Can we have a Gilmore Girls thread?

Can we have a Gilmore Girls thread?

There is no cuter character in all of Sup Forums than early-seasons Gilmore Girls Rory.

Guess you're the only gilmorefag, you dumb shitlicking cunt.


You sound like you need a hug.

die degenerate


Sup Forums has a solid GG fanbase, pic related for example is from some years back
The last season had regular threads and we still talk about the core seasons often

Glee era Melissa Benoist was cuter.

I can't believe someone actually made this, holy shit

Sometimes I lay awake at night thinking about how Pete Campbell gets to deep dick that fucking snatch any goddamned time he wants

that shit 100% on mark

Daily Reminder that Jess was the best bf and if you like Dean you're a soyboy

sup reddit

She was really somethin' on Mad Men


>season 4
>the best

Fun fact: the whole point of the series was that Rory was destined to be a worthless whore like her mom and give birth to a child out of wedlock. And that she was such an unlikeable cunt, that not only could she not ride the Barrack Obama train to a meaningful career as one of Obama's anti-life preachers in the media, but that she couldn't even bully the beta boy she repeatedly cheated on/treated like shit in the Netflix specials, into raising her bastard, because he had enough of her shit and basically kicked her to the curb by the final special.

I like this one more.

Daily reminder that Rory wasn't good enough for either.

Look hiw well dressed she is, how well she is presenting herself. And this cunt is wearing fucking junners and a shitty non-collored shirt under a nice cardigan. /fa/ would not be happy with that wet sock fuckstick.

I didn't know men watched this show. I thought it was too feminine even for gay men.

It made for a nice Sunday evening jerkoff session

It transcends gender. Overall, it's just a really good show. The only problem is some of the pop culture references don't hold up.

Childhood is idolizing Rory. Adulthood is realizing shes ugly and has a big fat fucking fivehead and Lorelai would make the perfect mommy gf

I'd like to think Rory will probably be a WORSE single mom than her own singe mom.

Lorelei at least had the brains to isolate herself and Rory as a means to keep her daughter from knowing what a cunt she was refusing to marry her dad and choosing poverty over her rich parents helping raise the kid (and being actively resentful when she finally had to break down and go for help from them).

Rory's brat is going to know she's a bastard, know that her father is wealthy and that her mom actively kept him from the kid. Or worse, get the guy from Heroes to be her beta and claim paternity over the kid, so the kid never finds out that Rory was a whore who slept with a man who had a fiance.

so buds. who's kid is Rory holding at the end of the revival? Jess or Logan?

I relate too much to Luke.

>He doesn't watch it for Yanic

I still think, if there is ever another season of the show, they will handwave the finale as Rory being a surrogate for her bitchy blonde friend's surrogate mother business. IE she decided to have someone else's baby put into her womb for a quick big money payday, plus having the chance to write about the whole ordeal and getting a book deal out of it.

Was Paris our girl?

Bunheads > Gilmore Girls

(((GELLER))). But she was best girl. She was 25 playing a high schooler and it wasn't even obvious.

Actually Logan was the best said nobody ever

Emily Gilmore was best Gilmore Girl.


>ywn grow up in a comfy stars hollow
>ywn meet a qt3. 14 girl like Rory at school
>ywn bump into her at luke's in the morning, her mum making fun of your teenage awkwardness
>ywn walk hand in hand round the main square on a cool fall morning
>ywn steal a first kiss in a quiet corner of Taylor's shop
>ywn go round to her house for movie night, and not be able to keep your hands off each other every time lorelai leaves the room
>ywn tell her you love her, and her you
>ywn lose your virginity with each other
>you never experienced anything like this, and those years are gone, so you never will

What was the deal with the casting of Madeline as a popular "hot" girl. Louise was hot but Madeline looked like an alien and was a 5 at best.



man I was obsessed with Louise
the actress had this brief recurring role as a hooker in CSI Las Vegas, then she quit acting for good and basically disappeared

Louise had that sexy ass voice too.

Why the Logan hate? He was the best BF. Jess was an immature punk, who only shaped up in the later seasons.

No hate. Probably the best out of the three. Still kind of a shithead tho. Rory had shit taste.

He never treated his parents well. Never date a boy that's a dick to his parents.

TEAM LOGAN all the fucking way. Dean was a beta, Jess was sexy and fun, but he was a shit boyfriend who couldn't talk about his feelings, and had a really hard time giving a shit about anyone else's.
Logan was a rich dick hole, BUT HE CHANGED FOR RORY! He pulled himself out of a sea of pointless pussy for her, and actually stood up to his parents for her. He never treated her poorly, and through his influence, she was named Queen.
Deanfags and Jessfags are living in a dream world. Rory's only problem withLogan is her deep seeded disdain for the wealthy, inherited from her mother. Just like her inability to have any idea what she wants or feels at any given time.

GG is way comfy, but literally every episode is someone overreacting about something.

Fuck that. People who can't stand up to their parents are super toxic.

Person bringing dishonor to their famiry detected.

It just didn't work without Richard

Excellent image.
However you're mistaken. Though I defied my mother's wishes and scorned her at 18, I have paved my way, and earnedherrespect. And I have surpassed my father's every accomplishment and standard of living before reaching the age at which he conceived me.
People who immigrate to America should not act surprised when their children turn out to beAmerican.

i never specifically tuned in to watch it but if it happened to be on, the witty banter was pretty good

looks like she has nice thighs tbqh

I wished that the mother died, but Richard would have completely unraveled. I miss him tho.


Imagine trying to dress like that at Yale today.
Cultural appropriation! Reeeee!

"E keeps saying to me, hold zis. What do you feel? Well, I have vomit on my suit now, so rage."

It's funny how the way you see GG differs completely depending on your age.

I first watched it with my mom, in my early teen when it first aired, up until season 4 or 5 i guess. I was totally invested in rory's storyline, not so much with lorelai because I couldn't relate.

I decided to start over again (and introduce GG to my gf at the same time) when the season 8 came to Netflix, and it felt like discovering the show again because i would relate way more with lorelai now, not so much with rory.

Though I'd still make sweet love to rory and make her carry my children.

Thank you all for reading my blog.

oh hey it's that chick from Sin City that sold everyone out and was then killed by the guy with the rose. Guess she never really made it in the movie industry.
