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Great movie

Awful movie.

Mediocre and uninspired. Check the Blade Runner movies for true cyberpunk noir goodness

It was ok

Tis okay

I apologize for not bashing it hard enough so that some of you wasted time and probably money watching it

It wasn't as bad as Aeon Flux

It wasn't as good as even the shittiest 3d rendered anime.

Literally the only thing about this movie people cared about was the score, which itself was mostly trash anyway.


It was just as good as the first blade runner, which is also a film carried entirely by it's world and atmosphere.

ghost in the fridge

What was worse, this or Death Note?

It wasn't bad, 7/10. Better then most sci-fi flicks these days. Of course animefags will never be pleased by any adaption.

I just wanna put my dick in scarjo's butthole.

do movie studios hire shills to make threads or posts like this through out the internet where they say some movie that wasn't well received is "actually pretty good" because if they don't I think it might be worth it because I fall for it over and over

I have to walk funny so retards know I’m a robot.

Aeon Flux was way better.

Just watched it and it wasn't that bad. Wish other characters had scenes though.

honestly, it was KINO AF.

That's very nice looking.

a BLACKED thread died for this. sage

It could have been a lot worse. The biggest issue I have is that they made it an origin story...for a character that Shiro specifically didn't want to have an origin story. It was a lot like Force Awakens, a nostalgia trip with lots of homages to the anime but with no real substance and the filler used in between the set homage pieces was very weak.

A lot of wasted potential from a good cast of characters and rich source material. The best parts were all the scenes with Takeshi Kitano.

They should have done a section 9 movie first before doing the origin movie. Anybody that didnt see the original wasnt really going to care about the story or understand certain scenes. Make the action movie about the shit section 9 does, then youll be able to make a sequel going into the characters backstory while people are actually interested in the franchise.

No, that movie (or any other anime related) should never have existed.

>You had your chance
>Based Jim will take it from here
>171 days

>>Based Jim will take it from here
You know he isn't directing this, right?

>Lighthouse logo on trailer
>Produced by James Cameron
He's pretty confident in this movie.

for what? this movie was fucking awful.


>"the tv show which is garbage"

lol garbage he says


Best be talkin about ARISE

Fuck hollywoods

Only a cuck can defend something like this.

As someone who hasn't seen the original or anything ghost in the shell but love cyberpunk. I thought it was pretty meh.

for what? I paid to see you

The anime wasn't much better

It wasn't anything great but wasn't horrible. I've seen much much worst live action adaptions of anime before. That's not something that translates well into live action.

Never, fuck off and don't touch manga or anime material ever again


i dont get it, how could i watch this in one sitting but i couldnt last more than 10 minutes watching atomic blonde, somethings not right about the one of these

It didnt have Motoko pretending to be a dirty mommy


Did it at least have robot lesbian orgies or something?

I went to see Life but something went wrong and the theatre offered to give us tickets to this which was just starting. It was shit, I've never seen any Ghost in the Shell anime but I'm a pretty big anime dork in general. Ended up watching Life later at home, it was shit too.