ITT: We post the top tier Lord of the Rings Waifus

ITT: We post the top tier Lord of the Rings Waifus

and that was it, there's only one

On the extended edition faramir (after recovering) keeps giving her the 'lets fuck already' eyes.
While arwen sings on the background for some reason.

Arwen had perfect boobs.

besides the elves, of course

All the good ones don't show up in the movies

Ugh this is so problematic.

Why couldn't Eowyn be black?

how could you resist such nice eight-legged lady?
she's into bondage play i guess


All 3 of them?

Does this Semen Demon count?

>not posting her true form

Pleb taste desu

Has a stinger bud, thats a man baby

Eight legs

Looks like shit tier cosplay.


I never understood the point of putting her hand on the sword.

feeling the steel

Why the fuck is she holding her sword like that???

If that's necessary just to hold your sword steady, you might as well put a ricasso on it and grip it with two hands

The only steel she wanted to feel was Aragorn’s dick desu senpai

Why didn’t the Eagles deliver more waifus to Middle Earth?

haha do you think she has a hairy pussy? wouldn't that just be crazy

Best wife was at home in the Shire all along.

>some 5/10 McSlurry riding the hobbit cock carousel
>Samwise Gamgee, an ordinary working hobbit has to pull off one of the biggest and most impossible task in all of Middle Earth history to just to marry her
>After she's picked up hobbit AIDS and realises her lifestyle will be unsustainable into her old age

Oh shit. Did he fuck all of these broads?


Manwë wanted them for himself



the worst thing about LOTR is probably the women. all revolting


Point being? She cooks dinner, raises the kids, and doesn't give Sam any horseshit to deal with. Compared to the impossibly high standards that nearly every other woman in Middle Earth has, she's a pleasant and welcome surprise. You don't have to be the descendant of some ancient king or the heir of some ancient position and you don't need some sort of racially higher blood or possess the ability to command and control everything within your little domain in order to gain Rosie's affections. You can be a gardener who doesn't act like a slobbering fool around her and she'll gladly pump out half a dozen young'uns for you, cook your dinners every night, and let you ride off with your friends for weeks on end only to happily greet you at the door when you return. Sounds pretty sweet to me. She's like a model Mexican wife or something.


shes a barmaid bro shes a slut, and shes out late nights working not cooking your dinner

Behind the scenes fu


Samwise turned that ho into a housewife. You can't deny it.

None of the kids are his.

what did frodo do once he got off the boat?

Got turned into a bottom by a chad elf.

samwise is actually not gay but he never had the chance to realise that so he thinks he gay and i doubt he can even get hard for rosie.

always thinking about fagdo and ian mckellen going off to gayboi land together and all the fun hes missing out on.

maybe one day he goes and waits in the mens bathroom at bree and makes a huge mistake

go to theatre and drink mamosas and listen to frank ocean and go to spin classes u know just elf stuff

Desu she’d better. Faramir needs some sort of pay off for what he’s gone through

>tfw when you realize that Sam is a cuck soyboy

Patrician taste, post more obscure LotR waifus

Lobelia Sackville-Baggins is THICC.

I would


Are you 15?


>posting fanfiction shit