Well Seymour i made it, despite your directions

Well Seymour i made it, despite your directions...

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Why didn't Skinner just admit he ruined the roast and agreed to take SuperNintendo out to eat?

if you're asking this you didn't understand the skit

Because he knew how gullible Skinner was

Ahh, superintendent Chalmers ..Welcome. I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable luncheon.

Aurora borealis huh?
At this time of year?
In this part of the country?
At this time of day?
Localized entirely in your kitchen?


Because it's funnier if he does something convoluted instead.


Sneed hams?

what do you mean?


Because Chalmers would have asked to go to Sneed's for feed.

Is Skinner banned from Sneed's?

>So, Seymour, not only you managed to bungle the easiest dish ever invented, but you also took the laziest possible solution to the problem. This is a spectacular display of incompetence. Don't expect me to be half as forgiving next time you'll make a mess out of your job.

ah you call them sneed hams despite the fact that they're formerly chuck's

You know, he might be. Skinner has good grooming and fancy shoes. The fellas at Sneed's don't take kindly to people like that.

Well semenmour i came in it, despite your erections.

Well Seymour i made it clear, despite your interjections.

Well Seymour i stabilized it, despite your insurrections.



Speak for yourself, reddit scum

You're literally in every thread spamming this. You are more Reddit anyone.

Those are both shit

No, only the top one is shit.


The meme that keeps giving.

Nice edit

battle of the minds