

Other urls found in this thread:

>Snyder adding in Robin after years of refusing to write him
Who made him do it? King? Editorial?

I was wondering what he was driving that made him look shorter than usual...

>Scott Snyder writing Damian
Now there's a surprise. Also how many posts till Damifag ruins the thread?

so how many posts till Timifag ruins the thread?

is that batmans face ?
I wonder if it is true that he writes batman 666..
I would like that

Sad Superman

he's probably recovering so he's comfortable now


And dami is now 13..

daddy face ..My friends love it..
batman fans are happy on twitter.

Batman is seriously one of the worst dads in terms of DC superheroes

Pretty sure this thread was made by Damifag.

yeah i is my thred.

Also I recall seeing some previews with what looked like Jon Kent being tied down and held prisoner in Warworld while the Justice League appeared in Mongul's colosseum.

i need a scan ?

So does anyone else think everything is nth metal is set up where everything is Hawkman like in Blackest Night , everyone is a White Lanterns for a few pages. Afterwards, the Hawks are the only ones with nth metal.

I'm in my shitty phone so

It might be Billy though



Why does this look like a deep space episode of Maury?