Sup Forums boys thread

Sup Forums boys thread

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so i guess we're just gonna let the thread die then?

These kind of threads seem like a monthly thing.

I always felt these type of threads would be more appropriate on /cm/ anyway, and without worry of mods deleting or putting them on auto-safe. /cm/ has too much Sup Forums and Sup Forums so a Sup Forums specific thread would be nice.


>These kind of threads seem like a monthly thing.
monthly threads tend to turn into weekly threads in the summer for some reason



Do you think he knows Wonderwall?


>tfw best boy only has like 4 minutes of screen time ever


Who is he? He's cute af


Just three boys.

Ok I'm gonna ask. What is this faggy iteration of Superboy?

Just threeee boys

Buddy. Buddy. How DARE you.


Who is this jizz whizz?

Still didn't answer my question. Who is he?


He's Superboy.

The first Superboy. Well 2nd, if we count young Clark as the 1st Superboy.

He's the Superboy you know but with 90s attitude. He basically was "YEAH DUDE SKATEBOARDING" the superhero before he joined the Titans and they made him boring which is the version on the Young Justice show, just boring. And then the nu52 one which was weird apparantly.

No, this is the best Superboy.

boy from the first overwatch trailer

he's my favorite boy



At least Sinner is making use of him in his comics

I see.

Nathaniel from Ladybug. He's an artist.

Need sum Aqualad

Tom Holland

really wish there was more love for Kick

Put this shit in /trash/


it's always good to see shows that still let boys be boys

>even the official art draws him lewdly
This is something I can and will fap to.

Sup Forums boy mention of b12.

Oh man what a qt, I didn't know there were other cute boys in this show.

Let me guess, he doesn't get any screen time?


He has one focus episode. His last name was an homage to Jack Kirby.

>no one has posted finn yet
let me fix that

You didn't say which one so here's both.

They've since deleted.

Thanks, and, damn shame

Well turns out a black guy ended up using the fists anyway

It was really dissapointing we didn't get cute boy with doomfist glove trying to be a new hero like Tracer told him or Terry Crews happy doomfist

Did you mention his tactile kinesis? Don't forget about his tactile kinesis.

good taste


a good boy

A naughty boy

Isn't it just moving things while flying?

I'm bi and all, but is it weird if Sup Forums boys don't appeal to me much? They all just seem like 12 year old's self insert power fantasies, none of them have anything to latch onto.

Seth McFarlane-shit isn't animation. Animation is moving shapes meant to give the impression of life, American Dad and others are just sitcoms with half-passing flash visuals to go along with it.

Jon is cute.

God I'm such a pedofile

I'm bi and most fictional girls don't do much for me either, it's a matter of taste user don't worry

Bara > little boys

blasphemy and wrong


Any good grey foxes in cartoons?

I always liked this show. It's like star vs but with a less insurable protagonist.

I was super disappointed with that show. I was going to watch it for the cute boys but it's so annoying how the show is aimed at 9 year old girls

Really? To be honest, I didn't keep going after one episode. I assumed it was laziness on my part

not that user but I watched all of it and yeah it's very heavily formulaic, but the mistery and cute boys and girls helped me get through it, and I'm glad I did in the end

Hos voice throws people off but he us pretty cute, best paired with Gunther though

try watching it in French

the English dub drove me up a wall with its silly and kiddy dialogue choices

He fucks half the females in OW in that one good OW porn comic

>He has one focus episode.

Figures. I mean the catboy is cute and all, but I love me some submissive pretty boys.

he does appear in other episodes and sometimes speak, but nothing major

MODs, you know what time it is...

>This thread..again.

They don't focus on his body enough though.
Its mostly shots of the girls with his arm at the edge of the panel.

>tfw torn between platonic feelings and lewdness

I'd love to have a summer fling with Sun.
If only I looked better in pretty dresses, we could go to amusement parks and take long drives though the mountains.

Even then it's still super kiddish

I know that feel user

So confusing ;-;

You can do both

Underappreciated best boy

Yeah, sometimes you want a little boy, and sometimes you WANT a little boy.





you're a cool guy, user.


Is this Super Boy preserved anywhere? Or are we stuck with the boring one forever now? Like in every universe?

Also recommended reading? How do you know which Kon you're getting? is tehre an easy way to differentiate?

Thanks in advance.

Is he okay?

does anybody have a megaupload link to Supernoobs?
Kevin and Tyler are delicious

My little slut


>implying that Sup Forums isn't the gayest board

That's Sup Forums, Sup Forums is just the pedo board.

I like to think that Barafags are cute manlets and Shotafags are big men.

But deeply I know both are either lanklets or just twink trash.

Technically, he's the best Sup Forums movie boy.

>been on nofap for a month
>promised I'd only fap when the next Super Sons came out or if someone posted lewd DamienxJon

D-don't... please

>if someone posted lewd DamienxJon
Why is there not a shotacon doujinshi about them yet?


morty is a good boy

Huh. Good taste on Sup Forums. That's rare.