest of my night and post all of the reasons that you're 100% dead wrong but instead it's the filter for you.

How fucking dare you compare Kirby to Bendis. Jesus Christ Rooney just fuck off already you faggot


you probably want darkseid to have his red miniskirt too

>you probably want darkseid to have his red miniskirt too

He's supposed to be Darkseids top general, so it does make some sense. My issue is what this means for the look of the rest of the New Gods, can you see Scott Free or Granny Goodness covered in that shit?

Just a joke ya sperg

Mate they cut that scene from BvS for a reason. He won't look like that.

I swear every day I consider starting a cult. People will believe anything.

Jesus YES!

They're gods, they can look however they want.

>He won't look like that.


They cut the scene because the movie was 3.5 hours long dummy

Honestly I dont see them doing Granny Goodness at all unfortunately. Not only that, but I expect the New Gods of New Genesis to be overly angelic

The whole point of the New Gods is the ironic dramatic inversions you dopes.

Granny is a sweet old cookie baking granny except she's a manipulative psychopath, Kanto is an Errol Flynn free wheeling dandy fop except he's a ruthless assassin, Godfrey is a pious devout preacher except he's a manipulative huckster selling slavery, Darkseid is a ruthless totalitarian Machiavellian rock faced would be dominator of all free will except he he is soft on his son, etc.

The inversions don't work if they're inhuman CGI monsters.

>Highfather will be a 9ft tall groot looking plant motherfucker

Ciaran Hinds is 64 years old. What the fuck did you expect?

CGI was a mistake.

There is no source for anything in this thread. It's a Sup Forums bait thread and you all are retarded for falling for it.

>he IS soft on his son
Only to Orion, and Orion is destined to kill him.

It looks like Gandalf's friends all passed away


I grown more and more indifferent to this pic.
You're an actor, this is hardly the first time to perform or act without other actors around.

>juxtaposing a green-screen film over a base film in order to create a fantastical size difference
>evidence of CGI being a mistake
Are you kidding? That's the kind of stuff that the original King Kong did (only by doing things like filming in front of a projector).

That's as close to practical effects as CGI is going to get.

>Orion fandom is suffering

If Orion gets more than a "Legend has it Darkseid once had a son, a warrior prince locked in an immortal struggle. But that was a long time ago..." mention I'll eat my dick.

Same dude. I'll never get over what Smallville did.

they did the same shit with practical effects and camera tricks in LotR and it look much better.

It's either GCI monsters or actors cosplaying like MCU's Thor, both are cheesy, the latter is closer to Jack Kirby's designs but it would be too silly for the DCEU.

So the MCU wins again in that regard

Orion was destroyed back in the early 80s.

Krypton in MoS already looked like Apokolips.

You're pretty much an idiot if you expect anything to look good or accurate in these films. Everything has to be alien armor with muted colors or normies will think it's "silly" and designs have to be focus-tested into oblivion.

Honestly I can't understand how anyone with the tiniest amount of respect for comics can enjoy these movies, you could preface them all with "loosely based on characters that have appeared in DC Comics"


This. Camera tricks and practical effects (with maybe subtle applications of CGI) > pure CGI anyway, especially since the latter ages like fucking milk.

What's the 4th World reading order?

good practical effects > cgi

they all just CGI everything in these days. so they can outsource the computer work to a company in china. giving the film its needed chinese made content, and allowing it easier access to chinese theaters .

Nice bait.

Actually I heard that 4th World is getting a HUGE Omnibus at the end of the year, so you could just wait until then

what about bad practical effects?

Didn't they do the same for Thanos?

depends on the context.

in evil dead or army of darkness, bad effects actually make it all the better.

in anything else. it just looks like you cheap out.

Thanos isn't some overly busy design abomination though.

damn the chinamen then.

desu I much prefer the Steppenwolf in OPs pic rather than just "some guy with an axe helmet"

It makes him more unique and gives them more opportunity to do stuff with him, like maybe make him 12 feel tall so we can have a scene where every member of the Leauge fights him at once

I'm not saying go the Doomsday route, they need to give a voice and personality, but I do like the BvS depiction we've seen so far

>Johans floating

Fucking ghostlets. When will they learn.

>Humanoid alien in an axe helmet

Best of both worlds

They overdetailed his armor a bit but he's still a 9 foot tall big guy with a skrull chin.

He has the proportion of some Overwatch or TF2 character, you know what I mean?

I'd have less of a problem with it if he had any color on him besides fucking grey. Make him various shades of green like the old version or even red and black like in the New 52, anything besides this bland shit.

>they need to give a voice and personalit

Do you seriously think Ciaran Hinds would be hired to voice him if they didn't give him personality?

Judging from that one statue he'll also wear normal clothes. Wonder if we'll get the farmer scene

Orion is a violent brute that shouldn't be tolerated by his peers.

>it's a dc apologist thread

desktop/laughing evans.gif

Again, that IS practical effects. Nothing is computer generated, just computer composited. Which is identical and simply more efficient/with less artifact-inducing than their analog counterparts which have been used for close to a century now.

Christ you people are as petty and ignorant as you are tasteless.

Kill yourself Satan

>Steppenwolf will seem like a rip-off of Surtur because Ragnarok comes out two weeks before Justice League

Remember Pirates of the Caribbean 2? When they did the mocap of Bill Nighy while he actually on set, so he could react to what was going on around him and the other actors can react to him? I sure am glad technology has advanced. Now films are better than ever before at being shit.

>Or shall we just dress up Galadriel as a goth and call it a day

Muh dick. MUH DIIIICK.

Fuck you, you big stinky cunt.

Feel free to join us in the 21st century any time.

>Knocking the potential of CGI
>Knocking the potential of CGI in 2017
>Knocking the potential of CGI in 2017 the exact day something with like War of the Planet of the Apes and it's CGI comes out

>besides fucking grey.

That's just the liquid metal hologram, same as in MOS

>Steppenwolf is a dark god
What's he god of?

Snyder's Superman and Wonder Woman are brown and gray and you're expecting colors from Steppenwolf?

I wish Rooney would die.