*Makes a stupid face

*Makes a stupid face

Other urls found in this thread:


Giv sticc pusy



Thread theme song

>you will never hurt yourself pounding her boney hips
>she will never hug you and press her collar bones into your chest
>she will never shed a tear when you try to penetrate her cute tight asshole

oh, user, you autistic blindrat, that's not stupid face that's anorexic face

Ok fagget, here's a stupid face then.


She looks fucking weird and ugly.

They need to add a "Eat a sandwich every day" clause in her contract. Her being an unappealing skeleton is bad for the show.

*rattles in skeleton*

Delete this

Literally perfect.

Does she have a disorder or something?

she's big boned

Millie is better and more fuckable.

She's 13, stop it.

>big boned
more like all bone

Kek, she keeps swallowing her cheeks to look thinner.

Why is she making those faces? Is someone speaking to her while this is being filmed or is she just being photographed? Looks like she's responding to something.

I know. She is way too old.

are those pokies her ribs?

Oh God what did I just do


*eats nothing

All these celebs have poses they practice to look good for the photo. There's that WebM with Taylor swift and Lorde that confirms this.



kek the lewd one stays

I think she will die from a cocaine overdose before season 3 comes out.

What was it?

it's still there

ok time to settle this

sticc vs thicc

Not anymore


I assume she's doing a quick interview and reacting to the question being asked.

>MFW pedos ruined my thread

your thread was shit

Your black?

why don't we have both?

Millie+Sadie is the best duo. Natalie is shit.

>your you're
You're illiterate?

We can onoy hope, roesties around western world need some reality check.

>Durr hurr he used your and you're incorrectly Hurr I caught that, I must be smart hurrr

Do you mean are you illiterate?

literally 50 pounds. shell be dead by 2020

>that scene in s2 where she is drunk and gets mad at his bf
literally the worst acting in the entire show

your one cheeky cunt m8 say some bollocks like that again and I’ll fuckin neck ya swear on me mum you tosser


>still posting awfully-drawn awfully-disgusting drawings
you promised you would kys. YOU PROMISED.


You have two choices, you can either go back that shitfest Reddit or kys because guess what, you're not welcomed here.


You have two choices, you can either download better images or take a drawing class. Awfully-drawn awfully-disgusting drawings not welcomed here.

You're Klingon?

thanks skeletor


>Passes out for the sixth time

>still posting awfully-drawn awfully-disgusting drawings
you promised you would kys. YOU PROMISED.