Would have been pretty good desu

Would have been pretty good desu

Why do you care about fanfiction characters?

lol that's some funny shit, nerd, Disney creates and unmakes the world you love now, deal with it.

only if she looked something like this


Disney didnt create shit, they bought it, and then dismantled it.

TLJ would be my favourite Star War if they actually did this.
>force sensitive mary sue girlbot

Unironically would have made more sense and been a better story than what he did.

this guy is a real piece of work

>we blade runner now

But how would a robot use the Force? It's pretty clearly established that you need to be organic to have a tie to the Force.

>Disney didnt create shit
so mad... they ARE creating, and there's still more canon to come.


You only need midichlorians.

well, it would have been the perfect acting role for Daisy.

Sorry user Disney says that's not canon now ;)


>dismantled it

The damage the garbage-tier expanded universe did was infinitely worse than anything the prequels or the new trilogy could ever do.

Hopefully they kill the brand off completely.

Couldn't have possibly been worse than the actual movie we got.

when i was a kid i thought robot-anything was the best shit ever, like Mechagodzilla

but then again we already got a robo-jedi, which was Darth Vader

that means robo-Rey is evil

who is the actual hero that would redeem her?

Your post has just circled right around to the common lament that Rey should have turned to the Dark Side. It would have been something legitimately different than what we'd gotten before, and it really WOULD have subverted our expectations.

But of course we can't have our Strong Female Character turning into a monster, now can we?

>garbage tier EU
Kek, I didn't know HelloGreedo frequented this shithole

The EU had some astronomically shitty parts but I implore you to find fucking one that hasn't been retconned into oblivion.

>inb4 meetra surik being shit
She's a shit-tier exile but that's literally the only one

Pointless considering her acting was already robotic enough.
>Concept of an automaton using the force = "good writing"
Rian Johnson was a mistake.

>The damage the garbage-tier expanded universe did
this meme again. new canon worship had a chance in the beginning but it is clear now that they are just stealing and watering down ideas from the oh so hated old EU
>Hopefully they kill the brand off completely.
truly a fan