What does everyone think about Chris Stuckmann?

What does everyone think about Chris Stuckmann?

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Don't take horror recommendations from him, he gets scared by just about anything.

Tell that to Zod's snapped neck

Gives even the most mediocre blockbuster flick an A. He's too soft and not very credible.

He seems like a nice guy, but definitely jerks off to a lot of hentai.


Hot & successful. That's the ultimate afrodesiac

Does anyone think he’s a cuck? And no I wouldn’t take any recommendations from him seriously. He seems to have a very normie list of kino selections

bad taste in film, i just can't take his opinion seriously

From what I've seen, only losers use the word "cuck". Like no one I know actually uses that word. Yes call me a normie but atleast I'm not a beta male 4channer.



>Chris Cuckmann
absolute garbage

hi Chris

How do you go on knowing your wife wants that sweet FlickDick? Don't get scared now

He’s fucking his wife

He thinks he's hotshit and cried when RLM made fun of him. He's bottom tier.

Hateable for being an unremarkable shill

Reddit tier.


personifies "geek culture"

I grew up with Chris Stuckmann

I must admit I am partial to the occasional Stuckmanization. All in good taste, of course.

Literal embodiment of soy. He gave TLJ an A-

This, only if it's not a samefag

He doesn't provide enough information in his reviews. They're all like 2 minutes of "Yea it was alright, B+" and then like/comment/subscribe baiting

He's like the Mr. Rogers of internet movie criticism. Mostly harmless, but not super insightful.

Someone post the webm. You know the one.

Hes such a little bitch. Heres that video of him crying about red letter media calling him a tool. What a sensitive little faggot.


The "NASTY" one with the autism goosestepping through the woods?

Is that the lighter scene?