


And they still didn’t change it to rotten

The opinion of rural and suburban retards don't matter.

>Disney will do good to Star Wars

somebody update the snoke pic

Once the bluray (and bluray rip) comes out it will probably drop some more, maybe to 45. Im guessing lot of people skipped the theater due to negative word of mouth.

Im glad people realize its trash, but Im still pissed because people will still pretend TFA was good

When a good torrent is released it's going to drop even more.

Unironically too high.

And yet somehow if the scores were swapped this board would be jerking off the critics' opinion.

The truth is self evident that they do.

*breathes in*


Are there any honest critics left or are they all in Jewish pockets now?

So this is how we kill Hollywood...

By letting them rot pop culture from the inside.

for Marvel/SW you must use scale from 80 to 100
Disney score : real score
> 80 % = 0 %
> 85 % = 25 %
> 90 % = 50 %
> 95 % = 75 %
>100 % = 100 %

Saved for future use

It'll go back up to 49% they're gonna flood the movie with positive reviews.

thats not the average score thats the percentage of people that though it was better than 5/10

She's still in charge, and Rian will still make the new trilogy. Keep crying.

>100 % = 100 %

um...no, sweetie...

>100% = 80%
FTFY sugar

Disney doesn't need paying customers, repeat viewings and merchandise sales and that's a good thing.

>no star wars cucks are even defending it at this point.
what a good day
night fellas and thanks op for the update


Your mom’s pussy is crying

Yes, and it's too high.

Star Wars fanboys are impossible to please, what else is new?

i got my review bots running day and night, how about you?

What did he meant by this?

Fuck off, fag.

> People still watch star wars

Jesus Christ you faggots are the worst. Mediocre story, mediocre actors and the only saving grace is that it pushes effects forward, that's it.

Not enough boring melodrama for you? I guess you thought Lady Bird was good.

Americanized Chink diasporas are the absolute worst. California should get nuked.

>its real

> I need bright colours, explosions and no storyline

Oh look, it's an actual Michael Bay fan. I thought you guys were myths.

You don't like Michael Bay? Pleb detected.

No, because I have an attention span beyond that of a retarded child.


>I watch boring movies and pretend they're good therefore I have superior taste

Deserves lower than that

>gives the movie 4 stars out of 5
>can only give complaints
Doesn't this guy mean that if you can only find complaints about a movie it's not a great movie? It sounds more like a 3 or even a 2 from his description.

I’m surprised it’s still falling. How worse can it get?

just wait until blu-ray

You know you fucked up when even those who loved TFA thought this was a pile of shit and the only people left defending it are shill journalists.

It’s funny, now you have some suggesting Rian not tackle a trilogy.

>being a corporation
>making money off an investment
lmaoing at these nazis and their notions


Can't wait for a proper chauvinist edit when the blu Ray rip finally comes out

Uh, yeah, because the movie was shit regardless

>if the scores were swapped
This would never happen, because Disney paid for good reviews.

mmmm keeno...

mmmmmmmmm keeeeno

That's fine. Maybe if it crashes and burns enough, plebs around the world will begin to amend their ways

Still not gonna give them my shekels. Shame that Star Wars has to die maybe it's the will of the force :^).


>Audience score aka Gamergator and r/the_donald brigade town
We did it Reddit!

tfw no banking clan gf

Does she feel in charge?

That's Padme Amidala you fucking pleb.


Why does this keep getting posted?

Because Sup Forumsfaggots are retarded and think they're "influencing" others.

Fear will keep the critics in line. Fear of blacklisting.

Fear of the mouse.


No one gives a shit about audience scores - the audience does not matter anymore.

>teases gay storyline
so by gay he just meant awful? isn't that homophobic?

um the audience pays the money sweetie

>Here's why Star Wars doesn't need the audience and why it's a good thing.


>It's either a snooze fest or Michael Bay shitfest, no middle ground

This, but Hamill's head instead of Lucas.

>The stronk womyn of Star Wars and the terrible consequence of not obeying their orders, and why it's good



Are you new? That's literally all critical reviews these days. Jason Gastrow made a video calling them out on it.


Note the filename. It's literally one autistic person who posts it in every Star Wars thread when he's awake.