Killing me won't change anything!

>Killing me won't change anything!
>No! But it's a start!

Other urls found in this thread:

Awesome thread

>”ugh, I hate this stale old cliche!”
>complains about it online with a stale, cliched meme

RIP Major Timothy Cain.

>Killing me won't change anything!
>No, but it'll make me feel better!

>Your plan will never succeed!

>two characters
>character in foreground with back to camera is talking
>audio isn't synced to them but instead is synced to the person they're talking to whose face is to the camera
Fucking ruins the immersion every single time

>You won't get away with this!
>I already have!

post examples

not really sure how to edit and post them, but i assure you in the vast majority of shows and films, for an interaction like that, it happens. keep an eye out for it in the next week and you'll see a bunch. or don't and just take my word for it because it's hard not to look for it once you see it and it ruins the immersion

tell me what shows or films you've watched recently and i'll try to find an example and point out the time. i quickly looked through the last thing i watched (episode 4 of latest x files season) and sure enough found an example, though a tiny one 4:54-4:56. for scenes where the character's back is to the camera and they're talking, vast majority of time the audio isn't synced in film and tv.

I mean you can just link a youtube video with a timestamp, just wanted to see some obvious examples

i'll see what i can find, hold up

>Narrator is a character in the movie
>Character dies
>Character still narrates

First movie that came up on youtube searching "full movie". Scrolled through the beginning. Some are subtle.
This last interaction in particular has the foreground character audio without the actor even moving lol. Happens a couple of times. You get the picture. I'm sure someone involved with film production can chime in, the slim chance there's one in this thread.

holy shit I cant believe I didnt notice this before, very weird
the second and last one were the most noticeable to me

replied to wrong post oops

>you'll kill millions!
>"To save billions"

I try not to look for it but it's hard sometimes. I'm just impressed at all the takes and audio/video editing and overlapping that's needed for production even for the most basic stuff. Kind of overwhelming to think about but that's why there are pros that do it for a living

>You killed millions
>To kill billions

I imagined a normal scene like one of these you posted would just be recorded like a normal conversation, but I guess not

>Wait! If you kill him, you’ll be just like him!

right? like why not keep the boom mic above them both, but i think what complicates things is switching the camera viewpoint during the dialogue (same audio track but different video track) and also using the best takes for both video and audio, or something like that. confusing to think about it.

>Killing me won't change anything!
>You know what? I don't care.


>You can't kill me
>I'm already dead

I don't get it, the audio looks in synch to me

last link i posted, when vince vaughn is saying "i picked up one of the profiles" he's not even moving when his back is to the camera

>Detectives are questioning a suspect
>The suspect continues to do their work while answering questions instead of giving their undivided attention like a normal person

>THAT is an ORDER.