So is he just gone now?

So is he just gone now?

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He'll come back within a couple month. Probablly when no ones looking.


His career will go sideways for about a year and then it's back to business as usual - rape.

I never cared about this dude until I learned that dirk gently got cancelled. What the fuck the end of season 2 had everything set up and then it just gets fucking cancelled

I heard he was on literal suicide watch

ty based roasties

Makes sense. He lives in the feminist world. Being attacked by them destroys his support structure. That's why it's so important to not be a bag with faggot hair and unplug.

And that'[s why you never get cozy with feminists.

Down the memory hole he goes.


who is this

The Clown Honker

What is this haircut called?

Max 'Honk Honk' Landis

The world builder himself. Architect of the intellectual kino 'Bright' which he sold for 3.5 million.

The rockstar of screenwriting who does not give a fuck about the rules and just makes money off his #LITTY #RAUNCHY #FUN screenplays.

Seriously read them. They are fun to read and he is batshit insane and it somehow sells.

Sounds like someone who just came down from a week long acid trip, and then decided to pop a couple shrooms and a Budweiser for good measure.

It's the "LOOK AT ME I LIVE IN L.A. SERIOUSLY, JUST LOOK AT ME!!" I live here and people have the dumbest fucking hair cuts. Last night some young tv director at bar had hair like Egon/Eraser Head. He purposely goes out with a giant hair poof 6 inches tall.

What did he mean by this?

Whoa, ambien really fucks you up, huh. Scary to watch. I hope the guy doesn't off himself. He's a spoiled spaz but I dunno man. Doesn't seem right what's happened to him off of such baseless accusations.

I hope not, like what did he do besides be an asshole-which was already a documented fact but now someone shows more proof of it but puts #metoo in front and now he's considered a rapist? Like Aziz is more guilty than this guy and Aziz wasn't really in the wrong either!


jesus what a filthy laptop maybe he does lurk here

It's called the 'Maybe if I get an obnoxious faggot haircut people won't notice my ugly fucking face'

was he ever 'here'??

He's just JUST now

>tfw kinda look like him

He was destroyed because Bright had parallels that made some (((people))) uncomfortable. Seriously. I don't think he was trying to redpill anyone, I just think he was basically doing a very cynical attempt to portray racial politics in America and acknowledged that Jews are at the top. And that made some people, you know. Mad.

I know. I want season 3 so badly too.
I am ok with a year wait before production but just make it!!

Who do we believe about the Max Landis rumors, Crazy Days and Nights (and its forum commentors) or the Kiwifarms forum?

There's no way max did shit because the person saying he did is Zoe fucking Quinn and that says EVERYTHING

Fuck Zoe Quinn. Max is a good boy.

what does the CDAN shit about him say?

the modern world is terrifying. You might question why someone would disappear from the internet, but then you've never been the subject of millions of peoples' ire. The internet pretty much makes it impossible for "marked" individuals to have any sort of online presence whatsoever.

boy, i sure am getting sleepy *yawns*

"I should probably still be taking Zoloft and lexapro, but I know this time I can finally manage on my own"
This bois been off his mess too long he's reaching some major highs and lows

I liked Bright. Was fun

wtf happened to him?

No. He got destroyed because he joined forces with Netflix. If you become a cashcow for Netflix then dirt that Hollywood kept under the rug suddenly comes to light, or a """rape""" is fabricated to tank a career.
>Danny Masterson
>Kevin Spacey

The Helicopter

They accused Landis of rape.

Except the evidence of rape was that he's an asshole at parties to people who don't know him.

Oh, and one time, a girl e-mailed him bacuse she started dating an abusive boyfriend and her ex-other-abusive-boyfriend just got out of jail and she was terrified and Max told her maybe she should stop dating abusive men and that's just fucking out of line and so he's a rape and abuse enabler.

Strangely enough, all these accusations hit around the same time that Bright, a direct-to-netflix movie (a service that endangers the movie industry) got released to wide audience acclaim of 90% (but a 33% movie critic score)

I mean to be fair he seemed to be the chosen one for a bit there. Then he went all sjw and got into an overused IP in Dirk Gently. His grass roots youtube stuff is pretty amazing in the early days

Ah, but he was the wrong kind of SJW. See, the RIGHT kind of SJW creates The Last Jedi. Max creates nuanced characters, and they shouldn't have to be nuanced, they should just be awesome at everything because they are minorities and deserve it.

His criticisms of Rey as a Mary Sue rocked that boat.

Do you understand the difference now?

Don't rea;;y care enough. Gave up on Max when the whole rainbow hair thing happened. Then Bright got me back on board. I guess its kinda upsetting when a really down to earth person of your own age ends up just joining the bullshit olympics and selling out his fucking generation to bang some teenagers or whatever he was trying to do


He was trying to stay in the ingroup. Everyone in the industry conforms or gets blackballed. Like Max Landis just got fucked.


>Everyone in the industry conforms
Landis left the main industry i.e. hollywood for Netflix. This rape allegation is retribution for that.

But there has never been any real consensus on SJWs. Just insanely vocal extremists on both sides and then most people just looking on going "whatever mate"

Southpark said it. "Oh political correctness is back in, should be a fun 4 years or so"

Then you haven't been paying attention. There's a group. You play ball and follow along or you get blackballed.

I don't want Kevin Spacey to touch me though

I enjoyed it also. Went in not really knowing shit and usually hate orc/elf/future world shit but this wasn't awful
Hmmm that's a bit odd. And he's not wrong women can't handle hearing the truth

>Posting English actors from the 70's

Seen Electric dreams? The episode with the telepath you'd probably like

I haven't. Is it a show?

Philip k Dick's electric dreams. Same novelist of "Do androids dream of electric sheep" hence Blade Runner

That's what the people at Kiwifarms say. But on the other hand CDAN can be right about certain blinds.

CDAN's one is this:

>This writer/producer/showrunner is probably A list right now. This, despite one of his shows being canceled because of his behavior. Will he lose everything once this new story becomes public? He should, but Hollywood loves a winner more than anything and right now he has a winner and the studio wants a sequel. Lets see what they think of this. He is a celebrity offspring and as I have said, I have written about him previously. This though, tops all of what he has been accused of to date.

>This happened when he was back in college. In college, he had a reputation as a racist. He referred to anyone Hispanic as brown, or brown people. He never held back on commenting on the size of women's breasts or their appearance. If someone had a heavy accent he would always tell them to learn to speak English. He yelled at professors and they couldn't do anything because his dad had given money to the school. All of that is bad enough, but one night he raped a woman. He did so at a party in a second story room. When he finished raping her, he took her clothes and threw them out the window. He then forced her to walk through the party downstairs without any clothes on after raping her. That woman was subjected to bullying and taunts for the rest of the time she remained at the university. She was the one bullied even though he raped her. She had an emotional and nervous breakdown because of the trauma he caused. He doesn't care. He has shown no willingness to change any of his behaviors and even though he has continued to be horrible to women, studios keep rewarding him because he makes them money. This has to stop.

So who do we believe, Kiwifarms posters or Enty and CDAN posters?

better question why do so many people worship Zoe

Sounds like I might like it. Thanks for the recommendation, user.

Cheap excuse to bully people

this whole thread is cancer


So how is his An American Werewolf in London remake -which his own father, writer and director of the original, told him not to do- going?

Is he certified insane?

This. Unironically this. People meme about Disney 24/7, but what they don't realize is that The Mouse is very powerful. So powerful you can barely comprehend it. If they want you taken down, they can take you without a doubt. They can take your career, reputation or your life with just a few phone calls.

Do NOT fuck with Disney. I swear to god if only Sup Forums knew how powerful they really are, they'd stop memeing and keep their fucking mouths shut for their own safety.

People joke about "hurr durr Disney got to them", but this is real. We're in the middle of an information war and Disney is a major force fighting for control of the culture and thus consumerism.

It may already be too late.

So if the allegations aren't true, why doesn't he just sue all his accusers for libel and defamation and whatnot. Is the lawyer that got his father off scott free still available?


thanks helicopter friend

I hope he kills himself

Well considering he's been mostly quiet other than sharing videos recently, either it's true and he's had to cut back on videos while consulting with a lawyer, or it's not true and he's doing the same. One would think he'd express a statement of denial if it all wasn't true.

>It may already be too late
like 70 years too late


I love him when he drops his fucking persona.
He was unbearable on BotW

I really don't. He was amazing once

Watch these. youtube kino amke sure to watch the second part of the second one please

working on insanity defense


>it's my job to bring you to numbfits
>yeeeah numbfits
what did he mean by this?

Dude sounds like this video but for real

He was high as a motherfucker. Stop trying to make sense of it.

Does Ambien normally make a person look like they're suffering from AIDS?

I hope the allgegations are true so I can gain some respefhr to him

He has a rich and famous daddy.