I miss him already

I miss him already

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Cuck King, we hardly knew ye.





Can someone explain to me why everyone calls him a cuck?


pol isnt everyone.
he called trump hitler and the snowflakes can't stand that.

>louie cuck king



He was considered a cuck long before that

Because he uses primarily self-deprecating humor and is white, except for when Sup Forums doesn't want him to be.


It's short for "cuckold", or "cuckhold", which refers to a man whose sexual partner has sexual relations with another individual. The "cuck" fetishizes his partner's infidelity, and the partner, knowingly or not, will typically put on a show for the "cuck", which grants him great sexual pleasure.

>why everyone calls him a cuck?
He's not a cuck, he's the Cuck King

There can be only one.

you mean, Louis Szekely, the cuck king?

He'll come back, eventually. He has too many fans not to, not all of whom are feminists. He'll do his time in exile and shame for a few years and when things start to blow over he'll work again

some of his material around 2013-2014 really stuck with Sup Forums. it boiled down to
>being white is great
>except for BEING WHITE
and that turned into this very elaborate narrative involving interracial breeding grounds, cuck sheds and his wife's son.
it was incredibly influential memery

In Louie, his ex-wife is black and yet their daughters are fair, blonde and blue eyed.

It's like a kind of surreal reverse- cuckery

He specifically says that being white is great

The very first thing he says in his next special better be "mind if I jerk off in front of you?".

That's actually the name of his upcoming Netflix stand up special.

The really ironic thing is that he wrote some of the best episodes of television last year, for Better Things, which is a show about a single mother raising 3 daughters. It was easily the best feminist work onscreen last year.

nice b8

He just got signed by William Morris a few days ago. Matter of fact, this is probably a shill thread from them. Don't worry, this fucking faggot will be shat upon us again sooner than you realize.

the part about better things being feminist or better things being good?

A lot of it is written by CK. The show is extremely episodic and with a loose structure, like Louie is. It's exactly his form of humour. A lot of it is about Adlon working in showbinizz as well, raising kids as a single parent, etc. It's so fucking similar to Louie. CK & Adlon are even similiar mysanthrope- but not really- personalities. If you like Louie (and don't hate women), you would like Better Things. The only real difference is that Louie is NYC and more Woody Allen-esque while better things is quintessentially LA and slightly more like a sitcom than an experimental film.

If you meant you don't think it's feminist, well, i doubt you did mean that and if you did i'd like to hear why.

xtra spicy

stop shilling for this no-talent commie phony


He was never funny. Who cares?

He's not a fucking faggot but thanks for the news

Louis pls

>Yfw #metoo ends up backfiring on women because no one will want to work with them

If you ever listened to him in O and A he'd always be like IT'S GREAT BEING WHITE FELLOW WHITE PEOPLE BECAUSE WE ARE SO EVIL AND OPPRESIVE AMIRITE LMAO despite being a jewish mexican.

Based Patrice called him out on not being white all the time

He says that before and after peppering the audience with anti-white rhetoric about how white people should be from different planets, are awful people, and generally just likes to project all of his own qualities onto the race as a whole.

The only time I can even stand his comedy is when he's not talking about history, race, or presidents, which narrows his act down quite a bit.

One guy spammed poorly written pasta in every Louie thread
Fatties got upset by a fat women calling them fat in an episode of louie


He has moved on to a better place, the interracial breeding grounds


He'll be back in a few years

As appalled as normies are, as someone that listens to a ton of his standup, hearing what he did was more like "yeah that sounds about right" than outrage. I'm sure most of his fans don't really care and what he did wasn't even that bad

Did I Love You Daddy come on to the torrents already? I'd like to see the last of the Cuck King's work.

>believing what the media reports

>hashtag movements are real

dude was a plant. not even a real comedian. thank god, because he's not funny, or talented in an discernible way.

>dude was a plant. not even a real comedian. thank god, because he's not funny, or talented in an discernible way.
lol you people are so delusional


A lot of his material centered around racial self-deprecation

Dude it's been out sine December.

>Fatties got upset by a fat women calling them fat in an episode of louie
That's not what happened at all. You're misremembering the hamfisted scene where Louie's fat friend shames him for not finding her attractive for 7 minutes.


People (tv) overreacted way to hard over this. Literally nothing wrong with it.

>Sup Forums
very generous

you are right

he thinks he is perceived as the most un-jewey jew in popular media today.
shows you how far out of touch he is.

> Literally nothing wrong with it.
They made it seem like Louie committed some sin by not being attracted to fat women, and implied that there's a double standard for people who choose to be overweight when there really isn't. The entire speech is nonsense and added nothing to episode, the writers only added it so they could pat themselves on the back afterwards.

What a jerk

i'm surprised you actually know how it went down.

in reality there was one bit where he said time has been good for white people so in the future it's going to be bad and they will be fucking us (over) basically.

but Sup Forums is fucking stupid and full of Sup Forumstards

better things is great
i fap to it at least twice per episode
thanks pam

You forgot to mention the bit where he says whites deserve to be fucked over by other races which is where the cuck shit came from

>anti-white rhetoric

Bullshit. He wasn't being "anti-white", that's just you screeching because you're just incapable of viewing criticisms that conflicts with your chosen identity politics.

What a fragile little snowflake you are.

The louis cuck meme was 2-3 years before trump you super new fag reddit scum fuck

>autists often takes themselves too seriously

This is actually where the cuck shit comes from.
Comedians tell jokes, get over yourself.

His material is mostly self deprecation mixed with his perceived racial bias (I've got it too good because I'm white. But being white also sucks because my life sucks.)

Then some memers twisted his words around until he was the perfect fit for the proto-cuck mold that birthed the current use of cuck you see on the interwebs today

>my daughter's an ass
>something something white people
>religious joke
>shit fuck piss cunt lol fuck shit nigger faggot
>wait let me take a break and make an artsy drama that's just my act in sitcom form

What about him do you miss exactly

Where is he now?

Well I guess Sup Forums are comedians too for making cuck pastas about him

They're just jokes right friend so follow your own advice and stop being so uptight

What did he really do besides jacking in front of some people and being a cuck?

I miss hearing about his sexual escapades on the news

This is what started Louie-posting




I love him for being the only good part of those disastrous Oscars that year when there was a BLM chimpout about diversity. He was presenting the award for best short documentary and did this bit beforehand about how ordinary all the people who get nominated for that Oscar are compared to everyone else there. Then when he pulled the winner out of the envelope he jokingly said "and the winner is... Mad Max?" In confusion because they had swept all the awards given out before that.

It was the only thing that night which wasn't balls to the wall turbocringe or political grandstanding so I took a shine to him after that.

get out of town!

he was never funny

Louie you need to sit down and learn this stuff for real




That's already true. Which is why they made laws to make it illegal to not work with them.

Do you think Louie knows about the cuckmeme by now?




