Scenes that frightened you as a kid

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That whole movie scared the balls off me.
Now I know its kino

Agreed user, its Bluth Kino

I heard there was going to be a CGI reboot of this film a while back. Was it cancelled?

ok this is isn't something that frightened me but when I saw this thread I suddenly remembered that I used to get weird feelings, what I believe was sexual arousal to the sarlacc pit in return of the jedi when I was a kid. is this normal?


its basically a sand vagina with teeth, unless ur talking about the version that was CG'ed over


pretty sure it was the original

God I hope so

totally normal then prob


is that from Plague Dogs




The scene in "All Dogs Go To Heaven" where charlie goes to hell.

That part's cool

I did too user. Used to rp it ang get tiny boners.

The Great Mouse Detective when Ratigan goes feral at the end

The transplant scene in Eyes Without a Face.
How it was allowed on network tv in the late sixties, I'll never know.


so it wasn't just me, good to know.

ok I know people find her really unattractive but this scene was a critical moment in my adolescence. Think my whole thing with milfs and short haired women stems from this scene

>The ethologist John B. Calhoun coined the term "behavioral sink" to describe the collapse in behavior which resulted from overcrowding. Over a number of years, Calhoun conducted over-population experiments on Norway rats (in 1958–1962) and mice (in 1968–1972).[1] Calhoun coined the term "behavioral sink

>Among the males the behavior disturbances ranged from sexual deviation to cannibalism and from frenetic overactivity to a pathological withdrawal from which individuals would emerge to eat, drink and move about only when other members of the community were asleep. The social organization of the animals showed equal disruption.

What did he mean by this?

so cool

fuck you

When i was like 4 this is what my mom used to play at night along with total recall, terminator 2 and aliens.

Yes, i am an unemployed alcoholic degenerate now, but at least i have good taste in kino.


I first saw Alien when I was 5 and I turned out okay.

I saw Aliens when I was like 12, and the idea that this woman had hours, maybe even a day or two to contemplate her fate disturbed me to the core.

Saw this when I was about 8.

Getting turned to stone seemed like a fate worse than death.

Literally everything about this Disney movie

When I was about 6 my brother and I were being babysat by family friends and their 14 year old thought there was nothing wrong with showing the Guyver where Guyver gets destroyed by Enzyme.

Stuck with me for life. I enjoy brutally violent and soul crushingly hopeless movies, tv shows, manga, anime, comics and novels.

Gave me a horrific phobia of Vore and the inside of the human body that I have to this day.

Nimh and an american tale.
Nimh2 sucked balls.

The predator scene where they’re skinned alive. Was like 5 years old that imagine is seared in my brain
Couldn’t fall asleep was spoopy

This mother fucker right here

When Boy's face gets ripped off in Little Monsters.

Most disturbing sequence The Simpsons ever had IMO.

Alright gramps it's time for bed

The Rats of NIHM were sick.

holy shit this

Regan's first head-spin from The Exorcist (after the crucifix scene). I was 11, and it's not like I hadn't watched horror movies before then but that scene happened so fast, it looked real and it was just so twisted. I had to leave the room!

Will there ever be movies like this for kids again?

>not the scene where The Master drops him in the tub, killing them both



Bluth really was a true gift to the world of animators and those who enjoy animation.
Its a shame that so many try to shit on him as a racist or some other made up term to make every man in the world out to be a monster.