First standalone movie since iron man 3 to make $1 billion dollars. Calling it now

First standalone movie since iron man 3 to make $1 billion dollars. Calling it now.

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500M is max

nobody outside Americuckistan gives a fuck. It's a black dudes movie for black dudes. It's like a Madea movie but with super powers. Fuck that.

Pretty sure there are black dudes outside of America too

In Africa, some in Europe but I don't see those going in big numbers to watch this shit.
Seriously, nobody cares about movies with a lot of black people outside Burgerland. It's a very specific kind of movie.
It's capeshit but capeshit of a heroe nobody gives a fuck. Even Ant-Man was more interesting to watch for the rest of the world.
Also remember nobody in China will watch this.

So now we're waiting for someone to say it's possible to enjoy a movie with black people in it, possibly posting some screencap from those ugandan movies, then someone to respond by calling the responding guy a cuck?
I think the bigger problem is that Black Panther is kind of a shitty character. Then again Wonder Woman made money, so what do I know?

China likes the black lead and the presales have been record breaking

HAHAHAHA Sup Forums will be so fucking wrong.

I can't wait. Black Panther will end this board.

luke cage should've been the movie but they wanted to do that defenders failure


2016 research suggests that the African Americans audience increased due to increase in black representation in film.

>The number of frequent African-American moviegoers nearly doubled to 5.6 million last year, while the number of regular Asian ticket-buyers jumped from 3.2 million to 3.9 million. The MPAA defines frequent moviegoers as people who attend the cinema once a month or more. Both groups were over-represented on a population basis. African-Americans made up 15% of frequent moviegoers, while comprising 12% of the U.S. population. Asians account for 8% of the population, but made up 11% of frequent moviegoers.

Go to one of the betting sites and make money if you really believe this. Even money now is $265 million domestic.

The problem is that they made this whole shit a racial statement. They are fucking retards. Nobody outside US cares about black people and the whole racial shit going there.

If you are right maybe this will save the movie but won't make as much as the other household names.

I do not speak for Sup Forums is what I kinda see this shitfest is going. It's a Marvel movie, it will make shittons of money, but won't break any record. As I said, if China goes to watch this, it will make more money, but China fucking hates black people.

it won't be enough to make the stupid numbers OP and other retards are calling. It will do good.

Isn't the title Black Panther kind of raycis?

Like what if it was Black Superman?

No it will make a lot in the US because white americans love niggers, but it won't make that much internationally.

>but China fucking hates black people.

they can safely watch Black People in a local kinoplex. Thats something the chinks are curious about. Its like going into a Zoo.

My wife and sister really seems excited for this movie. Seems like generic capeshit to me

Who made it a racial statement? If it's just something on black twitter or whatever I doubt too many people really give a shit

I believe Disney actually made their homework, specially after Star Wars TLA.

they are wondering if they have massive huge cocks user.

that shitbag from star wars

yall white ass nerds gonna have to go see this movie cause its the 21 century big event that fina get yall woke

for the first time we gonna show you what you ruined and the big thing africa could have been if not for yall coming to enslave us and treat us like shit hella years ago
yall called us scum and niggers and kept us down and oppressed and made us believe we are nasty animals when its a fact that in our dna is blood and dark melanin of leaders, kings and pharaohs that were born to rule and be strong and powerful

them white cops murdering our people cause of supremacy and privileged white thots apropiating our culture and empowering words to look badass bitch that whack shit over

this movie is gonna open yall eyes to the new world were white ppl have power on us no more and even poor black kids struglin to survive will have the oportunity to sit and watch it chillin and realize they got the soul of a warrior

be humble, yall crackers the weak side now! your women will only want black dick like they already do cause they know whos the powerful race and the babies you be raising will be black. from february til the end of your race we own ya, never forget that

the revolution will not be televised


So because an actor who isn't in the movie said something in response it's a racial statement?

the way people are obsessed with virtue signaling these days i think it'll do massive numbers even if it's bad. i wouldn't lowball it

Nah it will do 800-850 which is still great for a first movie

>bombs in China
>makes 200-300 million domestic + Canada
>International pulls in another 300-400 million max, 200 if poor word of mouth or if Asia in general follows China's route

My prediction is total being 500-700 million dollars

You do realise Kevin Feige the man behind this movie is a white man and many of the producers at marvel studios are white. This is just silly. There still white cast members in the movie as well.

They couldn’t make it all black even if they wanted to. Even if there is only 2 white sides Andy Serkis and Martin Freeman.

+ shitload of niggers spaming idioic "WE WUZ" and even failing to notice their miskaes.
someone post that bitch who said they were teaching "astrology" note, not astronomy, she said astrology - madeup bullshit that got nothing to do with science
literally every possible talk and news is brining some dumb race bait

Not a chance.

>no free $100 million in China like every marvel movie
>implying people overseas want to watch this shit
I think somewhere around $380 to under $500 million.

Hi, Sup Forums here. We don't care about this movie. In fact, we hope it succeeds. We ARE annoyed by the WE WUZ KANGS acting like Wakanda is good because they're doing EXACTLY WHAT WE WANT TO DO BUT THEY'RE BLACK SO IT'S OKAY.

Anyways, I hope blacks wake the fuck up and wrest their fat nigger lips from the government teat long enough to try another Liberia.

380 would be nice number. movie breaks even but isn't profitable enough. no harm for producers, but also no risk of having more niggers in future

$275 domestic, $350 foreign. No way foreign is less than domestic for a movie with capes.

people outside US doesn't watch movies with black people, they don't give a shit, maybe some because of capeshit. It will make a lot less than Ant-Man.

Come on now, I'm sure the movie will do well at the box office, but it is unlikely to make a billion

>Chadwick Boseman recently picked up the Most Popular U.S. Actor In China award at the 13th Annual Chinese American Film Festival.

that guy looks like a wicked cunt

I'll grab some popcorn and see how far they can ride that.

Is China even going to screen it?

just a small note "domestic" figures always include canada

do canadians own black people? I thought they were smarter than that

Yes. The Chinese like domesticated blacks like Will Smith and just last year their film committee ranked Chadwick Boseman as their favorite black actor.

It will get a release, especially since Civil War did so well there


Pretty sure it can't be screened in it's current form as they just banned ghetto rap and hip hop so they would have to redo all that. Plus I just don't see the Chinese government thinking it's worth giving screens to.


This movie isn't going to be domesticated black people. It's going to be typical shit talking arrogant blackness. Chinese don't want to see that.

Does anyone know what the budget is for this one?

It's about Africans though not African Americans

You do realize it was bait?

african americans larping

Why do people meme that these are people?

but china can watch pretty black people

The Chinese think even less of Africans since they are seen as a self-sabotaging dumpster fire of a people sitting on a lot of natural resources the Chinese want. Plus, at the end of the day, they may have a pet negrofriend they are fond of, but generally they are unapologetic racists and see blacks in general as the lowest form of human. They don't want to see what will appear to be a self-indulgent black fantasy.