King of the Hill

Why couldn't the normies appreciate the greatest show to ever air on television?

Yeah i mean only 13 seasons, wtf?

That's not what I mean

The normies laugh at the show because "lel propane that boy aint right"
They don't understand or appreciate the expert delivery on jokes, the rich social commentary, or even the deeply flawed characters that experience consequences for their mistakes.
King of the Hill is something that should be taught about in all college level film schools

Favorite episode?
Mine was Wings Of A Dope

This is one of those shows that I have always had on in the background but never sat down and watched. The one episode I sat down and watched from start to finish depressed the fuck out of me, where Hank discovers that John Redcorn is really Dale’s sons father and he decides not to tell him since it would have destroyed Dale. When I was 18 my friend slept with my girl and my best friend didn’t tell me because he said it would have shattered me. Fuck.

>calls people normies
>can't even recognize this image

youre very unique

It's so hard for me to pick a favorite, they're all good

But I really like the episode where Bobby gets sent to boot camp and then Cotton takes it over when he sees how pussified it is

this show has the best YTPs

Who would win, Bill Dautreve or Randy Bobandy?



>the boys move into the Alley
would Hank get them thrown in jail or would Ricky manage to swerve the police?

Bill because he can steal a tank. Also was he actually part of an experiment to give soldiers walrus genes, or was that explained away? I can't remember that episode very well.

The soldier walrus gene therapy is canon, but bill was one of the test subjects given placebos instead of the real drug

Because.. you know.. like.. basically.. haha.. normies you know?

>Bubbles versus Dale
>Ricky versus Boomhauer
>Julian versus Hank

KOTH has some weird episodes for such a grounded show

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand King of the Hill



>Hank goes blind from watching a Jew defile his Gentile mother

>Hank's boss' younger girlfriend is suspiciously murdered

>Luane's boyfriend is killed in a propane explosion

>Bobby dates a mannequin head

This show is weird as fuck, it's why it's great.

Ricky would get Bobby to help grow dope, Hank finds out, becomes a Lahey-like figure trying to stop the boys. Bobby, Joseph, and Connie become bottle-kids

>Ricky goes insane because Hank threw out his "yard clippings" which was his stash


Let's talk about the best character on the show, Jimmy Wichard.

Who's your favorite king of the hill? Mine is Boom Howard

Naked Ambition