Would there be any chance of 40kino? Which director would suit it the most?

Would there be any chance of 40kino? Which director would suit it the most?

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I think so, it would need to be directed and produced by someone who can accurately portray how over-the-top everything is.

I think Peter Jackson could do it if he’s at the top of his game

In the current political climate it would just inspire 500 articles on how toxic masculinity is worse than death

Simon pegg


And demands for She-Marines.

40K is a setting where the grotesque extremes of the Imperium are necessary to stop humanity from being annihilated by Xenos and Chaos. Even if they had the main characters pause and stare at the camera and say "This terrible thing I do is to ensure the survival of humanity in a universe that wants it to die, screaming, in unbelievable agony" it would just be bitch, bitch, bitch about Nazi glorification.

Honestly? Probably Zack Snyder and im not even a fan of is. You saw 300, he can take pithy over-masculine dialogue and make it presentable and not campy.

Snyder or Mel Gibson are my top choices.

Aparently Kubrick was interested in making a movie adaptattion out of this

You'd do a movie of Death or Glory. Fuck Space Marines, Ciaphus Cain is a relate-able character who screws a sexy techpriest with a mechadendrite tail and leads a rag-tag group of soldiers and civilians in a Mad Max style push through an Ork infested continent in order to get a cup of tea. It's the absolute perfect 40K movie.

Pity Tony Robinson's so old because he's the best casting choice for Jurgen.

>tfw kubrick never got to make wh40k kino

Rian Johnson

How do you subvert something that is already a subversion?

>you live in the time line without Kubrick's "Ian Watson's Inquisition" trilogy

>Would there be any chance of 40kino?
No. The universe is too fucking dense to simply stick in a 2 hour film and have anyone understand why things work the way they do.

Of course they could simply make it purely for the fans and never explain anything that is immediately apparent to people who know their stuff, but I don't think that adaptation will ever be made, for anything, ever.

This is literally shit for fucking fat stinking neckbeard basement dwellers
If there's anyone that really thinks it will get of the ground as a proper movie not a shitty vidya or c class cgi animation is utterly fucking retarded.
Fucking idiots with their shitty threads

Just show a medieval dirt farmer go about his day for 3 minutes and then he takes his family to church which unlike everything else is extremely high tech and there's some old priest raving about the emperor and chaos and xenos
That's basically the gist of the entire setting

All that just leads to more questions. This is a setting with 50 years of backstory, developments, retcons and contradictions. Even the main setting itself has a whole period of its history devoted entirely to a war that sets the stage for everything else.

>the grotesque extremes of the Imperium are necessary

Not entirely true, bureaucracy and extreme religious zealotry is also a contributor to killing the imperium

From what we can see about Warcraft Movie, never.

Jewlywood Kikes would not portray such a violent and degenrate movie to the masses just to appease a niche community.

I for one would welcome Slaaneshi/Drukhari degeneracy and corruption on the subjects of the imperium though.

So it would have to be a very high budget tv show and we know no studio is going to risk that unless we get one desperate for an IP to exploit ala game of thrones.

Michael Bay for Imperial Guard
Snyder for Space Marines/Inquisition/any religious symbolism shit.

Just put a few Sisters of battle in the main characters and you're good.

>Michael Bay for Imperial Guard
>Snyder for Space Marines

Not sure how you managed to get these two completely backwards, but you did.

Both those things are key facets in the propagation and expansion of the Imperium, which is a huge boon to mankind's survival.

You don't need to explain everything though
In fact it's probably more fun that way

Best bet would be to do an anthology with a series of five to twenty minute shorts. Give a budget to directors and animators and CG artists and see what we end up with.

Aint the she marines pretty much the sisters of battle?

Not really. At the end of the day, Space Marines are the next step in human evolution while Sisters of Battle for the most part are pissed off nuns with flamethrowers.

i'd watch the hell out of ciaphas cain movie.

Either could would. Imperial guard in the vein of 13 hours would be just as good as space marines with the visual clutter of transformers.

Snyder could equally do space marines in the vein of slow motion superhero fest and imperial guard in the vein of suckerpunch/300/Dawn of the dead.

Granted he'll need to pick like, chaos insurrections, tyrannids or weak as fuck orcs for cannon fodder since IG need an antagonist that they wont unrealistically survive against.

It will never happen, but a trilogy based on the Horus Heresy would be kino.

I like this idea.


Snyder loves them super human shit 300. Fuck he'll dedicate a scene of a marine suiting up or Sororitas suiting up a power armor. RELIGIOUS SYMBOLISM EVERYWHERE. Snyderman was Jesus, what if we make SNYDERGUINIUS, HE'S LIKE SUPER JESUS BUT PRETTIER AND WITH WINGS

>You don't need to explain everything though
No, not everything. But any kind of movie is going to have to shy away from certain plot points or details in order to make the audience not ask questions.

Like imagine if you wanted a scene where a squad is riding around in a Chimera. It breaks down, so the soldiers get out and abandon it. Someone will inevitably ask
>Why don't they try to fix it?
And then you have to explain the fact that they're not allowed, which inevitably leads to bringing up the Mechanicus, which is a subject that by itself could have another godamn movie about it.

There's just too much. Any screenplay would have to be constructed incredibly carefully in order to avoid any kind of "Why didn't the characters do X?" questions.

Space Marines is fuck yeah Imperium, because of the sheer amount of ass they kick. They're fucking super soldiers that slaughter everything in their way.

Imperial Guard is 300 - a valiant defense against hopeless odds.

The advantage for the normies is that the Orks are the perfect antagonists; establishing them as bad guys is very straightforward. Between their attack on the fleet at the start of the novel and the way they treat the occupied towns, they're an easy sell. And the Guard are soldiers, along with the liberated civilians they're another easy sell for audiences; they're a fairly familiar military force as presented in the novel, no abhumans or psykers show up in it (well there's the weirdboyz but the Ork tactic to pull the fleet out of the Warp would likely be cut in favour of just having the Orks attacking the fleet when it shows up).

And the story itself is a great action story, with a clear narrative, battles, sex and set pieces like the destruction of the dam that lend themselves beautifully to film.

Now I'm not 100% familiar with the intricacies with lore but... would there ever be a scenario for a citizen to be drafted into the IG and experience the """"wonders""" of the Imperium from fresh eyes?

Probably the biggest source of recruits is draftees.

So, Paul Verhoeven?

I get that, but ones that haven't experienced the wrath of the Inquistion or the retarded imperial laws?

There's basically worlds with every sort of theme that could easily have little to no contact with the rest of the imperium for the average Joe, so yes. The best way to really explore the setting is by focusing on the inquisition as nobody else really sees as much shit

I don't think it would work a feauter lenght film.A miniseries would be more appropriate

Depends on the Regiment. If you're one of the known named ones like Cadians or Death Korps of Kreig, it's your life to get drafted to IG whether you like it or not and get send to the grinder.

Newly founded regiments on other hand is at the mercy of the higher ups, especially the ones who called for a crusade. Everything will be fucking new and if you meet another regiment who's crazier than your guys or Sororitas who decided your lot worship the Emperor wrong, you and your boys are fugged.

Yeah. Most people in the Imperium are just a bunch of normal schmucks. When there's a need for fresh regiments, such as if the powers that be want to start cleansing nearby ork held words that are fucking with trade, the call will go out and people will be conscripted, get a few months training (if even) and then sent off world to die.

90% of the Imperial Guard are just regular dudes, not lawbreakers.

Yes. But the IG works in multiple ways.
The majority of IG are from three ways:
Selected/Recruited from planetary militia's, (PDF)
Recruited/Conscripted Via a yearly 'tithe' by a particular planet. (Krieg is known for mass cloning soldiers and sending out brainwashed cannon fodder with imperial guilt)
Or forcibly conscripted to replenish numbers by a company constantly on the move.

There are also IG companies that have female members, and you can be born into the IG, these are known as whiteshields.

Lastly there are penal legions/criminal conscripts.

George Miller directs an Ork movie.

>Most people in the Imperium are just a bunch of normal schmucks

This is semi-false.
See:IG are indeed just human. But on the sliding scale, there are bodies for the meat grinder, all the way to well trained career soldiers.

While if you're born on cadia, you get conscription, sure. But cadian's were some of the best trained IG out there.
And then there's catachan recruits, who are by no means 'normal' schmucks.

The imperial guard regiments that are well known have names because they are successful and specialised. (with exception for krieg, which is specialised at stopping enemy bullets with the meatshield of it's own troops)

>This is semi-false.
It is completely true, seeing as I said most people in the IMPERIUM, my man. Meaning that most people conscripted into the Imperial Guard will also be someone completely average, not a criminal or lawbreaker who is conscripted as a punishment.

90% of the guys in the IG are just your average Joe nobody. F

>tfw no movie about the Blood Ravens pulling off the Terra Heist

>Gabriel's Eleven

Fund it.

>I liek Warhammer 40k

T. Cuck who's hobbies involve watching tv, listening to music, gym once a week, and other stuff that doesn't make you a person

That would work incredibly well.
Though I’d miss Amberly getting passive aggressive at any of Cain’s ex’s in the notes

It could take place anywhere.
They rival fucking Trazyn.

do a movie on the sisters of battle, and make it faithful to WH40K.

it checks the empowered womym box that hollywood wants and lets face it, shit like the imperial army is boring as fuck

it'll be like a movie full of the chick from mad max

Except womyn would hate it as all sisters worship the ultimate patriarch. They would probably want some all female guard regiment or some shit.

>shit like the imperial army is boring as fuck

Pleb alert.

Only during great crusades tho senpai. IG doesn't recruit shit soldiers all the time.

Even recruits from hive world tithes come from the exceptions.

You're right about 90% of the imperium just being a bunch of nobodies of course.

>No. The universe is too fucking dense to simply stick in a 2 hour film and have anyone understand why things work the way they do.
Why is that a prerequisite? You don't need to know the lore to understand just by looking at Tyranids that oh shit those look like bad guys.

don't get me wrong i don't mind the SoB but that type of soyboy attitude doesn't win wars or the hearts of men, you need to stop drinking kale milkshakes their killing your testosterone

But Tyranids are a great antagonist precisely because of the implications of their presence in a story. They're not there to simply kill you - they're there to kill you, and then butcher the planets entire population, so then the feeder organisms can come in and start stripping the planet bare of all life, leaving an airless husk of dirt behind. And then they'll move on and do it to the next world, and the next, until the entire galaxy is a wasteland of dead empires sacrificed to unending hunger.

Sure you don't have to explain what they are and what they want, but if you don't do that then they're being completely wasted anyways.

you can handle that type of in a claustrophobic drop ship scene on the way nid killing

I don't know which is harder to swallow for a normalfag: alien swarm that wants you for lunch or very angry green hooligans that talks funny, but really brutal as fuck

>you can handle that type of in a claustrophobic drop ship scene on the way nid killing

A film with IG fighting orks would be the absolute best, and I think normies could handle it.

It's Saving Private Ryan meets Mad Max.

A neat thing I found about the Cain archives is that while he’ll take the piss out of almost everything else, he plays Orks as terrifyingly vicious without any humour at all.
A nice way of showing how, despite the meta, theres nothing funny about Orks to the guy fighting them

J.J. Abra(ha)ms(on).

It even fills the woman card outside of the love interest, because of the kickarse female PDF tank commander in her Leman Russ "Vixen".

I'd feel genuinely sad when the ex-ganger and the cop die too.

The universe is vast enough that any big name director could make decent kino if they play to their strengths instead of trying to cover all the ground. Villenueve could tell a great story about humanity's life on the razor-blades edge of extinction and what you have to do to survive, thus justifying 40k's existence to normies since most of what they'll hear leading up to release will be feminids pontificating on how nazis r bad. Tarantino could do a Tarantino film about an imperial garrison. Peter Jackson if he were still up to direct 10 hour long epics could sell a damn good story. The Eldar are right up Nolan's alley. Del Toro would seriously shine trying to bring the alien nature of Chaos and Tyranids to the cinema screen, I'd like to see his impression of the Immaterium. Coppola could work some magic.

I'd like to see a horror film where a sizable group of untrained conscripts are trying to hold a position and getting shafted by a handful of deamons, they manage to take down a couple by themselves and then a squad of space marines show up and obliterate the rest in the last 10 minutes like no big deal.

No, because as says the SoB are just normal humans (well, normal as far as 40K goes) in weaker power armour than Marines get.

Meanwhile those vile Y-chromosome shitlords are literally nine foot tall and bullet-proof before they get into their armour (which is better than what the SoB use) and pick up their weapons (which are also more powerful than the ones the SoB use).

You would not believe how much REEE there is about the Imperium when SJWs discover 40K is a thing that exists.

The fact that it is all a fucking satire and the reader is meant to recognise that it's playing the tropes out ad absurdum flies completely over their heads.

>GW ever agreeing to a movie without marines

lmao, if ever they make one, you bet your ass it will have marines everywhere

A Del Taco 40k film would be amazing.

omg please no

id rather he make evangelion

you know it would be told from a space marine + sister of battle duo separated from the main army etc etc

They sit round the campfire at night,she opens up a bit but hes all stoic and shit and she gets mad hes like what then the tension is broken by a noise its an eldar with a message you have to blow up this one guy hes got a black hole bomb or something oh oh spaghettios

fucking awesome

They're all pretty by canon, we're not getting them.

40k is literally the Emperor taking humanity to extremes to protect them. Which is the opposite all the rabid leftists believe in these days. They'll only make this shit in 20 years when we're all sieg heiling in the streets again.

all solvable "problems" dense universe is awesome and perfect for an epic 9 hour trilogy

Producer here with minimal to no-knowledge of the source material, aka the best person for the job.
Alright, here's what we do:
Imperial Guard, they're more approachable and human, right? Can be played by pretty actors and women? They're pretty much the colonial marines from Aliens?
We set it up as a team of soldiers from the Imperial Guard being sent to some whatever base in a far off planet to investigate a distress call. Maybe the planet was researching something to help them in the war.

The team is pretty casual, there's some banter and quips to make them likeable. Maybe 3 guys, divided in the usual leader/sarcastic guy/meathead and 2 women, one is the no-nonsense nanny and the other is the quriky nerdy one.

They meet some scientists, fight some Tyranids first because they're easy mooks that can lead to a quick and good action scene.
Next, an ork spaceship crashlands on the planet, they're looking for whatever MacGuffin is held in the planet. Why orks? Simple, they're green, silly, have accents, audiences will eat them up, we could sell a lot of merch with them.
Then we get a Space Marine, he's sent after the team requests help. He's stoic and noble, he's gonna be our serious side for the film.

So now we can start act 3. Meathead dies while a bunch of shit is happening.
Scientist has been taking them to the center of the base, and it's then revealed he was actually evil the whole time and we get Chaos in, because space-slugs and dumb green guys don't make serious stakes, demons do.

Then it's a run for the macguffin, Space Marine destroys it and has a final fight with a demon-scientist or whatever.
Everyone dies.
Leader guy sacrifices himself to save quirky girl, saying he always loved her.

Movie ends with Space Marine and girl survivor on a ship back, she's all sad and shit, the Space Marine vouches to help her further investigating the mystery macguffin and we set up the sequel.

With a good marketing campaign we can get at least 600M.

You know, I love reading this every time there is a Warhammer thread on Sup Forums

All I know about WH40K is from reading All Guardsmen Party greentexts. But I'm interested in the setting and in potentially adapting it somewhere down the line, are there any books that are actually good? Or comics/graphic novels I guess though it'd be the first ine I ever got into

Yeah... but the Doom movie was really really bad!

No sequels off of the back of that

The Cain and Gaunt novels are great. You might benefit from checking out this page: 1d4chan.org/wiki/Black_Library

How's this?

It had an extremely mixed reception, but I thought it was pretty decent.

The Space Marine video game is a better Ultra Marines story.


Why would they ruin this franch like stupid fucking blizzard did with the shitties movie in decades?

Bear in mind that the page was written before the HH series in general and the author ADB in particular went to shit, so take it with a pinch of salt in hat regard

Give me $40m for production and say $10m for promotions
>Film it in some rough high-rise city like Johannesburg or some industrial Chinese shit hole
>A bit of background CG and good location choices
>A single decent set
>One decent B-list actor, the rest can be C-list
>Humans; some kind of thriller involving an Enforcer or Arbite uncovering something something darkside
>Somebody turns out to be an Inquisitor
>Get the guy who did the special effects for "Attack the Block" to CG us some decent demons on the cheap
>90 -110 mins
>Fan service Easter egg end credits
>$1m to advertise it to GW fanboys
>$9m in Facebook targeted advertising
>Assume you're going to make a loss at the cinema, but claw it back in DVD sales
>Make it stand-alone, make some money, a decent film, be happy

ALTERNATIVELY: Marvel the shit out of it, quips, Inquisitorial super team with Tau robot suits, marines, Psykers. PG-13 it. Risk $400m, 50/50 chance of it being dogshit

The project stars Ryan Gosling as a shell-shocked veteran of the Imperial Guard, the last survivor of an infantry platoon commandeered by an Inquisitor played by Willem Dafoe. Originally helmed by Tim Burton, the project falls apart due to conflicts of artistic vision with both the studio (Touchstone Pictures) and Games Workshop; ultimately, Michael Bay directs a blockbuster film featuring special appearances by Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Scharzeneggar, Andy Richter, Sigourney Weaver, Jud Hirsch, Christina Applegate, Sharon Stone, Patrick Bateman, Tom Cruise, Nichole Kidman, Key & Peal, Dame Judy Dench, Kuba Gooding Jr, Eddie Redmane, Patrick Stewart, Miley Cyrus, Nicholas Cage, Cher, Nick Nolte, Simon Peg, Sean Penn, Steven Segal, Katie Segal, Lorenzo Lamas, Katey Perry, Snoop Dogg and Eminem, with a musical score by Danny Elfman.

>Tom Cruise

as who, a squat?

>This is literally shit for fucking fat stinking neckbeard basement dwellers

On the evidence of this thread and the wants expressed in it I'm disposed to agree.

Nah; put him in power armour -- Tactical Dreadnought/Terminator, maybe -- so he can be a big guy; we'll just cgi his head onto the body whenever his helmet's off.
>his helmet's always off

Boring, the battles were like someone watched the last few turns of a close TT game after all the flashy shit has died and you've just got two units are sat on objectives and staying still shooting at each other, and then faithfully recreated it, but with the dialogue being sparse and the plot being essentially the same as "Doom:Repercussions of Evil" if John had a squad alongside him it had relied on the battles to deliver some excitement.

Isn't some faggot making that Inquisitor movie, it stars Dante from Devil May Cry, but apart from that the animation in the teaser was pretty decent.

> a sequence shot scene of an imperial guard squadron's outpost falling to a neverending swarm of tyranids
> cavalry comes, space marines cover the squadrons outpost, until the scientific equipment is loaded on evac ships
> sequence shot, still, of our gary stu main character from the guard escaping the swarm to the last evac ship
> progressive zoom out on the outpost infested, the city infested and the whole planet being devoured while the intro credits and quick 'few sentences' rundown redies the audience for the film

It's literally this easy to do and everyone would scream KINOOO KINOOO KINOOOO at the cinemas if done right

Isnt Starship Troopers almost what this would be btw?

>Even if they had the main characters pause and stare at the camera and say "This terrible thing I do is to ensure the survival of humanity in a universe that wants it to die, screaming, in unbelievable agony" it would just be bitch, bitch, bitch
Probably. Most people can't comprehend the level of "absolutes" that WH40k is reliant on for storytelling.


They would fuck up pretty much everything just to appeal to the masses.