The Shape Of Water

Why didn't she take better care of her fishman?
It's the 60's, saltwater fish keeping wasn't something rare. She could have gone to the library and read a book about salt water fish care and at least figure out how much salt she would need per gallon to reach his required salinity (which the scientist told her)
But instead she was all "hurrdurr I love my fishman but I'm not going to care for him properly"
What a bitch.

Remember this is a film by the guy who thinks dinosaurs have 2 brains.

We all know that the only reason people will be following this thread is in the expectation of someone posting the webms of the nude scenes
So just hurry up and fucking post them

I have a thing for homely brunettes so this is literally the only reason I am here

There were nude scenes posted? Wasn't aware that there was any. I think I'd rather watch The Untamed that an user showed this to me.

>movie has good reviews

sure I'll give it a shot

fucking post them jesus christ

Wtf is this from??

She already had information from Bob, and she had a plan for when it would be ending, it was a temporary arrangement.

Plus, where would she get money for a proper tank?

>that perfect ass
>those perfect tits

How did she do it bros?

Literally hentai.

just fucking post the webms for fucks sake


Her bottom was surprisingly nice.

When she was describing the sex to the black lady was she implying that it had a big dick? I didn't really understand that scene.

Maybe it's bc I'm on mobile but I can't really see it.

Tell me this isn't the entire scene.

The Untamed.

Thanks man.

It's just like my chinese cartoons

What's this movies relation to Hellboy?

I'm not saying build him a tank, just make sure he has the proper salinity.
I'm assuming that improper salinity has something to do with how his health deteriorated.

Doug Jones (the actor who portrayed the Hellboy fishman) is also the fishman in this movie.

she was too busy sexually abusing it

>high 90% score on RT and Google
Christ, do people really like this type of hamfisted storytelling

she was describing that the dick opens up from the inside like many amphibious/fishy animals, her description of the dick seemed like it was just a normal one

It gets even more abominable.
13 Oscar nominations. I'm not fucking around. A movie that promotes fucking lovecraftian fishmen got 13 goddamned Oscar nominations.

what's the problem here?

I think she was just explaining that his penis wasn't external like a human's.

I wouldn't mind a movie about it, but the execution was so trash, I could hardly believe the guy who made it also made Hellboy.

The flick was garbage.
It felt like Del Taco was trying to make an Edward Scissorhands-style romantic character study, but went full autist and we ended up with a romance where nobody, especially not the fishman we were supposed to empathize with, had a single human trait about them.
Only Michael Shannon shone in the movie, and even then because he acted more like a badly written cartoon character than everybody else.

So you didn't like it?

>you are a god
>why doesn't he have a human trait
>mute is a fish girl left by the river with scarred girls
>why doesn't she have human traits
>woman is black
>scientist is russian

I agree. It was an unfilmable mess before it was even filmed.

The fish creating her gills was a bit odd but many women in the theater were crying being consoled by their husbands as I left

It was stupid as shit.

For a romantic drama, this is a bad thing. If you're not connecting with any of the characters, then they're bad fucking characters.

Oh fuck, how? My girlfriend just had this WTF look on her face at me the whole time and asked me exactly why I wanted to watch this movie.

Why did the scientist give them up in the end?

he thought Shannon was such an idiot that he couldn't help but gloat in his dying moments that the help pulled one over on him. They were seconds/minutes away from having the fishman released anyways before he confronted them, and he only found them because of the calendar.

even the Greeks understood that the gods should have human traits

Are there any yet?


I really loved the look of this movie. The sixties just seem so comfy. Why did pic related look so cool? He was pretty fucking despicable tho

Michael Shannon is a great actor!

Look up Take Shelter, one of my favorite of his.

>girls would literally rather have sex with 10 limbed tentacle monsters than you

she loves fishdicks

look up baddragon vids

He really is. I was scared of him by the end

Why would you fuck a fish? They are probably full of parasites

Of course there are, I had downloaded the screener like a week ago before I decided to just see the movie in theater. I probably wouldn't have liked it as much if I watched the screener.

But some of them did dipshit

Better hope Paddington doesn't see this or he'll have some awkward questions for Mrs. Brown.

Just remember, the more successful Del Toro is in movies like this, the better chance we'll have of getting At the Mountains of Madness.

With 100% more socially aware themes!

This movie was just about some slit fucking a fish and deserves none of the hype the degenerates in Hollywood are giving it. The only reason it is getting awards is because the Hollywood jews are now pushing pedophilia and beastiality.

So did the girl and fighguy fuck and they made the fishguy from Hellboy?

>With 100% more socially aware themes!
Welcome to the Hollywood of the future.

Fish creatures can't give consent to their captors. More Hollywood glorification of rape and sexual assault. #MeToo

This is your brain on /pol

Yea honestly I thought this movie was completely overrated. When they started fucking and the bitch didn't give a shit about her neighbors apartments being drenched in water I was like okay, fuck this bitch, all she cares about is herself and getting some dick


ah but the mentally and physically disabled can't give consent either, so the lack of consent balances out

So is this film going to end up like avatar? Loved for a bit until people realize how shitty it is and then forgotten?

I said this in an earlier thread, but the only person who came close to being an actual character was dimitri, everything about this movie is like the little mermaid for marxist retards, Del Toro even had to set the film in a caricaturized 1950s just to give a functional context to his hamfisted criticism of america

another movie by a mexican director why do they want their women SCALED so badly

this movie bout bestiality ?

How can this be a thing but Spiderman looks like a PS2 game?

Bitch fucked a fish

even with the best possible care, animals in captivity always live less than they would in their natural habitat (unless eaten or attacked), because of the unnatural and incomplete conditions of such artificial habitat

everyone learns this in pre-school you absolute fucking tool

it's the entire and only sex scene between the alien and a human female.

there are some gay sex scenes, some straight sex scenes and a bunch of animals fucking in a crater, and that's about it regarding sex

how do we go back bros? im tired of seeing the arm of the jew behind everything wrong in the world

>that amazing acting from everyone
>that perfect music
>those amazing comfy sets and photography
>perfect pacing, not drawn out
>romance, action, sex and gore
>not a perfect movie
get fuked

she always had gills fuckhole. they were misinterpreted as scars but she always had them. remember she was an "orphan" found with them already. you people are letterboxed commenters level of idiots

>romance, action, sex and gore

This movie was boring and embarrassing to watch


you could actually taste how bitter and miserable he was.
I'm not saying he did nothing wrong
but all he did felt legit in his position

It was just ok. The kind of movie you would catch on TV in a couple years and you’d be like “oh that was alright”

this movie is too fucking sincere for americans to totally swallow it
I think it's good, but the oscars are a fucking joke anyway

libraries didn't exist in the 60's you brainlet

He needed a redemption arc


None of them did.

> sincere
> most characters are unrealistic
> antagonist is cartoonish evil
> good guys can do nothing wrong and are all extremely virtuous and open minded
Only the russian scientists is decent characters minus the part when he just give out the group for apparently no fucking reason so the plot can move forward. Acting, music, cinetography, make up are all good though but writing was garbage and plain

Did this movie really need the gay guy and the black lady? They didn't need to be there at all

And the sexual harassment scene
And the scene with cars and other toxic masculinity stuffs
How else a director known for making average/slightly above average but fun and entertaining movies can win “prestigious” academy awards.

Pandering to SJW?

or he was trying to say something thematically about masculinity vs. femininity. what that is i'm not sure, and I didn't even like the movie much either, but this is still someone's art. not every artistic decision is a political power move on behalf of a multicultural conspiracy

Did anyone else audibly laugh during the diner scene?

Richard Jenkins's character had gone into that diner dozens of times and evidently no black people (in Baltimore) showed up. But as soon as the guy starts bullying him for being a faggot, two walk in so he can turn into fucking David Duke, because apparently it's not enough for him to be a homophobe who's mean to this old man who loves him.

I laughed when the CIA villain said, "You really are a god", right before he got his fucking throat slashed. It's so stupid. It's like a reverse one-liner.

El goblino..

All the SJW points and subplots are very poorly done and did not add anything to the main plotline of the movie. They mess with the pacing and the main theme/storyline of the story. Also, characters get extremely one dimensional due to the political pandering. Michael Shanon’s character could have been a multi-dimensional antagonist but he’s just a cartoonish evil, crazy, and even incompetent because he’s supposed to represent a white man with traditional value so he can’t be portrayed in sympathetic light. Black friend character barely did anything for the movie despite of how much she talk. You can take her out and the movie wouldn’t change at all. It’s almost like her character was there so Strickland can be racist against her. The gay artist’s subplot line was almost interesting but as soon as he’s officially revealed to be gay, he can’t do anymore wrong and can’t go against the main character’s interest.
Tbh, there are great potential in the movie, especially during Elisa’s conversation with the gay artist explaining why she care for the creature. However, its development get sidelined a lot for tons of fluffs to cater to politically corrected crowd

Why? You get plenty of nude Sally Hawkins in this movie and I promise, it's nothing to get excited about. The best nudity is the two seconds of titty you get from Michael Shannon's wife, which was wholly unnecessary but welcome nonetheless.

Yeah I have to agree. The structure and general pacing of the whole thing was kind of a mess, the motivations didn't really register, the acting was cartoony, but I tried to sideline all that stuff and tell myself "this is a fairy tale, a modern myth" and just see it from a thematic/symbolic point of view. but even that is kind of lacking and I haven't been able to get much from it. I actually rolled my eyes when they both appear dead but, gasp, he regenerated her with his fish magic! It was a pretty hollow attempt at baiting the audience into emotion. Definitely felt like a lot of missed potential.

I legit can't decide if GDT was actually endorsing bestiality with this film.

Keep in mind, the fishman sex scene comes shortly after the audience is supposed to forgive him for devouring a house cat because "he's a wild animal, he doesn't know any better." So by that logic, he obviously couldn't consent to someone. I understand he's a God-like being who's clearly sentient but that doesn't necessarily mean he's intelligent enough to consent.

These are definitely kind of things that should have been explored more in the movie instead being rushed because GDT spent too much time getting sidelined by unecessary progressive stuffs that didn’t add anything to the movie. I also like how the gay artist didn’t get upset at all when his cat get murdered and he get injured when he thought that the whole deal is a bad idea in the beginning. I expected him to say something like “ I told you so” but he just urge Elisa to go look for the creature(what he considered an unpredictable wild animal) by herself and bring it back. Wtf was that?
There are tons of other stuffs that make me roll my eyes as well. One is example is how Strickland JUST happen to have this specific mute fetish so they can set him up to cheat on his wife and sexually harass Elisa’s character who is muted. Oh and it gives some handwaive reason why he hates the creature because it makes annoying sound. Nigga just put on an earplug. The part when he ask if Elisa make any squeal or squawk noise is cringy is fuck. It’s only there to have some stuff about sexual harassment in work place in the movie. The whole ordeal doesn’t play any bit into the plot and only there to make the audience to hate Strickland more if they didn’t already. Let’s compared this to a scenario im beauty and the beast, which I am sure GDT tries to copy a bit from. Sure, gaston also shows interest in belle and tries to make sexual advance on her. However, this sort of relationship flows very naturally into the plot when Gaston believes that Belle is being kidnapped by the Beast and lead the villagers to attack the Beast castle to rescue her. Now that’s a similiar scenario that was done well.

>Mommy, why are white men so evil and mean; I wanna fix it by racemixing too!
definitely no backdoor, SJW, cuck shit here
>you are a god *preps the bull*
/sarcasm off

This is literally a ripoff of Possession. Absolute trash


how is that even relevant? the fish is another species, not another race you fuck