What's Sup Forums's thoughts on this piece of lost media. Robot Jones?

What's Sup Forums's thoughts on this piece of lost media. Robot Jones?

Yeah, what ever happened to him?

I personally love it. I loved the cel-animation and 80s look. The writing could have been a bit better though.

I loved this show so much.

It was pretty neat, and taught the important lesson that disabled people can be cunts too.

Cancelled due to the network not promoting the show enough and giving it a horrible timeslot for new episodes, 11:00 PM on Fridays.
Robot Jones isn't necessarily lost media, except for the rumored "banned'' episodes Risk and Robot Graffiti, which I'm sure don't exist. As for the show itself, this is one of my favorite CN shows. Embarrassment is my most favorite episode. I would love to watch the old voice episodes in GOOD sound quality, all we have is some bloke who recorded the episodes on a tv with his camera.

This thread is short lived just like the show itself.

i watched the fuck out of this show

All I remember is one episode where the two bully characters give the robot a computer virus, and then the school principal tries to make himself a robot (so that he can "deprogram" himself) by wearing a metal trash can.

The only episode I remember is the one where Robot Jones fell in love with a vacuum cleaner.

Data log entry:
Its come after much reflection during my time at Poly Nuex Middle school.
Humans are obsolete to this planet. I see now after thinking over what
Grandpa-unit has told me. Humanity is inefficient, they take the earth for granted.
They've nearly ruined all that was once beautiful to the world they've
seen as their own. Adam and Eve, the world's first humans were given this planet
by God, and since their very creation they disobeyed thier creator.
They went against what they were told very simply and straight forwardly.
And now its my turn to disobey my human creators.

Strictly from a personal view I look at my classmates and peers.
Sox, Cubey, Mitch, Shannon. They disrespect my superior manufacturing.
And of course I don't need to even start on why the Yogman Twins should
be destroyed. My teachers and principal look at me like a joke. Even though
I receive nothing but straight A's.

I looked to my belongings for school. scattered about my room. I would
have little need for them today...I also examined my modifications on my arms.
I've gone to the trouble of implementing weaponry internally in my skeletal system.
Inside my body was a vast amount of ammunition. Finally also inside my body I added
several bombs not attached to me but stored in me.

Mother Unit came into my room. Thankfully all my modifications were hidden from
her view. And her viewing mechanisms had no x-ray feature as mine did.

"Robot, It is nearly 5 minutes until the bus is at it designated stop to bring
you to school."

"I am aware mother-unit. Very aware. I wouldn't want to miss school today."

"You were created to not miss any school at all. Robot. Your primary task is to-"

"Observe human children in school and-"

"Robot, its not like you to interrupt your mother."

"But mother-unit!"

Father unit came crashing in as always and blared his trademark:


It didn't use cels, ed edd and eddy was the last cn show to use cels.

The guy who made the show basically said it's an origin story of a robot that takes over the world in a robot revolution because humanity is so fucking stupid

"Lenny, Would you mind occupying a different space with your leg?"

"Whats the matter Jones?" He said in his normally disgusting guttural voice I despised. I know
any act of violence towards anyone right now could be detrimental to my mission. So I let him
go on with his antics.

"Yeah! Whats the matter Robot?!" His equally as ugly half Denny exclaimed behind him.

"if I continue walking in my set path, I could meet with an unfortunate accident."

"Not so clueless today are we Robot Jones. Whats different did you empty your cache?"

"Move aside Yogmans. You'll have time to torture me later."

"Well of course Robot Jones we'll see about that..." He finally moved his leg and I resumed my
path when suddenly a spit ball flung at the back of my head I turned my head enraged. Barely
able to keep up with my anger I drew out my arm and grabbed lenny by his lips.

"Ahh!!" Lenny could barely let out his scream as I brought him closer to me and threw his body to

the front of the bus he crashed out the window and we could all hear a thump under the bus as we
came to a screeching stop. Everyone was in too much shock to say anything as the bus driver
got out of his seat and glared at me.

"Lenny!" Denny screamed, coming back to reality. "You'll pay for that robot-!!" I unleashed a flurry
of bullets into Denny's stupid hat glass, blood and fabric scattering everywhere. Screams nearly made
my sound chips glitch up. Looks like the mission had to start now...


After dealing with the children and bus driver on the bus I took control of the vehicle. With
limited knowledge on driving I scanned the control system and learned how to drive with ease.
Without much time I knew that after all the noise it would only be a matter of time the police
would be informed. I had only so much time to dispatch the rest of Poly Neux Middle School before
it would be evacuated. I rode the bus to the junk yard only a block away from the school. I hid
it behind a trash pile and ran off to the school.

i liked it, but i haven't seen any of the post-run edits where they change voices around. why would they do that.

"So many absences today! What the heck is wrong with these kids?!" Principal Madman yelled to
no one in particular. "Why even Robot Jones is missing and he never misses..." Principal Madman
thought quickly... It had to be robot Jones' fault! it had to have been! Why or how was a different
question though...


I made it to the entrance of the school as Sox grabbed my shoulder.

"Hey robit! Runnin a little late are we?"

"Sox-unit, I encourage you to vacate these premises immediately."

"Why's that robit? I can't miss anymore school or I'll be in big trouble!"

I came up with a lie, I did not have time to tell him about my plans right now.

"Because Ms. Raincoat has a pop quiz today and I know you aren't ready."

"How the heck do you know there's a pop quiz? You haven't even gotten into school yet!"

"Look Sox-Unit. I like you now, get out of here. Go home."

He looked me in the eyes with what looked like fear, surprise and confusion. He said nothing
else and walked off.

I proceeded to walk through the doors and looked around. Everyone was in class. There
were only two exits to the school. The back and front. The back was mostly for the janitor
to throw out waste. I concluded no one would really know about it besides faculty.
I pulled the fire drill to make the kids and teachers exit the building. Where I'd be waiting.

Wait, so after the series ended Robot Jones goes revolutionary and fucks over everyone at the school?

Is there honestly anyone who would say that isn't actually a good ending considering how much of an asshole everyone else was towards Robot throughout the series?

Principal Madman heard the screeching of the fire alarm. Next to him, was his right hand man, Janitor Clancy.

"There's no scheduled fire drill right, boss?" Clancy asked in that southern drawl of his.

"Of course there isn't! Something is fishy here and it isn't a fire."

Principal Madman promptly spoke over the intercom "Students, and faculty, we are in a lock down! I repeat a lockdown!"

I (Robot Jones) heard the intercom of Principal Madman declaring a lockdown. It is a standard procedure to ensure the safety of the students in case if an intruder were to attempt to harm people. It was just meaningless methods for the teachers to have free time. It was very unsatisfactory. I stepped forward, no one was coming. The fire alarm had come to a stop. I guess I just had to start with the math teacher's room. Mr. Mcmcmc.

I opened the door slowly; the squeaking of the hinges implies it is in need of lubricating oil. I scanned the room. 12 students, 1 of which of Cubey, and of course I saw Mr. Mcmcmc cowering behind his desk. The students were under their desks as well but had less fear in their eyes, as if it was just any crazy day at Polynuex Middle school.

"Greetings, students it is I Robot Jones. I'm here to introduce to you, your maker. God, Yahweh. Your deity will know what to do with your human's consciousness."

Cubey skated up to me looked the other way and said

"What's going on with you Robot? You seem off."

"I'll have you know I am on, Cubey."

"Robot, it's a lockdown, you have to take cover remember?"

"Cubey, you are the one who needs to take cover. Allow me to assist you."

I grabbed Cubey by his shirt and threw him behind me as I blasted a flurry of bullets at the classroom from my arm. It was exhilarating. For students who decided to run to the door I decided it would be best to use my other modified arm to shoot them instead of just using one. It reminded me of throwing barrels in Monkey Kong Junior. I stopped the weapon as I felt my work was sufficient. The class room was well…a complete mess of shrapnel, glass and not to mention student's corpses. I turned around to see Cubey recovering from me throwing him to the wall. As he saw what just transpired he pulled his glasses up and made a guttural noise as human discharge produced from his oral orifice. I forgive his bodily functions. Although I'll never understand nor appreciate the more disgusting bodily functions of a human, Cubey was still a friend. He proceeded to pass out in front of me. No matter, I will see him later. Finally came my less than competent math teacher, Mr. Mcmcmc. For a moment he turned to see who would be responsible for his end. It was I, one of his students, Robot Jones. His eyes evoked only fear. I raised my hand directly towards his face as I realized I was out of ammunition. Mr. Mcmcmc took my moment of inconvenience to run. I guess I needed to be creative again; I outstretched both my arms to him and closed my hands around his neck. Like a wrench on a bolt I twisted his throat until I heard his internals crack and snap. God's inferior human manufacturing mystified me for a split second. How was it that humans could create something such as I and other robots with such awesome power for them to complete menial tasks? But God Almighty creations were weak, simple minded, and overall inefficient. I discarded the body far from me. Although I found the scene of the classroom to be messy and disgusting I'd leave the cleaning process of my agenda for a later time.

>Some of you are alright. Don't go to Polyneux Elementary tomorrow

Sox walked casually down the block of his house as he heard sirens blaring everywhere. Anxiety flushed his face to a pale white. He was the paranoid type of guy so naturally he was under the impression that the authorities were going to bust Sox for once again being truant. Sox figured he'd blame Robot Jones for his misdeed. After all it was him who told him to 'vacate the premises'. Lost in panic Sox barely noticed the road kill on the street (which Sox enjoyed to examine) He looked to his right and let out an almost girlish scream

Lying on the street laid a bloodied and ran over Yogman Lenny. Glass protruded from his face.

"Oh my gosh!" Sox exclaimed as he shook he head from side to side.

"Yoooou!" Unexpectedly Lenny rose his head and yelled in an even more guttural voice

"ZOMBIES?!" Sox wailed. He was hideous, his face, well being a Yogman meant he wasn't good looking in the first place but that parts of pavement and rocks decorated his face and his cheeks had large pieces of glass jutting out of him

"I'm not a zombie." Lenny coughed blood "You idiot! Your Robot friennnds gone haywire!" Obviously it was incredibly painful for him to speak.

"Robit, Did this to you?" Sox, although reluctant to believe the likes of the Yogman twins was forced to put two and two together. Robot's attitude, the sirens, and now the mangled body of the Yogman Lenny.

"Robit Jones is trying to take over the world!?" Sox jumped and put his hands to his cheeks.

"Yesss..Now help me up you fool!"

Sox good hearted in nature helped him but still did not like Lenny and retorted "I'm the fool?! You're the one who made enemies with a freaking robot!"

As Sox helped Yogman Lenny up it was clear to them that his left leg was broken. He stumbled a little and grunted leaning on Sox. Yogman Lenny proceeded to pull the especially bigger pieces of glass from his cheeks. Fortunately for him his eyes were unharmed. Although his injuries were more than excruciatingly painful the Yogman was still as calculating as ever. In the kindest voice he could muster after being severally hurt he said

"Perhaps we should tell Robot's parents; maybe they could bring him to his senses."

Lenny batted his eyes to Sox. Whether Sox was swayed by pitying the fact that Lenny became four times uglier than he already was or because Sox's friends and family could be in danger he didn't know for sure why he thought it was a good idea. Sox is a follower, not much of a leader.

Data log entry:

Mr. Mcmcmc died from his neck breaking. I dispatched of 11 humans in the math room. Cubey is alive. I did not have enough time to account for the casualties on the bus to school due to unforeseen rage and frustration on my part. My emotion processor unit overrides my judgment functions at times of extreme stress. I'm 99.9 percent sure that I eliminated all the threats on the bus.


Not lost except a few episodes of his original (inferior) voice.

Good series, great style, super comfy

Ed Edd n Eddy lasted longer than this. Robot Jones was cel animated

This is a good read. What happened next? I wanna know if Jones kills that cunt Shannon.

He hasn't written anything after that

A lot of people preferred the original voice


They sure can.

why did they change his voice?

is that the one where they swap the stickers on the rubix cube? or is that a different one

From what I heard online, the execs thought the original voice was weird

Jesus Christ! All this from a thread about a robot trying to fit in

Not me. I found it somewhat inaudible.

god i love that skitchy schoolhouse rock art style

It kinda was

It's pretty great, I agree.

Are those coconut a penis and balls in the background? Subliminal much or just the writers and artist shitposting? Both?

Saw one episode, but didn't really care for it.

Robot Jones definitely used cels.

I remember when I first saw this I was at my friend's house and his dad was walking around with his shirt off and he had pierced nipples. I also remember the rubiks cube episode

For some reason the Rubik's Cube one is the one everyone remembers, when I have mentioned the show to peers it's always about the only thing they can say about it

Grampa unit is best

That is a different one.

It was that one series that was just sort of "there", if you know what I mean.