/hyw/ - How's Your Webcomic? #386


What do we do here? Webcomics of course. What kind of webcomics? The kind that the Comics Code Authority approves! Safe and friendly to the youth of the internet.

Come here for some good word on drawing, storytelling, worldbuilding and anything else your webcomic needs to not make any wing angry.

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=how to draw comics

Scrub Authors GOODIE Bag
Here’s a short list of sites that any new webcomic artist or writer will find handy:
>*-Struggling to find that perfect FONT? Create your own using this link;

>*-Don’t forget to brush up on that ANATOMY:

>*-What’s a list without some reference STOCK IMAGES?
People: senshistock.deviantart.com/gallery/
Scenery: shutterstock.com/

>*-Here's a big fat compilation of CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCE:
pinterest.com/characterdesigh/ (surprisingly not a typo)

>Links to get a rough WEBSITE started up:
Easy to use tumblr webcomic theme: tumblr.com/theme/39018
Do’s and Don’ts for starting a site: pastebin.com/kNR2W5mV
>Contact sheet if anyone wants to put information down, like their site and webcomic:

>DISCORD CHAT going on:

>Wise words from John Cleese:

>Invisible Ink:

>Paper Wings

>Fonts for your webcomic on Blambot:

>Writing Resources:

>Guide to promoting your comic:

>Comics for makin' comics!

youtube.com/results?search_query=how to draw comics


Very cool motivation

You can also participate on a HYW challenge!

>Theme: Castaway in space
>Genre (options):
>slice of life
>Deadline: July 19

have an idea, and due to me being a scrubby writer it'll come off cliche, but I really want this idea to work, so please, I need honest feedback.
So, world were there is just humans, none of that d&d shit.
This world would be pretty bland, had it not been for the humans being able to master magic.
Eventually, a huge black ball collides with earth, conveniently landing near the main human settlements.
It emerges, reveals itself to be a huge ass monster and goes on to do typical Godzilla stuff.
Eventually the humans are able to kill it, but then, the human who struck the final blow to it became possessed and turned into the beast.
And so began a cycle, monster gets killed, person who kills it becomes monster, repeat.
Eventually, they realize that there is no way to truly kill it, so the humans form a society called the sealers and are able to seal the monster into a cave, causing peace to reign if not for a group of people who worship the invincible beast, who want to go out, kill the sealers and unleash the beast, killing it and somehow splitting the power up among them all.
Pretty much power hungry regular bad guys who wanna be bad.
The story wouldn't have a "chosen one" cliche and would focus on the key figures for both fractions, as well as the occasional page dedicated to the beast's POV

Posted last thread, need ideas to improve on it

I feel like I could do a one-panel of space castaways..

It's a non-cliche way to use cliche elements. Everybody does it!

does anyone in the setting ever look into the reason behind this thing? why there's shit like this in space, whether there's any danger of more of it coming? or is it just a force of nature which they're too busy holding down to have any higher thoughts about it

Do it user! You are still on time!

I gave my latest reply here just in case you already closed that thread


Would anyone here draw a comic for me?

Would you like to know the idea of my comic?

The beast is such an powerful force that yes, the sealers have to work 24/7 to seal it in its cave
Plus with the cultists trying to get
In, they kinda don't care about it's origins.

Okay, any suggestions for comics?

post it


the idea is a Comic Of Lydia Fox (From Arthur)

With the original idea that Connor Gordon (The Original Creator Of Lydia) had for her

The comic would be of lydia (with 7 years of age)

while she was in a pool. and it is immersed in the shallow end of the pool, and suffered a spinal injury that paralyzed from the waist down.





Do you want her to drown in the pool or what

Instead of directly inking I'm now making a sketch prior and it's making fantastic work for me. (In other words I'm being more patient with my work)

Okay, as long as there's a sensible reason. The only thing that bothers me as a reader is when there's this impossibly massive problem in the world, and absolutely nobody is thinking about the cure, only the treatment, even after ages and ages. Especially if it's some blunt metaphor about modern problems.
But if they have a legitimate reason to focus all their energy on surviving and the task at hand, then that is fine. Like Shingeki no Kyojin kinda stuff.

I have no idea how to draw females, so here are some sketches I did while I tried to fix my block.

is that some kidn of wrinkle on her shirt, or is it a graphic? It kind of looks like a katakana with a ten ten..

I usually just draw a gibberish alphabet i made up for when I have nothing to put in the shirts or designs

The idea of the comic is Lydia (the fox girl) this she in a pool. And that she dives into the shallow end of the pool, and that she suffered an injury to the spine, that Lydia was paralyzed from the waist down.

I guess it makes sense if we think of it as a SnK thing, with the deal of sealers having to be working all days at all hours to keep the beast sealed because of how powerful it is.

Although this gives me the idea that maybe there could be a third faction that dosn't really want to use the beast's power but want to study what it is instead? They may not have bad intentions (they may even think that by studying it they can find a way to stop it once and for all) but some of them may actually do some risky stuff that makes them a menace.

Actually Shingeki no Kyojin is a good example of a comic (well, manga if you want to be too picky) to check on for this, even if it's not typical fantasy.

Those designs actually look quite cool.

As for females, you have to remember 4 important steps.

>more hips
>less waist
>no bulge

how much boobs, hips or waist they have is up to you to play with.

bonus step of "not too wide shoulders", in that aspect men are usually more "square" than women.

Why is the monster's initial reaction to landing on a foreign planet, just wrecking things?
Considering the story you've provided and the aim you want to approach, I would begin the story off in the middle of a scuffle between these two factions.
I like the other user's idea too, just kind of a neutral size getting caught up in the mess.

ah yes. Not to continue to draw comparisons to other series, as that's a shallow and frustrating way to analyze things, but ... there's something a bit like that in Wheel of Time's backstory, and I've always liked it. The idea of well-meaning researchers screwing things up a bit is fantastic.
Oh, Chrono Trigger too. Not sure who did it first. plus in both of those cases, nobody was sure the thing in question even existed or had any idea that it was evil, so you won't be stepping on toes with your faction, probably.

Thanks for the tip, but I was honestly more so talking about the face department.

shorter face, narrower chin, bigger eyes, rounder hairline,
larger, rounder cranium.

Oh I see, sorry about that.

Well the only thing I can say there is that women tend to have more soft facial traits, at least when you want to go with the average female face. Bigger/rounder eyes, eyelashes, a bit smaller noses, more notorious cheekbones. Of course you can also play with those things so they don't look like a Disney Rapunzel clone, but expect people to go with "why does this woman have a manly face"?

I've read SnK, but I don't want for their plots to be somewhat similar

You see, the reason why the sealers keep going to seal him away is because their magic is weak and can't hold long, so they have to keep a constant maintenance.
This is why the cultist want them dead
I've been thinking though, what if the sealers waste most of their power weakening the beast and still shielding him, like they used so much of it that the beast has been turned into a more..tame form?
I dunno here's some sketches, and yes i know it's a stick figure, I just can't thinking about making him look....normal like?
Anyone willing to help out with him artwise?

Also, I like the third faction idea, the faction that actually wants to learn about this thing, but isn't trusted by the sealers..

Yeah I was just suggesting it's the same kind of "Oh well, this is our lives now" attitude, which is all you can do when the monster is that... monstery
I like the idea of it legitimately weakening over time, so they've made a form of progress after all

Tame form? That does sound interesting.

Also for a moment I thought the eye was a fang and I was going to comment on how cute the beast turned out after some taming

It's late, so sorry for the horrible quality
Yes that's my excuse

So, say that during the plot the cultists find out thatvthe beast is getting "tamed" and stage an all out attack by breaking into the cave..somehow.

The beast is freed, the cultist rejoice, but they realize that the beast is too weak after all this time and that he's not really worth it at the point.

The beast is freed, and the third faction decides to really step in..

>The beast is freed, the cultist rejoice, but they realize that the beast is too weak after all this time and that he's not really worth it at the point.

What a bunch of meanies, now I feel bad for the poor beast. If he is really being "tamed" this may even lead to some interesting things.

Well user you are now making your plot bigger and thinking of more paths to follow, this is all good work and exercise for your story. Glad our advices are helping you so far.

Here's a test page I did of my project about a month ago. I'm currently working on the prologue and am aiming to have it done by late October.

Hey thanks, you helped out a lot

Did a rough idea of the cultist freeing the beast, and how it would go down.

The beast could end up being so tamed that he could eventually just be a guy with freak powers

This looks good user! Good luck on the project, this page alone looks quite nice.

>that page
When will the bullying end? The beast needs a break.

>Then the beast goes into a new self-discovery journey of adventure while dealing with crazy third faction-ers.
>And with it you get to explore more on the "ok where did it come from and why" with maybe even adding more on it as the story keeps going since the promised big bad is not that big or that bad anymore



Finished coloring the second to last page of the spinoff comic tonight. Colored five pages today alone.

Eager to be done with it and put it out in the wild.

posting wip, sorry i was gone all week... it wont happen again!

bump, page arts done...

It's been a while since I last posted in these threads, these last weeks have been busy, but I've kept working on the comic, albeit at a lesser rate that I would have liked. I'm going to post the first four pages, they can be read online at loosecannons.net (the site still needs some polishing).

English is not my native language, so if you spot any mistake feel free to point them and I'll correct them as soon as I can.


I've been putting a lot of time drawing and shading these pages. The two main reasons it's in b/w is because I like it, and that going full colour would be a ton of work. I hope I'll get faster soon.

Shit, forgot to attach the image.

And this is it for now.


ok, its done, i hope yall like it

*you can read it on:

-comic fury: ggz.thecomicseries.com/
-taptastic: tapastic.com/episode/623701
-linewebtoons: webtoons.com/en/challenge/ggz/introductions/viewer?title_no=66734&episode_no=1
-the duck webcomics: theduckwebcomics.com/GGZ/
-tumblr: gothgrillz.tumblr.com/


I guess all the rumors are true, im just another worthless spic beaner mexican tortilla spinner thats never going to make it, lol

>The HYW Discord server finally managed to kick me out.

>Hey, Dewd, Coldfusion and Bones. Where do you guys hang out now?

where do i hang out? under a tree on a noose around my neck that cast the most depressing life crushing darkness, cuz i dont just feel dead on the inside i feel dead in general like this is some kind of hybrid limbo hell, lol

What kind of music do you listen to while making comics, /hyw/?

on infinit loop: youtube.com/watch?v=20jvV-BPNSk

Thanks for your inputs. (I haven't a clue as to whether or not these links will work back to a dead thread but whatever.) We will make fixing the latest page versus latest chapter update a priority.

Going commando is far less hygenic than wearing panties.

Is that a Pepe phone?

Hey man, save the dark humor for the comic!


It's coldfusion, the guy is clinically retarded, there's nothing you can do to talk sense into him.

Damn those are some really neat backgrounds, also good use of the b/w.

Lets be fair. No one here makes more than a few Starbucks lattes.

why is everyone here so shit?

Because anyone that gits gud leaves as soon as they can.

Or quits. Many quit.

Wear cotton. It breathes.

is this String Theory?

that demon cultist is a qt

Time for a fight scene

really into this style. nice stuff. looking forward to the prologue.


For my comic I sometimes make playlists for some of my characters with music they'd like in them. Mostly 90s electronic music since that's the general vibe of my works though.

When I work on resources for my videos I mostly listen to the album I actually have permission to use in it. If anyone here has played "Battleblock theater", it's an album made by the same composer. Though it was made back in the 90s for a fictional video game. Criminally underrated.


This looks nice when zoomed in and you have a lot of skill but it needs more focus. When I look at it my eyes aren't drawn to anything in particular and so it becomes kind of an eyesore. Maybe try differentiating the characters from eachother and the backgrounds by using bolder outlines on what the focus is. Also since your color palette is so light I might do those panel dividers in black or a dark color so the panels are easier to differentiate.

Yeah, idk how user made a comparison since I don't think anything on that page is similar to something from ST.


Not content wise but I thought the art style's very similar.

very nice

Legitimately feels like it could of been one of those fake ads from Ren & Stimpy or as a comic in Nickelodeon magazine. The style looks legitimately from that era, nice work.

When I was doing some pages I was listening to amon tobins splinter cell chaos theory soundtrack. And for these sketches some deftones.

I'm thinking this is how I want the Demi-urge in my comic to look basically humans get there mana from them and the mana is a lot weaker in the humans. This is back story stuff because the story I want to tell takes place during the age of man. The Dem-urge are responsible for a lot of the technology on the planet as well as the guns although the urge only really love to use melee weapons when they battle. I don't usually do sketches like this only really to show y'all, I mostly use the notes app and jot things down when they hit me.

Also I just realized I started work on Vegabond this time last year. Here's a comparison of the first picture of CIN I posted in these threads exactly one year ago and the most recent picture I've done of him this week.

What a difference a year makes.

Sup Forums is 18+

Im your elder though :) and Demi urge are many different color fyi forgot to mention.

feast for a king will kill me if i continue to read it

Foreal dude I LOVE it ,like I say every now and then I can't wait to see this done, but taking your time really has done you good. Btw will you review the system shock games or are you gonna only do new games?

Character designs of Mary J. doe.

Thanks! And yeah I've kind of felt bad for taking so long with all of this but I really do think it's for the good of the end product.

As for the reviews, I'm starting off with my series "Forgotten Gaming" which just focuses on my shareware and abandonware collection that all have little to no documentation online and are mostly awful. I'll be doing actually good games later on but haven't really planned it out yet since I already have those other projects going on. The first actually well known games I'd review would definitely be 90s sci-fi though, and the system shock series is among my favorites.


It always changes according to what I'm doing. Right now I'm getting in the right mood for the challenge here


now this is something I can get behind

The 90's really were the best times man wish I had been in my 20's then :(

>3rd grade tier drawings
>can't even spell
>retard level concepts
reminder you're posting with literal children in these threads. these are the people giving you advice and suggestions

Can confirm. As you show, there is no age limit for shitposting.

>Where- HOW do I sign?

I guess I can see it.
Is it bad that I like the artstyle from the beginning more than the present one? I mean it improved a lot and it's nice and all, but there is something about the early one that I miss, not sure how to express it.

Just sit back and enjoy the show kiddo.

>Is that a Pepe phone?


>Hey man, save the dark humor for the comic!

ok, i will try senpai



i made a video of me making this page: youtube.com/watch?v=mvnqqZHmeG4&feature=youtu.be

*pic related is what i mean by how these pages look on my new nigga-rigged laptop i frankensteined together and the screen resolution looks stretched out and on any other copmputer and deviced everything i drew looks super skinny... its a really confusing way to have to draw, i tried doing everything i could to fix this problem but never found a solution

*computer or device(tablet, cellphone, etc)


Did i become linkara?

you must be 18 or older to post here


I love the art from chapter 1 and would have 0% problem with the whole comic looking like that, that said I think the color art is fantastic too. Really the biggest strength of the art is the characters acting, look at him rubbing his face in the second to last panel there.

Welcome to Singing-Rock!

It looks so beautiful.


dem huge mushrooms are makin me hungry