If King of The Hill ended with a movie, what would it be like or how would you make it...

If King of The Hill ended with a movie, what would it be like or how would you make it? I can't think of much beyond the basic premise of Hank, Bobby, and the guys have to go on a road trip for some reason similarly to the Spongebob movie.

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I don't know about a main plot but it would have dale finding out the truth and boomhauer doing some Texas ranger stuff, maybe Bobby graduating highschoo.

>boomhauer doing some Texas ranger stuff
I always thought that was stupid because it didn't feel like something they had in mind from the beginning or early on. They just pulled it out of their ass.

What was wrong with the Bobby meat grading ending?

Maybe something like National Lanpoon Vacation but with all the cast in one of those rolling houses going to the grand canyon or the hoover dam.

Feels like a show that lasted over a decade should have had more than a 22 minute episode to end it. Would have been cool to have stuff like
>Dale finds out the truth
>Buck passes Strickland Propane to Hank
>Bill unfucks his shit
>Ending with the four guys drinking beer in the alley

It'd be like Father of the Bride or Parenthood or basically any of those old movies about families just kinda.. living.
i'd kill for a scene of G.H. playing with Gracie.

timeskip ahead a couple years so Bobby's in High School, both Luann and Didi both died very shortly after the show ended* so Hank and Peggy have adopted Gracie and GH(Lucky gave up custody of Gracie because he realized he wasn't fit to care for her by himself), Junichiro moved to Arlen shortly after the show ended due to his company opening a branch in Texas with him being promoted to an important role there(had some thoughts about him and Tammi Duvall hooking up, because that mix of personalities would be pretty cute)

primary plot would be Hank finally being promoted to Manager of Strickland Propane for real(with Buck mentioning that he'll probably pass the business on to Hank entirely when he retires in a couple years), with the B-plot involving Bobby and Connie getting back together

I've been fiddling with this kind of idea for a while now

*the former due to Luann's VA being dead, the latter simply to bring GH back into the picture

Meh that's a little too dark for a King of the Hill movie

it'd only be hinted at for the most part, with the nature of Luann and Didi's deaths being left vague, and really it's the only respectful thing to do with Luann since her VA's dead


I think it seems a little disrespectful to Lucky's character; he was a redneck and a bit slow, but he was a good and wise guy. I could see him accepting help from the Hills, but not straight-up giving away his daughter.

Adding GH into the mix just seems redundant, too. And what are the odds that two women would die and the Hills get their babies?

Tbh I think that Luanne and Lucky moving away would be more respectful to the character because having her die is just really awkward and weird for the tone of King of the Hill. Good Hank and Gracie being in it are sort of redundant desu


Hank changes GH's name to Bad Hank.

It would be about how the cast of the show tries to survive the zombie apocalypse.

The sequel would have the survivors in a Mad Max setting, but with zombies.

Not sure about the overarching plot, but a character arc ending with Hank either getting a promotion or leaving his job.

It would have to be a timeskip.

The show's ending is too good to pick up were things were with the same characters again

I don't think King of the Hill really needs some grand finale, I think an ordinary episode to end it would have been fine. Also, the last 3 seasons of the show were so bad, fan-fiction tier really. So the last episode was doomed no matter what.

Animate this story for motion picture general audiences:


I meant if there was a alternate universe where the final episode never got made and a movie was made instead.

I imagine it'll just timeskip to several years after the final eps

>Bobby opens up his own barbecue joint and calls it Bobby Qs
>Hank is promoted or takes over Strickland
>Peggy somehow lands an actual teaching position and wins a teacher of the year award
>Bills name lives on through his sauce that Bobby supplies in his restaurant
