
Our Cartoon President thread. A new show about Trump produced by Steven Colbert. Showtime put the first episode on youtube. Will Blumpf finally be BTFO?


Is showtime making these threads themsevles?


>saging with an image

honestly the show is really funny and if you can't laugh at this satire as a drumpf voter you probably get triggered as easily as the "leftist snowflakes" you like to blame.
The president can be made fun of and its a tradition since the founding of the nation so i don't see what exactly is so outrageous about this.
You guys should really tone it down a little and enjoy this kino.

>Showtime didn't pick up Twin Peaks Season 4 for this

I'd laugh if it was more clever than DUDE TRUMP IS ORANGE LMAO

Hi Stephen.

>dat Miller scene
Is that what happens when you disobey the tribe?

it is more clever than that.

lol the animation is so bad. was it made in flash? the trump impression isn't very good either. i was kind of looking forward to it because i liked lil bush but this was pretty bad

> Adobe Flash shit

Also, why do Americans have the need to make dumbed-down politics? Your Fathers look down in disapproval.

found the redditor.

It's really not. The state of the union scene proves this. Also
>muh toothpaste
was pants on head retarded


This is about what I expected from Stephen Colbert. I like how the liberal artists used stereotypes of fat people and jews. That was funny. The writing fell completely flat though. Art style was shit. Seems the only jokes they have are about Fox news. I would at least write better jokes. I mean with everything off the wall President Trump does and how the liberals react to everything he says, this was the best Stephen Colbert and his team of writers could come up with? I give this show 2 scoops, out of 10.

Didn't laugh once, plot didn't really seem to have a direct focus, and the animation's shit, I've seriously seen stuff on newgrounds with better animation

>The president can be made fun of and its a tradition
Obama was never made fun of.

>Obama was never made fun of.

HAHAHAHA is this what conservashits really believe? People shit on Obama for years. Called him OBONGO, Nigger, made up shit about his origin etc. He literally got made fun of every fucking day on this website, reddit, facebook, twitter. Are you blind?!

moot fixed that like six years ago you fucking NEWFAG!

Thats individual people, not media and television companies

I'm talking about in the media. Where's the equivalent of That's My Bush for Obama?

I'll wait. :^)

Sure people made fun of him, but not the media.

Why is Colbert obsessed with cuckoldry?

what happens when you sage with an image?

i usually hang out on /r/movies

shadilay magapedes. praise Kek and good day to you sirs!