Was I supposed to sympathize with her? I thought she was a raging fucking cunt

Was I supposed to sympathize with her? I thought she was a raging fucking cunt.

but she was a woman

grief will do that to you. that was kind of the point

>I must sympathize with someone
>le good vs evil
>waaah where are the baddies

Is there a bigger pleb filter?

>le strong female wisecrack quipping badass woman
ye she was insufferable
It's not about who's good vs evil, it's about having characters who don't fill me with rage while watching

fuck her

>my inability to manage my emotions is the movie's fault

*physically assaults underage students at her son's school*

>Dixon throwing Red out the window
>Dixon saving the file in the fire
>Dixon getting the DNA from the soldier

This movie was fucking stellar.

the dna thing was great if no a bit too smart for the character.

and yeah, mildred was a cunt. the way she treated the midget was heartbreaking. i really felt for him.

She was a bit of a bitch, but rightfully so, she was going through extreme grief, and many problems. It doesn't excuse some of her actions though, like burning the station down.

>rightfully so

>Dixon throwing Red out the window
That scene was pure kino.

It was dishonest garbage.
The long take with the assault was the only good scene

Everyone who unironically thinks this has never experienced grief on himself or of irrational people and is 14.

t. reviewscrew

In a way that you would sympathize with a fellow human being that is hurting. But not in the "she's 100% in the right and I support these actions" way, not.

This thread proves once again that even Sup Forums needs >le good guys

That's not what OP asked. There are sympathetic villains and there are unsympathetic heroes.

t. brainlet

Not my fault you can't distinguish good authorial work from REALLY bad one.
I bet you like Chazelle

I thought it was unnecessary? I thought he goaded him into beating him so they can find him via his license plate number, bring him in and then take his DNA therr

Didn't even find the murderer.

Martin McDonagh is probably the most "honest" film maker right now you stupid fucking pleb.

His films take years to be made and have pure heart and soul in them.

I bet you like sucking dick screw.

>something bad happened to me so i have a pass to act like a total cunt to other people
who's 14 here?

I'm sure the random jab at pedophiles priests was there because he really feels it and not for a cheap and cynical controversial laugh.

Real artist

>Yeah your daughter was raped but I have cancer and my police is so incompetent we beat niggers for fun so I don't have to do my job
This is the state of Sup Forums

>nothing is good or evil haha

but they did their job and they hit a dead end, did you even watch the movie? there was literally nothing they could do

Martin McDonagh is Irish Catholic you fucking dip.

>da police is a buncha dumb racis crackas
>da strong womyn r fierce yasss queen slay
zero subtlety

You really can't see it from her point can you? She felt they didn't that's why she put up the billboard. Sometimes you refuse reality after something bad happened.
>What is 5 stages of grief
Also she wasn't an unempathetic bitch and was broken after she found out he's dead

>babby's first grey character

>boiling every piece of media down to whether it supports or opposes my fringe political beliefs
this has to be miserable

That's even worse. That's my point you stupid fuck

I can see it from her point but it doesn't change the fact she was a total bitch for doing it grief or not. Still her fault. Idc

>strong womyn beats up everyone with no consequences
>proud blacked man straightens out racist honkies
> cop brutally beats someone in braod daylight with no consequences
Absolute shit

it's like people aren't multifaceted and there aren't subtleties in human interaction!

Go back to your soaps mum.

>When you have the mental capacity of a 14 year old
What is her fault? That she was angry that her daughter wasn't brought to justice.

Actually I bet I know what would have made this film kino for Sup Forums:
Making the main character a man

>Sup Forumsranoia

>with no consequences
So you didn't watch it then

the movie is a literal meme

hellish reality fueled entirely by internet memes vs hellish reality fueled entirely by real life memes

People aren't allowed to even talk about any religion in film according to you?

>Hes making fun of a religion hes not a part of! What a terrible writer!
>Hes a part of the religion? THATS WORSE!

It comes from the heart because he probably thinks all the pedo priests are fucking his religion up and has the same feeling, that they should be punished.

Your taste = fucking trash

No, what was wrong is that because of that anger she acted very childlike and spiteful towards people who did absolutely nothing wrong and caused them great harm for no other reason that having someone to lash out towards, like publicly attacking the police chief who had cancer and a family

You're literally too dumb to me even hoping you'd understand this.
I'm guessing you're American and can't think outside of identity politics.
It has nothing to do with religion, it has everything to do with cashing on the newest hot topic. The movie had nothing to do with Christianity or the Church and he furthers no point at all about what he thinks about the matter, so the only logical conclusion is that that one off scene was just there because people like you, incredibly dumb people that think are smart, would recognize the edgy matter and the quirky dialogue as good writing.
Which it isn't.

You say "he probably thinks all the pedo priests are fucking his religion up"
Can you tell me where he infers this?
Because the only scene in the movie, if it even infers something, just says all priest are either pedos or pedos accomplishes.

you got BTFO

Pedo priests aren't a hot topic at all you fucking mongoloid. That shit was "hot" nearly a decade ago.

I'm the one with identity politics, but it sure seems you are "I bet your American hmmph!" seriously how do you go about your life dodging all the cocks shooting for your mouth when you have the insatiable urge to shout "IM NOT AMERICAN!".

Your first rebuttal was saying that he doesn't write from the heart (thus being dishonest) because of the priest joke, but I retorted with the fact that he is catholic, so its a problem he actually feels, thus "honest" so all you do is cry that that makes it worse.

Martin McDonagh is a very religious writer, in each film he has made he has had themes of the afterlife and religion, but I'm guessing you don't know that because Three Billboards was the first moving picture you have laid eyes one.

Why are you going to such lengths to defend Martin McDonagh of all people?

So you're saying, again, that it's this dichotomous. You're not trying hard enough.

Yes she was
Woody did nothing wrong