What is your favourite Big Bang moment?

What is your favourite Big Bang moment?

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I like when Sheldon and Penney do stuff, they have sweet moments.

Found the plebian

why is that autistic dude slapping that tranny's bum.

The end of the show in a few years.

it's eventual cancellation

>I like when Sheldon and Penney do stuff

Its weird how well they still click even after 10 years. I wonder why. Amy and Leonard are clicking now for some reason too even though they're kinda similar

When the really smart guy says bagongo.

The way it got my pussy:
>Theehee, I love Bbt, oh user, you like Star Trek?
>Oh we are such nerds
>instant sex the same night
>next day, they find out I'm a real nerd
Repeat a couple of times.
This made me reconsider normies as waifus and now strictly (try) to date Autistic whamen, at least they know their stuff and are honest if they don't know shit about Star trek.


the clickhole version

The way he looks away sugests that he has problems containing his boner if he looked over.


The laugh track of course


>likes TBBT
>calls other plebian


It's weird, because I envy and feel sorry for the actors. They get the insane $1M per episode paycheck, but they are nothing more that traineds monkey doing the same crap again and again and again, like if they lived in a grounghod day. And they know their careers will be dead and buried after doing this garbage show for so many years. But well, they are rich as hell, so who cares about being a real actor...

For real tho used to kove3 watching like s 1 -4 when they were just the guys + penny. I know it was probably always shit,but I Watched that over and over again, so comfy.


too be fair i would too

There only pleb here is you op, BBT posting is about as normie as you can get.

>so who cares about being a real actor



I'm still waiting for the Tidus' laugh version of the opening.

I really can't stand the later seasons but the first 3 were comfy.

I lol'd in one of the early seasons when they said they were going down to the Apple Store to make fun of the guys working at the Genius Bar.

>recorded laugh tracks
Yeah I'd rather be a dog nonce before watching something so manipulative

When Sheldon fucked Penny’s brains out

>facebook filename
Back to your shithole, facecuck.

when the fag hit the jew's shit cutter



When it's going to stop


I loved the first episode, liked the first 2-3 seasons (don't really remember)

wtf what season and episode?

when penny's phone got hacked and we got to watch her pee

The credits


I remember one lunch break at work when my colleagues were trying to tell me it's "smart" humour

They have better chemistry than her and Leonard. I cannot buy her with beta bitch Leonard for a second.

The only time this show honestly made me laugh was the episode where penny made sheldon spaghetti with hot dogs.

The broken elevator gags.
Running jokes like these give me life.

Pendon when?

>Dr. Cooper, Dr. Hofstadter, Dr. Kootrapali... Mister Wolowitz
>I have a masters
>Who doesn't?

>too late to be afternoon and too early to be evening

>when you can't eat dinner yet but you missed lunch and haven't eaten since the morning

Anyone else miss the episodes where the jew was still a "ladies man"? It was pretty much his only character trait and now he's just a jewish guy

>Anyone else miss the episodes where the jew was still a "ladies man"? It was pretty much his only character trait and now he's just a jewish guy
If I wanted to watch a show about married couples, I wouldn't have picked Big Bag Theory. I hope it ends very soon.

This. I only watch the show every once in a while to see some Penny fan service. Her bubble butt is worth the painfully unfunny humor.

DAMN, manlet jews look like THAT?

Show is getting stale. Even the side characters are stale. Hope they wrap it up next season.

Wait wait wait
It's still on air?


What the fuck

But they just gave them more money. You're sexist.

I genuinely don’t know anyone who still watches it (or admits to watching it) yet it still earns crazy money. Who the hell is watching it?

It’s not very good of a show but I don’t see why it’s so hated. Have you ever seen some of the newer cbs sitcoms? Or even worse, some of the abc ones. They make the big bang theory look like twin peaks.

It is smart humour. You probably dont even understand half of the science and physics references the show makes.

The moment Sheldon says a certain catchphrase.
I forgot what is was though


I somehow suspect that was Bialiks favorite moment as well. She has a feel to her that suggests she might be into light S/M

They were good in first seasons, but that doesn't make the humour smart, just the subject of the jokes is.

Kill yourself reddit


Our mothers.

Reddit hates this show, it’s that good.
Even the current flanderised seasons are good. One more season left.

>that time when Sheldon’s sister visted, everyone fapped over her, and Sheldon flipped out because some one got cum on his spot on the couch