Just finished season 3, how the fuck did David Lynch fuck up so badly...

Just finished season 3, how the fuck did David Lynch fuck up so badly? He had 25 YEARS to think of a story for the revival and tailor make it to perfection. Yet the new season is so fucking dull and superficial. The story is very thin, the new side characters are all unlikable and forgettable and the best thing about the original series -agent Cooper- had his character completely destroyed. There's no resemblance to the eccentric, energetic, lawful and charming Special Agent Cooper we once knew.

Compare this to George Miller, he had 30 years to think of a sequel to Mad Max and when he finally made Fury Road it turned out to be a nearly flawless movie, you can see he put lots of though and care into it. It seemed like Lynch hasn't started thinking about the story until 1 week before shooting and just made shit up as he went along.

we went through all of this a million times and i agree the most with the Cooper part. Absolutely ridiculous. He killed off the best character and gave him 15 min screen time in the end lmao.

I thought this joke is going to be over in a few episodes but nope.

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Because Lynch wasn't the real lynchpin that held Twin Peaks together. He was just a piece of it. The people who mattered had tried to get a finale told multiple times and Lynch shot it down for a bloated arthouse film.

I enjoyed it as Lynch's work, but disliked it as Twin Peaks season 3.

This is the objectively right stance. I enjoyed it aesthetically and in the same way I enjoy a lynch movie most of the way through, but it doesn't perform as a season of twin peaks.

I liked it desu user. It's tragic as fuck and it left me sad when it ended. It's gonna either be kino or absolute shit to you depending on the type of person you are, imo. Either you're okay with the story taking a big shit on you by stringing you along emotionally or you're gonna find it to be completely awful and unsatisfyingly pretentious and shallow when it doesn't fill the void of what twin peaks was. I'm glad it didn't go with more of the same, half of the actors aren't even there anymore and it wouldn't have been the same, nothing ever is.

This. I also enjoy the first four episodes and the last one a ton as part of Twin Peaks, but there was a lot of inconsequential stuff in the middle. Honestly it seemed to me like the Carrie Paige stuff was the real story of the season, I wish it had been more focused on that, having Kyle MacLachlan and Sheryl Lee acting together for a whole season would have been pure kino

>t. brainlet

Lynch has been creatively bankrupt for like 15 years now.

I don't know why all you faggots expect directors to keep putting out amazing shit into their 70s and beyond. It is very rare that older directors keep killing it. Most say what they want to say in their 30s, 40s and 50s and then are creatively spent.

coffee and piefags E T E R N A L L Y BTFO

to be honest I had enough of Sheryl Lee in S1 and 2 and the movie. That shit was wrapped up (in plastic) and over and done with.

It was a mistake to linger too long on her character and not expand the setting after the initial mystery is used as an introduction to the area and the residents. It's a perfect "in" for the story but instead she's some sort of angel sent from space theater heaven in a golden ball to defeat BOB who is vomited out of the devil's mouth because a nuke went off. I mean come on.

He's old. Old people can only remember things for a couple days. It's like dementia but more natural and expected.

I didn't want it to be a copy of the original series, in fact one of the things that bothered me the most was the return of the original actors (now old and tired). I just wanted to see a matured agent Cooper solving new cases, completely unrelated to Laura Palmer and the old characters. But what we got was over-the-top supernatural bullshit and Cooper being turned into a mental handicap.

I agree the Laura stuff is mostly settled but again I was interested in what was going on with Carrie Paige. Besides, to Lynch, Laura is the centre of the story so that's what he will always focus on

You can't go home again.

>"Wahhhhh, they changed the love of my life, Mr Darling Charming Agent Cooper~~!"

season 3 was the ultimate pleb filter

I only saw the first four episodes, which I loved, but I decided to tune out from then on and just wait for the Blu-ray release so I could just binge watch, which came in the mail a few days ago. Now everyone seems to hate the revival. Does it really get that shitty? Did I waste my money?

I liked how it came full circle. Stable time loop and all.

I'm 100% sure that Twin Peaks was actually intended to be comedy, and it does the job fine.


was it autism?

For whatever reason brainlets who didn't watch the show as it aired just watched it and hate it. Perhaps they're butthurt they missed out on all the fun of theorizing and shitposting in /tpg/.

So you wanted a show that wasn't at all twin peaks? Got it, you're just a retard.

No, it is brilliant

What the fuck is wrong with all of you?

The Return is this decade's greatest piece of art. That ending alone haunted me for weeks.

The Last half of Episode 17 and full of Episode 18 is Lynch just jerking himself off.

Dude has a crazy talented imagination but he overindulges himself and thinks by going for dark, negative and depressing endings (which he has done for almost all of his films) make his work look somehow deeper, which prevent him from elevating himself from one trick pony status in that regard.

I'm not saying you have to be 500 IQ or some shit to enjoy peak Lynch (probably helps, haha pussy), but I think you have to share in his vision more than you would for most creators to really appreciate his art, especially when he doesn't gave a fuck about compromises or expectation. A lot of the weird choices he made for this show (and there were a LOT) really clicked with me.

I dunno, I suppose it's largely subjective, but I love this show, so FUCK YOU

Twin Peaks was mostly shit anyway, FWWM and TPTR are the only consistently good-great things to come from it.

I don't blame you user. Despite my post I would have preferred cooper actually be cooper for the entire season, but I've also been in a mood lately where I'm very sick of reboots and things being done for maximum profit, and this was a pleasant surprise. I don't think the season was perfect by any means, but I can appreciate his intent with it, I guess.

maybe we'll get a season 4 without all the subversion

what if a different actress had played nadine. whoa mind=blown

>Got it, you're just a retard.
Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean. 'cause, remember: no matter where you go... there you are. be well, dear Sup Forums friend.

The only things that were bad happened in 2.10-2.19ish. Even still it had redeemable moments though a lot of the plotlines were outright horrendous. I would say much of TP is mostly great, if you don't count the chain restaurant.

Twin Peaks s3 is literally the greatest season of anything ever and it makes seasons 1&2 redundant.

The amount of MILFs we got this season made up for it

What if Shelly & Laura's actors switched places. What a mindfuck.

>Compare this to George Miller, he had 30 years to think of a sequel to Mad Max and when he finally made Fury Road it turned out to be a nearly flawless movie
How's Annie?

>Eraserhead, Blue Velvet, Wild at Heart, Inland Empire, and arguable FWWM all have positive, cathartic endings
What are you going on about? There is no such thing as "overindulgence". An artist puts out what he thinks is good and the its open to like or dislike. But you're implying that Lynch thought "hey this is shitty but I sure love doing it so I'm going to do it anyways". That's preposterous

Yeah the ending is extremely chilling. After the finale aired I thought much of the season was a mess but that it was all worth it for that ending. After rewatching I think the whole thing is great, but it's clear he starred from the ending and worked backwards, incorporating unrelated ideas he had floating in his head to fill out the season (Dougie being the most obvious example).

Why would that happen?

what if laura was never killed. i bet that would cause some problems in the cosmos. lol

anons am I missing something or was audrey's storyline incomplete? i haven't looked anything up yet because I want to rewatch the whole series again without having every little detail im sure i missed explained for me, but was she a tulpa or just having some sort of existential crisis?


read the final dossier. Frost pretty much covers David's ass and actually puts an actual story there.

I think David wanted it more to be a cerebral nightmare vignette. not a real character journey.

Season 3 is the most entertaining of the three seasons to me, honestly. Season 1 has an amazing pilot but the remainder of the season is just okay, and season 2 has moments of brilliance but it's so long and scatterbrained that it's best played in the background.

What I didn't like is that, for better or worse, it's 100% Lynch. That's great when it's quirky or weird but still resembles actual storytelling; what isn't fun are the bizarre extended scenes that basically tell you to do something else while they're on - part 8 being the worst offender. I don't know how critics jerk themselves off over that episode when the beginning and ending segments are the only sections that aren't frustratingly long and empty.

LMAO youre so plebeian bro. Twin Peaks was never for you.

and what would have been a better season 3? Fanservice and basic drama?

>read the final dossier
no thanks, Mark. Even with them lucky 7 quads

>It's a Cooper changes the past 25 years to deliver a roastie reality bomb and destroy an ancient evil episode



The only things that I enjoyed out of TP were ep3, the season 2 finale, FWWM, and most of the return.

>creatively bankrupt
You say this, despite S3 being one of the most creative things Lynch has ever made.

I thought the whole thing was fantastic.
For reference I watched the first two seasons when they originally aired. I waited a quarter of a century for more and I couldn't have been happier with what Lynch and Frost finally delivered.

>dark, negative and depressing endings (which he has done for almost all of his films)
Most of his movies have very positive endings, S3 was an exception.

I don't think he's trying to make his work "deep" or anything. He genuinely enjoys filming weird shit and putting it on the screen.

Why wasn’t David Lynch’s son a part of the cast?

Pretty much this. Lynch wants to convey the enigmatic nature of dreams and how surreal life can be at times.

he played Bing

Lost Highway and Mulholland Dr are the only two that don't if I'm not mistaken

But what about his other son that I included a picture of?

I liked it. It subverted my expectations.

>ywn be in a threesome with the two of them

In the good way, not in the "star wars" way.