Superman & Batman Generations 1 & 2 Chronological Storytime 1975-2919

Continuing from















>when you're so crazy that you spook ghosts


byrne is a pedophile

>Hal Jordan as a politician





Prepare for feels.



They did.

Deadman is the best man

"I said you would see your whole family die today, did I not?"




this is the point where I feel Generations kinda slips in overall quality, it just gets a touch too edgy for it's own good, one of several reasons I really dislike Ultra Humanite's role in this story

BJ and Kara are cute. CUTE!

It is a bit much. I hate the BJ's resolution is retconned out of G3.

So why is Byrne accused of being a pedo so much?


He made posts on his personal forums implying that pedophilia is normal because of some pseudoscience babble about instinct to breed with the young.

The quote used to be on his wikipedia page but got deleted.
really makes you think

That's how you know this is an Elseworld


Byrne editing his own wikipedia page is the reason his page is locked now so....





Kara a lewd.


Fucking in the air when you're the one who has to do the humping and can't fly would be fucking terrifying.










The American Hero returns!



Jesus why did the story become so fucking edgy I rember reading this a while back and thinking how out of nowhere it suddenly became so dark


It becomes edgey to correlate how comics became edgey as time went on

It was supposed to correlate with the real life ages of comics, which is why the 30s were still relatively "real", the 50s got incredibly lighthearted, etc.



agreed it almost completely falls apart at this point when it comes to anything actually in connection to either Batman or Superman, although some of the stuff relating to characters outside of their spheres is still interesting


Oh I guess that makes sense but still brutally murdering characters honestly felt like it came out of nowhere they probably could've done it better

I think Byrne was trying to channel a "The Night Gwen Stacy died" vibe. But it was a bit extreme.



I think he also used Generation as a "the originals are best, legacies are shit" platform which explains a lot of things


I mean Lex topped Joker on the shit he pulled during that wedding so good on him,. He has like super street cred now.

For some reason there are a lot of Flashes in this continuity and none of them matter.



How is old is Alan supoosed to be at this point? Did Hal never become a lantern?


Oh nvm

He kinda sorta does.

>How is old is Alan supoosed to be at this point?
He was active in '42 so he's probably 70+

>Did Hal never become a lantern?
Nope, he went into politics.

Alan wanted Hal to be his successor but Hal went into politics instead

but also kinda


I love how edgey BJ looks


>it's a "Flash jobs" episode

So do I.

Henchman > Goon


Which resolution?


He's mortally wounded in the 24th century and refuses medical care so that he can die. His and Kara's ghosts embrace and disappear.

Byrne wanted to darken things up to be similar to how things got dark in the 70's and 80's but I think he really went overboard. I mean was already dark but and being in the same story was really pushing it. To say nothing of what also happened in the 1989 chapter.


Well you might want to wait till the 1989 chapter


Well that and Byrne thinks Superman should end up with Lana and not Lois