How did this masterpiece wind up on USA Network?

How did this masterpiece wind up on USA Network?

I don't know, but we're lucky it is. The ratings are abysmal, and the only reason USA keeps renewing it is because it's their only prestige show.

by the end of the first season I felt it was dumb as shit but I hear a lot of people saying the third season is amazeballs so should I go ahead and watch the second and third season?

I don't think Season 3 is better than Season 1, but the tone has shifted quite a bit, so it might be more your cup of tea now, but I don't know.

I really liked the first season up until the plot stuff at the end of it where I just couldn't suspend my disbelief I like the production and the actors are generally pretty good too

>I just couldn't suspend my disbelief
If that's the problem, the next seasons probably aren't for you unless you can really let go of it and just enjoy the ride.

I loved season 1, but anyway.. yes absolutely watch the rest. It's fucking great.

*licks your lollipop*

I still don't know either. I've never watched a single show on USA until Mr. Robot and it's a great show on an otherwise irrelevant network.

It was the only network interested in such a high risk property. They probably could have gotten away with a show simply about hackers, but they would have needed to make it less weird.

Why did Streep's daughters choose to use the name 'Gummer' and not 'Streep'? I get that it's their legal surname, but it's show business. Use a stage name that's not hideous.

>Mr. Soybot

She probably uses Gummer because she doesn't want people to think she only gets roles because of nepotism. Same reason Nicolas Cage doesn't use Coppola.

that and "Grace Streep" doesn't roll off the tongue at all.

First 90% of season 1 was GOAT. Hated when it turned from good guy hackers vs bad guys into le which is real and which is le imagination. I watched season 2, it was pretty bad, should I watch season 3? or will I hate it.

3 is better than 2. Had more fun set piece moments that 2. Didn't like the first episode, but it's great after that.

I just found out that's Meryl Street's daughter.

I genuinely like S2, don't understand the hate. Without spoiling it, what's wrong with it in your opinion?

I loved the second season too. It's just not as good as 1 or 3. It had it's moments like Elliot's adderall trip, Angela helping Darlene plant that device in e-corp, Elliot imagining better lives and happy endings for everyone. There were just fewer brilliant moments like that in Season 2. Overall the show was still great.

it literally became gayer and gayer as the show went on

*stabs you with knife nose*

Oh, kind of like your life, huh?

says the one watching the tranny show, how delusional are you?

How much of a faggot are you for giving so much of a shit. Get out of my face. You disgust me.

it still had cringey forced tech stuff in it. it's not geared towards an actual tech audience. too hard for me to watch

S2E1 opening is top tier kino, the scene with the song daydream playing

>gives you a blowjob
>everytime her head goes down her sharp nose cuts open your abdomen


I feel like i could get into it and find it to be a unique trait in an autistic kind of way. She's a qt desu

season 3 was pretty fun, but I dunno now. Are we gonna go through more Elliot vs robot shit or has that finally resolved? Also it's everyone vs. whiterose basically, obviously Dom is going to reluctantly help them, probably be mad at darlene for a few episodes etc etc.

Also, fuck Vera, what a dumb 'heres some food for thought' ending.

I have been rewatching it with a friend and I still like it. 3 is probably better, and 1 probably is too. I get that, it's still solid though.

I guess people were pissed off by the twist, which people figured out long before it happened. And also the fact Elliot doesn't interact with most of the cast because of said twist.
I think people think it ended badly too, and that sitcom episode left a bad taste in peoples mouths, even though it's not the whole episode, and actually has a plot reason to be there.

>and that sitcom episode left a bad taste in peoples mouths
That was the best episode of the season, and had the single best moment, Angela helping Darlene with the e-corp hack, which was the precursor to this last season's one-shot episode.

Mr Reddit