*quips you to death*

*quips you to death*

can she quip me with her thighs?

I want to fuck S1 cat

>getting a girl who looks like a cat to play cat woman


ayy lmao

*submits sexually*

beautiful ass

Ayyy lmao

What do you think Cat's pussy looks like?


Gotham best capeshit program

>The Punisher
>The Gifted
>Jessica Jones
All these are better than Gotham.

Maybe critically, but in my opinion Gotham is the most fun and entertaining. I like its campiness

Wait, hold the phone. Those are all MARVEL! You're just a FANBOY

I wouldn't consider myself a fanboy. I was a huge fan of early Smallville. It's just none of the more recent DC shows have really grabbed me.

Have you watched Young Justice? It's a cartoon, but has a really great story

Binge watching gothan recently, idk why, but it's fun.

Thank you for the recommendation, but I don't watch cartoons.

Eh, give it a shot sometime

This is possibly the most autistic response I've ever read on tv.

While I don't think badly of those who do it, I just can't take them seriously.

She really grew a great backside in season 3.

>falling for the cartoon jew

You're replying in a borderline cunny thread about a capeshit show. You cannot be taken seriously.

While I see your point, I stand by my beliefs.

>borderline cunny

>18 year old

Wish she brapped me to death

I like her.
I like Gotham
Everything about the show feels like the spiritual successor to Tim Burton's Batman movies.


think she got some advanced whip lessons from Tabitha?


Did she get rid of the aesthetic goggles I haven't watched the show in a while

how would that work?

Yes. As a reminder, the apartment that they shared had only one bed.
So it's safe to say that she and Tabitha had hot interracial lesbian sex multiple times in that bed, where Tabitha taught her all about the whip

They didn't have sex
Selina slept at Tabitha's feet. Naked.

I enjoy Gotham more than all those desu. I dunno what it is, it's just comfy as hell. I love the cast desu.

Even better

How can Batboy even compete?

He can't compete with Tabitha's big brown boobs

Can you imagine if those two starting kissing each other, deeply and passionately, how gross would that be haha am I right guys