2017 in film

>1.) The Killing of a Sacred Deer
>2.) Song to Song
>3.) A Ghost Story
>4.) Good Time
>5.) Blade Runner 2049
And what about you?

I agree with all of that. Throw in The Square and A Quiet Passion and we got a deal.

5. Star Wars: The Last Jedi
4. Baby Driver
3. Logan
2. Thor: Ragnarok
1. Kong: Skull Island

>The Square and A Quiet Passion
I have yet to see those. Unfortunately, it takes me a year or two to catch up, and meanwhile my backlog is continuously growing.

>War for the Planet of the Apes
>First They Killed My Father
>Blade of the Immortal
>John Wick Chapter 2
>The Vietnam War (Ken Burns' documentary)

>1.) Loving Vincent
>2.) Song to Song
>3.) Logan Lucky
>4.) Blade Runner 2049
>5.) Dunkirk
I don't go to the theaters so I still have a lot to watch.

Is Song to Song worth watching?

I must admit I viscerally hated Knight of Cups.

>Still have to see TKoaSD, Good Time and A Ghost story, Lady Bird, Wind River and Call me by your name

They literally aren't out yet

Being European is suffering.

Then no.
Malick still makes nonsensical flicks but if you can relate to their struggling characters they are great.
He is a fain painter of the human condition

too obvious of a b8 friendo.

it's not bait. i liked kong a lot

You can pirate Good Time

It follows more characters than Knight of Cups and as such has a tonally different feel, but in terms of style and the visual poetry aspect, it's the same film. Lubezki really needs to begone.

Ghost Story is such a waste of time unless youre an edgy teenager discovering mortality thoughts. I want my 2 hours back, it was terrible hipster piece of shit.


I'm a normie and only watch movies with friends

I already have it but I would like to see it in a theater.
Might give up tho

Name one film classic that is equivalent. Else you're just spewing

Fair enough.

>1. ) The Florida Project
>2. ) The Killing of a Sacred Deer
>3. ) Blade Runner 2049
>4. ) Goodbye Christopher Robin
>5. ) Good Time

Not that user but Tarkovsky films deal with the passage of time in a vastly better way. Though A Ghost Story has the grief element to it also, so there's that I guess.

>I still haven't seen The Shape of Water, 3 Billboards, Phantom Thread, A Ghost Story, etc, ..

1 Loveless A-
2 The Meyerowitz Stories A-
3 Good Time B+
4 Personal Shopper B+
5 Blade Runner 2049 B+
6 The Void B+
7 The Killing of a Sacred Deer B+
8 It Comes at Night B
9 Brawl in Cell Block 99 B
10 Kedi B
11 Lucky B
12 Get Out B
13 Raw B
14 mother! B
15 Wind River C+
16 Lady Bird C+
17 Francis Bacon: A Brush With Violence C
18 The Big Sick C-
19 A Dark Song D

>Best Cinematic Experience for 2017?
Twin Peaks: The Return

Is Wind River really a C+? I haven't watched it, but I keep seeing it on movie pages/blogs about how great it is.

>The Void B+


I think it's worth the watch, the shooting scene and the grief drama is bretty good

The guy liked The Void and Brawling Cell Block 99, don't listen to him.
Full pleb

Yes it is, people who give it a higher score give it just because of one or two specific sequences that happen in the third act but other than that it's nothing more than a decent film. Worth a watch, but really nothing special.

>The Florida Project
Can't speak for the film itself since I haven't seen it, but I got Gummo vibes reading about it and it put me off immediately. People shouldn't live like this in a "first world" country, it's sick

>The Meyerowitz Stories A-
Please be joking.
>daughter sells her body out for "art" and her father and family applaud
>jewish film with none of the charm of a woody allen flick
Absolute trash if you ask me

Alright. Well I haven't really seen any of the movies from his list, so I didn't know. I don't go to the cinema, so I am usually a few years behind on keeping up with films, unless it is a must see title.
I'll add it to my watch eventually list instead of urgent.

Best Movie of the year is the Soda Project

You should definitely see it, its not like Gummo.

>1.) The Killing of a Sacred Deer

Why is Loving Vincent that high for you? Don't get me wrong, it's visually absolutely incredible, but the actual plot wasn't really that much to write home about IMO. It meandered a lot and got a little boring. The admittedly gorgeous visuals of it just don't support the rest of the movie, IMO.

1. Icarus
2. Coco
3. Beyond Skyline
4. Atomic Blonde
5. Spiderman Homecoming

i am generally a Noah Baumbach fan, so my opinion would be bias sure.. though i might say that Meyerowitz Story is his lesser work, in comparison to Squid and the Whale and Frances Ha..

Blade Runner 2049


>3 / 4
The Shape of Water / Split (really can't decide desu, loved them both)

Get Out

Three Billboards




The Disaster Artist

1. Twin Peaks: The Return
2. Raw
3. Toni Erdmann
4. The Killing of a Sacred Deer
5. A Ghost Story

Whoops, meant to swap around IT and Disaster Artist.

>Nicole Kidman
>family menstruation as a casual topic of conversation
>horribly improper attempt at building trust by confiding sick childhood secrets in attempt to goad a confession
It's the kind of borderline dark comedy that is nearly impossible to do properly. What's not to appreciate?

I watched the Killing of a Sacred Deer yesterday and although it was extremely uncomfortable to watch and had some nice cinematography, I wouldn't really recommend it to anyone.

A Ghost Story was pure trash though, please explain to me why that's even in a top 5.

I wasn't bored at all. It had a great atmosphere and the mystery was intriguing. I really liked the soundtrack too. No other film really managed to grip me like that in 2017.

You know that the Oscars are getting hacked right?
When it comes time for the best film nomination you won't see clips you will see Trump's pp video.
But let's keep that between us ok?

>Personal Shopper
My man.

2016 > 2017 > 2015

Toni Erdmann
Manchester by the Sea
Green Room
Hell or High Water

Twin Peaks: The Return

The Assassin
Cemetary of Splendour
>if i had to include Twin Peaks

1. Twin Peaks: The Return A+
2. Loveless A-
3. The Meyerowitz Stories A-

Fair enough. To each his own I guess. I didn't care that much for it myself, but you do you.

Blade Runner 2049
National Bird

>please explain to me why that's even in a top 5
It's an atmospheric little film that succinctly paints the passage of time from the point of view of a lost soul. The representation of the soul as a bedsheet is so simple and recognizable, yet somehow still original in the context of the film. You have epic Hollywood sci-fi films trying to do the same in many more words and with far more developed imagery and somehow failing in the process. But I think it could be seen as trash in regards to the unnecessary bordering vignettes. If the director had had actual conviction, he'd have filmed with a practical lens instead of slapping on a digital border in post.

blame red letter media for the a ghost story circlejerk

this movie had fucked me up. how the hell Yorgos Lanthimos wrote this shit. hopefully colin farrel continue this collaboration bcs everything they released been good so far

1. Your Name
2. Alien: Covenant
3. Blade Runner 2049
4. Star Wars: The Last Jedi
5. Dunkirk

Good Time
The Florida Project
The Beguiled

1. Blade runner 2049
2. Twin Peaks: Return
3. Dunkirk
4. John Wick 2

Twin Peaks
Good Time
On the Beach at Night Alone
Personal Shopper

Haven't seen Phantom Thread yet tho

>1. American Honey
2. Nocturnal Animals
>3. Survival Family
4. Thor: Ragnarok
>5. Mother!

If star wars or capeshit is on your list you need to stop posting right now and don't come back until you've seen more movies.

Good taste OP

1. Blade Runner 2049
2. Song to Song
3. Dunkirk
4. Wind River
5. The Florida Project
5. John Wick 2
6. The Beguiled
7. The Killing of a Sacred Deer

Everything else is a tier below these 7 so that's my list, haven't seen Shape of Water, Good Time, Phantom Thread or Ghost Story but want to

Does Logan count as capeshit?

The characters are much stronger and actually has a plot and forward momentum as well as a proper antagonist, which is a first for Malick. It's visually and stylistically the same though.

Of course

01. Dunkirk
02. Blade Runner 2049
03. Baby Driver
04. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
05. The Disaster Artist
06. The Shape of Water
07. Logan
08. Kong: Skull Island
09. The Big Sick
10. Alien: Covenant

>Alien: Covenant

For me the great ones that I'll probably remember are:

1) A Ghost Story
2) Good Time
3) The Killing of a Sacred Deer

but I also liked it comes at night, logan, baby driver, john wick 2, brad's status, lego batman, the last jedi, gerald's game and spiderman homecoming

pretty uncertain about three billboards

still have a lot to watch

Sup Forums in 40 years

1. the foreigner
2. brawl in cell block 99
3. shot caller
4. blade runner 2049
5. dunkirk

>Good Time

Lost City of Z
Young Pope
Song to Song
Baby Driver

first three on that list are pretentious tryhard gay shit

>first three on that list are pretentious tryhard gay shit

>Alien covenant


>pretty uncertain about three billboards
It was trash

>1.) The Killing of a Sacred Deer
Pretentious hipster.

>Bladerunner 2049
>Get Out

only movies I watched from this year. excluding star wars.

More like: the only 10 movies I've seen this year.

Pretty much everything here is at least a 9/10

>u a poopy head

“Three Billboards Outside Eddibg, Missouri”, “Killing Of Sacred Deer”, “Get Out”, “Lady Bird”, “Catfight”, “Battle Of The Sexes”, “Cure ForcThe Wellness”, “Good Time”, “Wander Woman”, “Logan”, “The Shape Of Water”, “Big Sick”, “Song To Song”, “It Comes At Night”. Those are what I liked from 2017.


>Cure For Wellness
Absolutely based taste my dude

half that shit is weak

No, I've seen like 50.


terrible b8

>1) Nathan for You: Finding Frances
>2) Blade Runner 2049
>3) The Florida Project
>4) It Comes at Night
>5) John Wick: Chapter Two
Keep in mind I'm in a country where '15:17 to Paris' comes out a week before 'Lady Bird'

Fuck it was trashhhh

No b8 m8, I'm just into sci fi.
My runner ups are
6. Brigsby Bear
7. The Shape of Water
8. Valerian
9. Life
10. Lommbock
Haven't seen Loving Vincent, The Killing of a Sacred Deer and Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri but want to.

>ctrl+f only the brave
>zero results

I thought everybody would like a Heroic White Male Kino

Still i didnt watch ton of movies but for now

1. Blade Runner 2049
2. Dunkirk
3. Wind River
4. Columbus
5. War of the planet apes

There's a ton of 2017 movies I haven't seen yet.

Out of those I've seen:

1) BR2049
2) The Night is Long, Walk on Girl
3) L'Amant Double
4) Three Bilboards
5) Thelma

I'm missing quite a few, but here goes.
1. Blade Runner 2049
2. Logan
3. Logan Lucky
4. Dunkirk
5. John Wick 2 or Get Out (I really ran out of movies, I can't really list Life or Alien: Covenant)
Spider-Man: Homecoming is definitely one of the worst films I have ever watched, so there's that.

1. Certain Women
2. A Ghost Story
3. Neruda
4. Cameraperson
5. Elle

1. Three Billboards
2. Dunkirk
3. Call me by your name
4. Get out
5. Baby driver

Absolute trash
How can you like three billboards let alone put it at number one?
Its hamfisted writing holds all the actors back from giving even a slightly above par performance let alone the motivations or plot holes

>1) BR 2049
>2) Only the brave
>3) Icarus (I know it's anti-Russian propaganda but still a helluva fun movie)
>4) Your Name (US release in 2017)
>5) Guardians of the Galaxy 2
>6) Wind River
>7) Dunkirk
>8) It
Everything else was shit or I didn't watch
>Three Bilboards
>Get Out
>Shape of Water
>Sacred Deer

>skim through Good Time
>all I see are peoples faces
>camera is way WAY too close to all of them, chin and forehead cut-off
>mfw when entire movie is extreme closeups of people
>pic related, but it's for 90 minutes

off-putting to say the least

>The Killing of a Sacred Deer
>part of anything

fuck off

>plot holes

>1.) Blade Runner 2049
>2.) Split
>3.) War For The Planet Of The Apes
>4.) Dunkirk
>5.) Twin Peaks The Return

So it wasn't a good time?