Is Predator the worst designed antagonist of all time?

Is Predator the worst designed antagonist of all time?

You should see the original design if you think that’s bad.

No, its a neat concept. A spacefaring race still so heavily invested in tribal taboos? Plenty of room for world building there. Shame they screwed the franchise up, it could've been extremely interesting.

No it looks cool.

Be more specific, OP.
Bad from a practicality standpoint, or bad from an aesthetic standpoint?

That little gun on his shoulder still makes me giggle

If by worst you mean best then certainly.

>A spacefaring race still so heavily invested in tribal taboos
I always wanted an explanation for that.
How come the Yautja have developed to an era of interstellar travel when all of their society is based around hunting and shit?
Or do they have something like a scientist caste?

Only the first film is kino, the rest are meh/shit.

the original was a giant lizard

Its the same as people from the british empire hunting lions
Not all yaujas are hunters, they have cities and all


Is OP the worst OP of all time?

yeah, that cheapo ADI version you posted was pretty shit, just like the movie it appeared in.

the Winston/Cameron design from 1987 is and always has been god-tier

*cutaway to hellraiser 3 footage*

>alien from another planet
>but with exact same skeletal structure as humans

the niggetor is


>what is convergent evolution

It's one of the most iconic and most well designed creatures/monsters of all time.

in this case?
lazy writing

Head too big


>screenwriters are also the production designers

it's the shitty AVP re-design farn

>>screenwriters are also the production designers
not an argument

not even close

That's not scary

They had to shut it down because it got too close to the truth.

So we have to post a good design and pretend is bad?

Jeez you're a big guy. Jeez you're a big guy.

The way they nailed him in first film and fucked up completely later, making him a Krueger but with pins.

>nailed him in first film

No, that would be your mom


>not just a white man

This guy gets it.
City hunter also grew on me.

I think this was touched on in one of the books if i remember right. They found a bunch of ancient alien tech and learned how to use it. A predator having access to this tech is a huge fucking deal and an honor in their world.

What even is your argument?

It's just bait complaining for the sake of it you total brainlet

concept isn't the same thing as design.

I have a whole bunch of personal canon for the predator race. We know so little about them that their society is pretty much a blank slate. I’ve only seen the movies mind you, never read the comics or played the games.

I think their race is very fucking old, and their technology evolved slowly. Their own aggression held them back, and they only have interstellar travel because they took millions of years to develop it. Humans and their technology evolve much faster in comparison, hence their fascination with us.

I think they hunted all the wildlife on their planet to extinction. I think they went through centuries of constant warfare amongst themselves, until only one government survived. I think interstellar travel was developed because without someone else to hunt, they were otherwise going to tear themselves apart. Any predator born with bad eyesight or a weak build or a pacifist mindset is ridiculed and shunned at best, and killed at worst.

its great if you imagine the mask is just bone and theres no generic ayylmao face underneath


And potentially the biggest fag as well?


Source, please? Was it supposed to be a giant spider or something?

>world building

"""""world building""""" is what killed the alien and predator franchises

these monsters lose their appeal as soon as you start explaining them and fleshing them out

This. OP is Gen Z scum and should be gassed.


Predators are cool in every media except movies

is that Yoshi on his head

I just figured that they looted their technology from other alien civilizations. Maybe it was even given to them because another race was fascinated with their violent behavior.

extra soy for OP, please!

>Or do they have something like a scientist caste?

Star trek knew they had to address this, I always wondered the same about Klingons.

nope, that was franchise licensing protection, not worldbuilding. read the comics, the difference in narrative and overall story quality from the films is outstanding.

is this a JoJo reference?

OP's question is dumb.

First two are great!!


You are giving Jimbo a bit too much credit, he basically said LMAO MANDIBLES and that's the extent of his involvement.

Qo'nos was invaded while the klingon's were still pre-warp. The btfo of the invaders and reverse engineered their warp engines.


how about you dont menton your shitty pleb franchise here

I think that this: is a lot scarier than this: The British Empire is a lot scarier than some tribe that found a bit of British tech.

>read the comics

The comics just rehash the stories from the Alien and Predator movies, over and over and over again

the basic premise is there, but the stories are a lot better overall with far more lore and less focus on HUMANS R GUD SURVIVORS storylines

Some of the comics were decent, though. Like that one with the group of Vikings going into a quest to slay a legendary beast, which was a Xenomorph inside a crashed spaceship.

>A spacefaring race still so heavily invested in tribal taboos?

It was one dude going hunting. If you meet one American tourist in Africa covered in tattoos and hunting animals for fun does it mean entire human race is made of them?

They fucked up hard turning the entire race into hunters. It's just like all Huts being gangsters because Jabba was one. It's fucking retarded fanfic tier writing.

It was supposed to Star Van Damme.

They actually did that? I always assumed just from watching the original movie that it was some equivalent of a douchey dudebro going on safari. I never assumed the whole race was like that, because that's fucking retarded.

Dude, now you even have two tribes of predators. Normal ones and bigger badder blacker ones. It's only getting more and more retarded.

That’s pretty common, you see it in Star Wars, Star Treck, tv, comics, games. There are always races that do a specific thing in the galaxy.

Lol, no

Yeah, it's pretty strange. Having some groups that like to hunt would be a much better idea.

Easier than constructing an intricate sociological thesis for the "monsters" in your franchise.

Hellraiser 3 wasn't THAT bad.

the sequels exist, plus there's Revelation, which doesnt even feature Doug Bradley