Sheesh... can you blame the guy?

Sheesh... can you blame the guy?

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you're really still posting this?

Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

>finger blasting teens and children in front of their moms
how did he get away with it for so long lads

Kevin Spacey

How did he get away with it for so long? Fingering and feeling or penis in vag?

he finger blasted the moms too dude

This is the privilege line.

Anyone posting below this post has not checked my privilege, and will die tonight unless they say "Your privilege is checked, Gym Rapist Master"


Idris Elba

did he really do it bros? I mean, 150? damn. no fucks given

>literally drowned in pussy juice yesterday, can't get the stink out of my face
What are some kinos for this feel

the talmud says it’s ok so it’s ok

>pussy juice
you let a woman piss in your face

Ben Elton

No, I had to eat her out because my dick is temporarily dead because of too much fapping to porn

He mostly molested children. Like, six year olds, dude.

found the virgin

Why are all of these allegations coming out at the same time?

Let men be men.


there's no way that picture on the right was shown on sports illustrated

he already had allegations on him and was in prison before all this metoo bullshit. the olympians had NDA so they couldnt speak until the niggers running the olympics removed the NDA


I never get the opportunity to molest women it fucking sucks


I ask specifically ask

wasn't he a doctor? couldn't he just go to backpage?

What does "digital anal penetration" mean?

Isn't it weird Sandusky became a national punchline but nobody is joking about this guy?

>digital vaginal and anal penetration
what did they mean by this?

What the fuck do you think?

digitum means finger in latin

gay sex is too silly

Finger in butt

digital means he used fingers or toes

"Digit" means finger (or toe) in English, too.

>Isn't it weird Sandusky became a national punchline but nobody is joking about this guy?

Because Penn State embarrassingly defended him because of "muh football"

didnt he have a youtube channel dedicated to his informal therapy?

someone post it


What's his name again?

There were dubs up her ass, and he was trying to check those digits.

you must be thinking of dr. luo dong

I c wut u did there


Lmao I never knew penn state rioted about paterno. What a bunch of fags. Still I don't know why this drove Sandusky into public consciousness more than Nassar. Maybe it's because no one cares about female sports.

Why didn't they just fight back, aren't they all in a really good shape.

Owen Wilson

he is a legit doctor though

>Doctor for the USAG olympic team, Michigan State U
Yeah something doesn't add up


>Because Penn State embarrassingly defended him because of "muh football"
this. the military, NFL and other "manly" culture shit will shove everything under the rug if theyre involved.

a sheriff threatened the victims parents during the rape case in some white midwest town because it threatened the school;s image in football. anonymous got everyone's email and released everything, including the sheriffs connection to the coach and that local police was embarrased as fuck and tried to backpedal and wanted the hackers to be brought in. Sup Forums does great things sometimes, like outing scum.

>can't get the stink out of my face

You might not know how to shower, or you need to tell us more about the strange creature who has a human vagina, because that shouldn't be an issue.

USA Gymnastics apparently tried to cover for Nassar, for a while, too, though. The Karolyis are getting dragged into it, too, because a lot of it happened at their ranch. It looks like they're gonna get the Joe Paterno treatment (USAG has already cut ties with them and canceled the plans to buy the ranch).

>Sup Forums white-knighting
I now get why they say this place is pretty much reddit these days

heh I know the feel. I have to fix my brain and quit porn already


>"I was a good doctor because my treatments worked, and those patients that are now speaking out are the same ones that praised and came back over and over," Nassar wrote. "The media convinced them that everything I did was wrong and bad. They feel I broke their trust. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."

>The letter "tells me you still don't get it," Aquilina said, tossing the letter dismissively.

>"I wouldn't send my dogs to you, sir," she added.

Ohh, what a strong independent judge she is!

He shoved microwave time up their asses.

you think Sup Forums did that? are you fucking retarded?

no one here knows how to hack and no one here gives a fuck about doing justice

We'll make it eventually bro. Stay strong

So is Larry.


Meanwhile, rampant and flagrant pedos on Sup Forums go free

Who have they touched? You?

Dont see how sticking his finger in 10 year olds vagina is a "treatment", but OK.

>Who have they touched?


Drama queens

MBB may refer to: Magandang Balita Biblia, a Tagalog translation of the Holy Bible

Because every single guy in the world understand Nassar. He was fingerbanging olympic gymnasts. Sandusky was fingerbanging little boys.

Was it like a prostate exam?

What television show is this?


femenine prostate

>fingbang young olympic gymnasts
>go to jail for life
honestly doesn't sound too bad

he have multiple girls the shocker

>tfw you will never finger Makayla Maroney’s tight snatch when
Lock him away!

put yourself in perspective with this. i know you cant because youll never have a child let alone get sex but lets say you are an upstanding citizen with kids, a normal tax payer and all that. lets say your daughter is going through the rebel phase like all other teenagers, something you never grew out of.
let say that you let your daughter hang with her friends one night because thats what she says, you had no clue what was going to take place. she has a few drinks and gets passed around the whole football team, the coach is involved and everything is caught on cam. the sheriff knows, maybe a few other teachers, everyone is in on it. they try to shut you down when you press charges and threaten you.
then a miracle happens, something you didnt plan, some asperger who felt morals put himself in jeopardy to do Gods work by letting everything out. all the corruption, even in a small white town, something youd never fucking believe would happen to such good wholesome people actually happens all the time. shit you think happens maybe in washington dc and not small town ohio, right next door. its like if you had a son that joined the military, got bullied, fucked around with thinking he was in good company, defiled sodomized, pushed into ambush on purpose, all on your tax paying dime. a hacker releases all sorts of shit to help your case grow into a multimillion dollar settlement because the military, wakey wakey, isnt so honorable as you thought it was.

You do know what they do to rapists and pedophiles in there?

Aly Raisman said her painful ordeal started when she was competing and winning medals at the 2012 London olympics.

he already won, by the time he's old, inmates will be given super advanced VR set to be plug in the entire day, he'll be fingerbanging forever.

did they cum


would he finger them and masturbate later? what’s the point of that? It seems like it would only be worthwhile if he stroked his dick while he was fingering

>youll never have a child let alone get sex
You're projecting quite hard at the moment, user.

we already had this bland discussion in another thread. US its not brazil, he'll be with another pedos and rapists safe from the normie-accepted criminals

Was going to respond with this.
It's pathetic people here still think ACTUAL hacking happens here at all.

>2018... i am ruined...

>bla bla bla feelings and feels and feelaroonos

Not how cases work.

Look at those muscles, gymnasts are verystrong, you'd think they would've tried to stop him at some point.

vagina muscles are made to suck stuff in

Jeez, on one hand, bimbofication is a huge fetish of mine.
But, on the other, I really wish she stayed her cute natural self, instead of filling her lips and ass with injections.

kek what a filthy slut. All these whores asked for it

A trained gymnast still couldn't beat up a grown man.

Besides the dude was supposed to be one to the best doctors in the country. A lot of them went to him with injuries that were potentially career ending. They did whatever he said.

even the weakest men can overpower a gymnast

>she has a few drinks
Then I have already failed as a parent and she is no daughter of mine.

I'm straight edge, why shouldn't she? I would just disown her and throw her into a trash can. I would make a second daughter and try to do better with the second one.

Because in reality fit women still can't do shit against most average guys.
They are too scared and that already fucks them tremendously when it comes to any kind of action/response other than "I can't get out of this situation ahhh"


Sup Forums had a thread on it, they have a thread on everything.
there are some, as in 3 out of 1000 ,anons who are in the know that know a few things. they can find a flag out in the middle of nowhere.